Sandy Barrett
They want this woman to be President
All Saints
Sounds like that she just laid an egg.
s it really? Look at how many of them have been shut down, and how people are begging them not to take it away altogether.

Why the Attempt to Ban the Latin Mass Is Failing

rumors are not going to materialize for now, even as the Vatican liturgical office devises new ways to express its contempt for those who attend celebrations …
Jan Joseph
Een zeer correcte mening, maar de TLM katholieken hebben niet alleen een andere Heilige Mis, maar ook een totaal ander geloof. Het Rooms Katholieke …More
Een zeer correcte mening, maar de TLM katholieken hebben niet alleen een andere Heilige Mis, maar ook een totaal ander geloof. Het Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie. Het schisma tussen de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk en de TLM groep die het Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie belijden is al niet meer terug te draaien. De reden hiervan is dat de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk wel groot is, maar stervende is, terwijl de TLM kerk die het Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie belijden klein is, maar sterk groeiende is. Eén simpele wiskundige formule leert dat alles wat groeit vroeg of laat groter zal worden dan datgene wat krimpt. Ze ruiken de overwinning.
Everyday for Life Canada
By attacking the Latin Mass, Pope Francis has only increased the celebration.
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WATCH: Does This Look Catholic To You?
WATCH: Does This Look Catholic To You?
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The Hillbilly Thomists rocking out at the National Eucharistic Congress
Fr. Mike Schmitz’s on Scripture at the National Eucharistic Congress
Procession line at the first big Eucharist of the Eucharistic Congress 😮- what do you think?
Sandy Barrett shares from
Guadalajara Archbishop to Pope Francis on Latin Mass Ban: ‘Do Not Allow This to Happen’

Cardinal Sandoval Implores Francis Not to Suppress Roman Rite

Mexican Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iñiguez, 91, former Archbishop of Guadalajara, urges Francis in a letter dated 6 July not to suppress the Mass in the Roman Rite ( Sandoval …More
Mexican Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iñiguez, 91, former Archbishop of Guadalajara, urges Francis in a letter dated 6 July not to suppress the Mass in the Roman Rite (
Sandoval Iñiguez explains that throughout history Christ's Sacrifice has been celebrated in different rites and languages. The Roman Rite, as a rich and devout liturgy that naturally invites the faithful to enter into the mystery of God, "cannot be wrong":
"Several individuals and groups, both Catholic and non-Catholic, have expressed the desire that it not to be suppressed, but that it be preserved, because of the richness of its liturgy and in Latin, which, together with Greek, forms the foundation not only of Western culture, but also of other parts".
Cardinal Sandoval Iñiguez demands: "Pope Francis, do not let this to happen. You are also the guardian of the historical, cultural, and liturgical wealth of the Church of Christ".
Picture: Juan Sandoval Iñiguez © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsRxyawhzqyiMore

Heterodox Swiss Catholic lay group publishes list of parishes offering ‘blessings’ to homosexual '…

(LifeSiteNews) — A heterodox Swiss Catholic lay organization has published a list of parishes that …
Sandy Barrett shares from
Read the letter: "for the good of the Church and the faithful ..."

New Zealand: Transalpine Redemptorists Kicked Out

Bishop Michael Gielen of Christchurch, New Zealand, has forced the Transalpine Redemptorists, who celebrate the Mass in the Roman Rite, to leave the diocese. The decree of 14 July also removes their …More
Bishop Michael Gielen of Christchurch, New Zealand, has forced the Transalpine Redemptorists, who celebrate the Mass in the Roman Rite, to leave the diocese.
The decree of 14 July also removes their priestly faculties within the diocese. It is effective immediately: "Any ministry [...] will be unauthorised and liturgical celebrations will be illicit - that is, outside the rules of the Church."
There are wishy-washy accusations of "spiritual and psychological abuse" and "unauthorised" exorcisms against the Redemptorists.
Former Bishop Robert McGuckin of Toowoomba, Australia, carried out an Apostolic Visitation in November 2023. Subsequently, the Vatican's Dicastery for Religious sent recommendations to Bishop Gielen, who is now happy to accept them.
Gielen promises to make "a new provision for the pastoral care and celebration of the Eucharist and other sacraments for the Traditional Latin Mass community" in Kaiapoi, starting on 21 July.
Sandy Barrett shares from
Absolutely shocking that Pope Francis didn’t mention this at the Angelus, that he didn’t pray for America, and it is quite frankly embarrassing that the Holy See Press statement doesn’t even mention …More
Absolutely shocking that Pope Francis didn’t mention this at the Angelus, that he didn’t pray for America, and it is quite frankly embarrassing that the Holy See Press statement doesn’t even mention Donald Trump’s name.

