Complaint to the UN: Francis Listed as a "Perpetrator" of Human Rights Abuses

Francis is facing an investigation into his personal authorisation of alleged illegal eavesdropping during a Vatican investigation into the sale of a £300 million central London property, …More
Francis is facing an investigation into his personal authorisation of alleged illegal eavesdropping during a Vatican investigation into the sale of a £300 million central London property, reported (16 June).
Lawyers for Raffaele Mincione, an Italian financier based in England, convicted of defrauding the Vatican, have lodged a complaint with Prof Margaret Satterthwaite, the UN special rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers.
During the trial it emerged that Francis himself had given investigators powers allowing them to tap phones, intercept emails and arrest anyone they wanted without the approval of a judge.
In the complaint, the lawyers named Francis as a perpetrator of human rights abuses.
And: "This unwarranted authorisation of prosecutors by an absolute monarch has given the green light to surveillance without the articulation of specific reasons, ongoing judicial or other independent and impartial oversight, or a mechanism for challenging the implementation …More
Wilma Lopez shares this
A British financier who was convicted of fraud in the Vatican’s “trial of the century” has asked the UN to investigate Pope Francis for alleged illegal wiretapping.
Christopher Shahrazade
I hope he is indicted. The more scandals heaped on gay-boy Francis and his crew, the better.
Billy F
The Pontificate of Disorder and Chaos! It is crazy to say, I'm praying for the conversion of the Pope!!! Praying for the protection and restoration of the Vineyard!
Sally Dorman shares this
Francis faces UN investigation over alleged illegal wiretappings in embezzlement scandal
Christopher Shahrazade
Hope it goes very badly for Francis and his Vatican, especially Parolin.
James Manning
I don't. Letting the UN have any semblance of authority over the Vatican sets a dangerous precedent.
Christopher Shahrazade
Who really cares if it goes badly for them and sets a dangerous precedent for the Vatican? The Vatican of Pope Francis is filled with totally corrupt, radical progressive homosexuals who are trying to turn the Catholic Church into a totally new organization which has no connection to its history or tradition. If he (Francis) is found liable of a criminal activity, good riddance. If it helps to bring …More
Who really cares if it goes badly for them and sets a dangerous precedent for the Vatican? The Vatican of Pope Francis is filled with totally corrupt, radical progressive homosexuals who are trying to turn the Catholic Church into a totally new organization which has no connection to its history or tradition. If he (Francis) is found liable of a criminal activity, good riddance. If it helps to bring down his regime, so much the better.
@Christopher Shahrazade I certainly care, and you should too if you are a Catholic. Imagine, if you will, that a good and holy Pope occupies the See after Jorge Bergolio. Then, any precedent set of the UN having authority over the Vatican would still be in place. Surely this must be clear how wrong and dangerous that would be.
Christopher Shahrazade
I don't think a "good and holy Pope", which the Catholic Church has not had since 1958 (but possibly from 2005-13 with Benedict XVI) would need to worry about any scandals at all. Any scandals that happened during Benedict XVI's term were not caused by him, but rather by those trying to discredit him.
@Christopher Shahrazade The subject here is not a scandal. The subject is the possibility of the UN having recognized authority over or within the Vatican.
Sandy Barrett shares this
Francis has been subject to a UN complaint for personally authorising a wiretap of a British financier