Correction, June 21: Archbishop Viganó did not present himself to the Vatican court on June 20, as this report initially stated.

Archbishop Viganó charged with schism by the Vatican, will face trial

Archbishop Viganó charged with schism by the Vatican, will face trial The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has …
All Saints
Francis is in schism from the Holy Catholic Church. Don’t let anyone tell you that it is you who are in schism for rejecting Francis and his Chimera Church.
Christopher Shahrazade
HOORAY FOR ARCHBISHOP VIGANO, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH'S TRUE SUBSTITUTE POPE ( many people are cheering him like a Pope). THat's fantastic.
Father Karl A Claver
The Vatican is in schism with the Catholic Church. It is the seat of the anti-Christ.
@Father Karl A Claver. Your profound comment begs the question of JUST WHO SITS ON THAT SEAT? Answer that, and every thing else immediately falls into perspective; including the trumped up charges against an innocent Archbishop - even worse, the identity of the Son of Perdition.
Divine Intervention (terrifying) pending...
la verdad prevalece
Bravo, perché se si presentasse davanti al processo illegittimo davanti agli eretici, farebbe il gioco degli apostati che vogliono intimidirlo.
Don Cesare Toscano shares this
Vigano non è andato in Vaticano per difendersi. È andato lì per ribadire la sua posizione e dichiararsi effettivamente "colpevole".
Fernanda Dellucci
L'azione del Vaticano contro ++Vigano mentre nello stesso giorno incontrava studenti pro-divorzio, pro-LGBT e la Federazione Luterana mostra un chiaro segno di ipocrisia e un comportamento farisaico degno di critica.
Sally Dorman
And who endorsed Luther again celebrating him with a special stamp and a statue in the Vatican's Paul VI audience hall?