No Name: Pro-Biden Vatican Condemns "Violence" after Assassination Attempt on Trump

The Vatican has condemned the attack on Donald Trump on 13 July, while carefully avoiding mentioning Trump's name. Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni told of his "concern" at the "…More
The Vatican has condemned the attack on Donald Trump on 13 July, while carefully avoiding mentioning Trump's name.
Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni told of his "concern" at the "episode of violence that hurts people and democracy, causing suffering and death".
The Holy See "joins the US bishops in praying for America, for the victims and for peace in the country, so that the motives of the violent will never prevail". Francis made no comment on the incident during his Sunday noon Angelus.
Washington's Cardinal Wilton Gregory (pro-Biden) issued a statement on 14 July:
"I ask the people of the Archdiocese of Washington and all people of good will to keep former President Trump and all those killed or injured in last night's violence in our prayers. May those who work to keep our country safe be strengthened in their duties."
Picture: Evan Vucci, wikipedia, #newsMqflfuxvkh
Boanerges Boanerges
Well he is the false prophet- why is any of it shocking?
Donald Trump wrote of the assassination attempt that 'I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin.'
Thank them for what Trump? Putting your life in danger? Permitting a suspect with a long rifle on a roof of a building 130 yards away, and ignoring …More
Thank them for what Trump? Putting your life in danger? Permitting a suspect with a long rifle on a roof of a building 130 yards away, and ignoring bystander who pointed him out to police and SS moments before the shooting? Head of the SS needs to answer for that and get fired.
Sean Johnson
Without that last second flinch he made, which turned his head, he never lives to tell this story.
Sandy Barrett shares from
You may have heard about the open letter in The Times (3 July) led by Sir James MacMillan and supported by lots of celebrities, reminiscent of the Agatha Christie letter of the 1970s. Now it’s our turn …More
You may have heard about the open letter in The Times (3 July) led by Sir James MacMillan and supported by lots of celebrities, reminiscent of the Agatha Christie letter of the 1970s.
Now it’s our turn: Sir James MacMillan has just launched a public petition to retain the Traditional Latin Mass. If the Mass and all that it represents matters to you then here is the perfect opportunity to express your support:

World-Famous Composer Continues Fight for Holy Mass

Sir James MacMillan, a world-famous Scottish composer, has launched a petition on calling for "an end to the ban on the Traditional Latin Mass". MacMillan, along with many other people from …More
Sir James MacMillan, a world-famous Scottish composer, has launched a petition on calling for "an end to the ban on the Traditional Latin Mass".
MacMillan, along with many other people from the arts and public life, had already written to The Times on 3 July asking the Vatican to end its recent policy of banning the ancient Traditional Latin Mass from Catholic parishes around the world.
MacMillan, 64, is the son of a simple carpenter. As a young man he was briefly a member of the Young Communist League.
He first came to public attention in 1990 with the premiere of The Confession of Isobel Gowdie, a work for large symphony orchestra.
The work's international acclaim led to further high-profile commissions. MacMillan's percussion concerto Veni, Veni, Emmanuel has become his most performed work.
He was also asked by the legendary Mstislav Rostropovich to compose his Cello Concerto, which Rostropovich premiered in 1997.
MacMillan's Catholic faith has inspired many of his sacred …More

German Catholic Church Faces Significant Drop in Church Tax Revenue for 2023 - ZENIT - English

(ZENIT News / Colonia, 07.11.2024).- The Catholic Church in Germany experienced a significant decrease in …
Father Karl A Claver
The Church in Germany has been corrupted for quite some time. The laity are tired of their money going for taxes to support a radical institution.
Where are my overpopulation/anti-natalist folks at now
They're still pushing the anti-natalist convid shots, abortion, contraception, euthanasia, gender confusion, harmful health measures, etc. We're still …More
They're still pushing the anti-natalist convid shots, abortion, contraception, euthanasia, gender confusion, harmful health measures, etc. We're still being programmed not to have children.
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Someone is "disappointed".

