'What do you want to he when you grow up? The dad asked. The son said I want to be a girl. The dad realised the school was teaching gender ideology. This goes against what is natural' Pope Francis
Juan Perez
What if the pope is actually good and catholic by the grace of God. And the enemies have captured him and put an actor instead to destroy his image? How will will ever know? I think we must be very careful with the pope criticism we should rather follow the law to solve the problem. And there is mechanisms to ask the pope whether he is Catholic or nor and then act accordingly.
Are you kidding???? There have been countless attempts to question the "pope" (remember the Dubia and Card Burke 2828 days ago?) to which he has never replied. Following "the law" is useless when these people scoff at it! Your theory is right out of a bad Hollywood movie.
Juan Perez
You are probably right,
Carolan... Juan was definitely joking, because if it wasn't then at least kudos from trying to silence people who bleed for the church. When every descendant of the Apostles is in some extent guilty with their silence or criminally participant on such apostate behavior by Bergoglio, the sheep shouldn't obey anything contrary to God and His commands and also tell all that the emperor isn't wearing …More
Carolan... Juan was definitely joking, because if it wasn't then at least kudos from trying to silence people who bleed for the church. When every descendant of the Apostles is in some extent guilty with their silence or criminally participant on such apostate behavior by Bergoglio, the sheep shouldn't obey anything contrary to God and His commands and also tell all that the emperor isn't wearing any clothes. Blessings Juan and Carolan.
Juan Perez
These are very weird times.
Juan Perez
We must expose bergoglios errors, but I would prefer not to attack him personally, since we dont know the full picture. That's all.
Juan, may God Bless you by the tons... don't worry about it...
I used to struggle with that same notion you just said... struggling with the "attacking personally", but saying he is a false prophet is not attacking him personally, Bergoglio's fruits denounce who he is, BUT he can be redeemed by the Mercy of God the same way the first ever recognized antipope was, St. Hippolytus I, this man is a …More
Juan, may God Bless you by the tons... don't worry about it...

I used to struggle with that same notion you just said... struggling with the "attacking personally", but saying he is a false prophet is not attacking him personally, Bergoglio's fruits denounce who he is, BUT he can be redeemed by the Mercy of God the same way the first ever recognized antipope was, St. Hippolytus I, this man is a saint despite the title of antipope, why? The same way the good thief IS a saint, by repenting and acknowledging publicly his mistakes and embracing our Lord.

Sadly, Francis won't do that, he hasn't change EVER despite multiple rebukes and corrections and most in a fraternal way for years since Argentina, on the contrary, he has double down, so yes... it is not that I hate the man, actually nobody should, is just that his rotten fruits tells us who he is: a false prophet, therefore he can't be a true pope but an antipope, the same way St Hippolytus use to be until he recognized and repaired the damage done.
Billy F
Double Minded Pontificate!
People's pleaser! Confirming them in their grave sin, then turns around and says the opposite. Let your yes be yes and your no be no anything else is from the devil says the Lord, false prophet Francis has chose the devil's corner by pleasing the world.
Boanerges Boanerges
Snake tongue double talk of the false prophet
Maria delos Angeles
The School of Bergoglio teaches Mental Gymnastics