
Pete Buttigieg responded to Mike Johnson saying his same-sex marriage is the “dark harbinger of chaos …

"The love of God is in that house" ? I had to grab a barf bag!

America's next Terri Schiavo? Mom shares plans to end life of disabled daughter Margo Naranjo - LifeSite

This woman is a monster! I was physically sick watching her so easily talk about killing her daughter with the poor girl sitting right there. She can hear in case "mom" has forgotten.

Heavily Catholic state in Austria cannot find any doctors to commit abortions – Allah's Willing …

I love that the headline and article use the word "commit" rather than "perform" abortions. Abortion is not a health care procedure that is "performed;" It is MURDER that is "committed." Bravo!

Looking for a way to make your pet even more adorable? Try a bow tie! 🐶💖 These cute accessories …

I love cats; owned them all my life, BUT I agree with @tbswv . This a waste of space on this platform.

72 hrs later, turn their fire on Trump. Continue to pray

@Fides Et Ratio What difference does Juan's citizenship make? His principle is valid. As @Maria delos Angeles said: Kayfabe, baby!

Trump should run this as a campaign ad

Except for the African-American woman. She looks a little uncomfortable. Was it because he passed her right by to sniff the woman next to her?

Viganò Excommunicated by Francis Church

It's meaningless because Bergoglio's "papacy" is fraudulent.I stand with Archbishop Vigano!

Linz Cathedral Shows Naked Mary Giving Birth

Somebody please burn the demonic piece of garbage!

Alleged Apparitions say World War is Imminent! Prophecy Admonition on Preparations - 9AM

Evac all his faithful? It smacks of the Protestant "Rapture" heresy.

🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Australian media is ignoring the US and UK's savage treatment of Julian Assange - …

I am glad that Assange has been freed, and after all he has been through, I don't blame him for pleading guilty to get his life back; but we need to realize that his guilty plea is chilling for the cause of freedom of speech and the press.

‘If Europe does not wake up, you will all be dead,’ says Naomi Wolf, author of Facing the Beast

@English Catholic Your point is understood, but you must take into account that Naomi Wolf is Jewish, so these things are unknown to her. Liam Ronan is correct that she has made a remarkable turn-about from her previous path of feminism and raging liberalism. She is someone we need to pray for.

Why the SSPX Has No Time for +Vigano

His is not really the Sedevacantist position. He does not deny the validity of the Pope's after 1958, only that of Bergoglio. This is the position that many of us trads hold: that Benedict's resignation and the subsequent conclave were invalid; thus the seat has been vacant since 12/31/2022 the day of BXVI's death, and we are in a period of interregnum. It is not without precedent.

Why the SSPX Has No Time for +Vigano

I attend an SSPX chapel and I pray you are incorrect, but I fear you are not.

Remember this countries once had/have their own culture!

God is beauty and Satan hates Him. These cultures once had many Christians till they were despoiled by Islam. The demon has given the West women with multiple piercings, tattoos and green hair along with clothing that is little more than underwear if that good.

'What do you want to he when you grow up? The dad asked. The son said I want to be a girl. The dad …

Are you kidding???? There have been countless attempts to question the "pope" (remember the Dubia and Card Burke 2828 days ago?) to which he has never replied. Following "the law" is useless when these people scoff at it! Your theory is right out of a bad Hollywood movie.

The time is now... open your eyes

Anthony Stine at Return to Tradition on YouTube had a video on this today and will have more tomorrow where he states that the Eastern Catholic churches are next after Bergoglio crushes the TLM. My take is this:He will probably put the pressure on them to drop their liturgy and join the NO sect. He stated several years ago that "Uniatism is not the answer." The Eastern Christians should make a …More
Anthony Stine at Return to Tradition on YouTube had a video on this today and will have more tomorrow where he states that the Eastern Catholic churches are next after Bergoglio crushes the TLM. My take is this:He will probably put the pressure on them to drop their liturgy and join the NO sect. He stated several years ago that "Uniatism is not the answer." The Eastern Christians should make a decision; either be Orthodox or fully Catholic.

In case you may have missed it...

@Tom Morelli : FYI Tom, I don't listen to "mainstream media" not even Fox. My thoughts are just that - thoughts _ about what might be the case based on careful listening , observation, and prayer for discernment, something more folks should do in these deceptive times we live in.
God bless.

In case you may have missed it...

I rather agree with Juan. Trump is questionable to say the least: OK with abortion, gay marriage, Covid jabs, in the pockets of the Zionist Jewish lobby? This is going to be the savior of our country? Sounds more like controlled opposition to me.


It's unbelievable how stupid this woman is! As my father used to say: In a septic tank you-know-what rises to the top.