Archbishop Coyne says new bishop appointments moving US church in 'right direction'

Pope Francis gives the pallium to Archbishop Christopher Coyne of Hartford, Connecticut, during Mass for the feast of …
John A Cassani
Coyne is a liturgist who became well known as Cardinal Law’s spokesman when his ship was sinking. He was appointed bishop out of the blue back in 2011…More
Coyne is a liturgist who became well known as Cardinal Law’s spokesman when his ship was sinking. He was appointed bishop out of the blue back in 2011. He is not an impressive man, except perhaps in his political abilities.
We didn't vote for him...

Pope Francis warns of 'populists' and ailing democracy

Pope Francis lamented the state of democracy around the world on Sunday during a visit to the northeastern Italian city of Trieste. Global democracy …
Louis IX
Populism is nothing if it is not democratic.
Re; the post about the Pope talking to the young man re the Trans agenda; recently the pope came out at least twice condemning the trans agenda, clearly …More
Re; the post about the Pope talking to the young man re the Trans agenda; recently the pope came out at least twice condemning the trans agenda, clearly. Now he told that young boy any priest condemning that agenda is evil. Dear God have mercy on us.

The trans narrative is getting more insane: media now touts ‘nonbinary transgender’ Olympian - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — There have been a lot of truly delusional headlines over the past decade as the …
Everyday for Life Canada
“Non-binary” doesn’t exist. It’s a verbal reality only. We have allowed the map to dictate the territory. It’s the world of insanity.
Sandy Barrett shares from
What Francis meant was "WHOM am I to judge"....

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Declared Excommunicated

The Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, chaired by Cardinal Tucho Fernández, met on 4th July to conclude the extrajudicial trial of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. He was accused and found guilty …More
The Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, chaired by Cardinal Tucho Fernández, met on 4th July to conclude the extrajudicial trial of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.
He was accused and found guilty of schism.
A Vatican press release on 5 July said: "His public statements expressing his refusal to recognise and submit to the Supreme Pontiff, his rejection of communion with the members of the Church who are subject to him, and of the legitimacy and magisterial authority of the Second Vatican Council are well known."
The dicastery pronounced an excommunication latae sententiae, in accordance with canon 1364 § 1 of the Code of Canon Law.
The revocation of the measure is reserved to the Apostolic See. This decision was communicated to Monsignor Viganò on 5 July.
Viganò himself has previously stated that he is not in communion with the Vatican of Francis.
Dr Bobus
Who is correct.
This guy is not yet excommunicated
This one is in good standing and allowed to remain in the church and encouraged to promote the gay agenda more and more while good old Cardinal Vigano …More
This one is in good standing and allowed to remain in the church and encouraged to promote the gay agenda more and more while good old Cardinal Vigano is excommunicated! Lord have mercy on His Church.
Boanerges Boanerges
Why should he be excommunicated? He fits well in the antichirch of the false prophet.
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The New York Times has launched an attack on Catholics. The image mocks our Lady. Journalist Pamela Paul claims that Christian values do not belong in the United States of America

Opinion | Your Religious Values Are Not American Values

Whenever a politician cites “Judeo-Christian values,” I find it’s generally followed by something unsettling. Last month brought two flagrant …
Yesterday I "celebrated" the fourth of July by reviewing lectures on the heresy of Americanism (look it up). I was reminded that, while some of the …More
Yesterday I "celebrated" the fourth of July by reviewing lectures on the heresy of Americanism (look it up). I was reminded that, while some of the Founding Fathers were actual Christians {mostly Protestants} the "values" of the Enlightenment were the guiding principles of the American revolution. Read: Liberty, the god that failed Liberty, the God That Failed: Policing the Sacred and Constructing the Myths of the Secular State, from Locke to Obama, Christopher A. Ferrara
Father Karl A Claver
Christian values and morality are what built the United States.
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