Francis Was "Star Guest" at a Homosex-March in Rome

Not surprisingly, several homosexuals dressed up as 'Francis' to mock him at a homosexual propaganda march in Rome, reports (16 June).

The propagandists held signs on which they protested against Francis' expletive "frociaggine" but simultaneously used it. This word is one of Bergoglio's favourite terms, which he pronounced twice in May.

"There is too much frociaggine in this march," read one sign carried by a man dressed in a white cassock and draped in a rainbow flag with a blasphemous crucifix.

Another sign read: "You are so right, there really is frociaggine everywhere, especially in the toilets and between the sheets of the Vatican."

A third sign read: "Today Rome is a river of frociaggine, not only in its seminaries."

There is little doubt that Francis enjoys the attention of such dubious figures.

Picture:, #newsIoefzewxdn

Nothing more to add!
Christopher Shahrazade
This Pope Francis has transformed the Vatican and Papacy with his meeting with comedians, emphasis on openness to homos, and the appointment of active homosexuals from a highly respected, honorable and venerable institution and office into a shady, filthy organization which exists in the dark shadows, on the prowl to abuse young men and to hold up the most disgusting of sins and lifestyles as people …More
This Pope Francis has transformed the Vatican and Papacy with his meeting with comedians, emphasis on openness to homos, and the appointment of active homosexuals from a highly respected, honorable and venerable institution and office into a shady, filthy organization which exists in the dark shadows, on the prowl to abuse young men and to hold up the most disgusting of sins and lifestyles as people worthy before God. He applauds sin. Rather than being appalled by this image of Francis for gay day, Francis and his Vatican are probably proud to be included with a parade of their favorite people.