John A Cassani
Let’s not forget that his plagiarism, as well as his lying about his academic credentials destroyed his campaign for the Dem nomination in 1988, when Mike Dukakis won. The voting public should consider this to be a capital crime for a political career, from which there is no way back.
James Manning
Oh, that changes everything.
Christopher Shahrazade
That's what plagiarism is, you dope. In college 2 years ago, I know of a top flight member of our basketball team who had aspiration for the pros who got thrown out of school because he plagiarized (lifted, copied) full texts from books for his term papers/reports. He was too stupid not to know to change the wording to make it sound like it was his thoughts. Word for word from an author who wrote …More
That's what plagiarism is, you dope. In college 2 years ago, I know of a top flight member of our basketball team who had aspiration for the pros who got thrown out of school because he plagiarized (lifted, copied) full texts from books for his term papers/reports. He was too stupid not to know to change the wording to make it sound like it was his thoughts. Word for word from an author who wrote volumns on ancient Egypt and Imperial Rome. Naturally, his history professor knew where it all came from. HAHAHAHA!! Big loss for our basketball squad, but worse for the plagiarist!! Good-bye career in the pros!
John A Cassani
It would still have been plagiarism, even if the words were changed. If you use someone else’s ideas, you must cite the originator, though it is more difficult to catch if words are altered. Basketball playing types wouldn’t be expected to be the most artful at doing this.
It's unbelievable how stupid this woman is! As my father used to say: In a septic tank you-know-what rises to the top.