850 souls turn out to the last Latin Mass in Melbourne plead with their Archbishop to support the Traditional Latin Mass
Christopher Shahrazade
Instead of "begging for table scraps from radical liberal gay bishops regarding their rulings on the TLM, they should defy they and expand the TLM everywhere.
Sean Johnson
Another self-inflicted penalty, as those ill-formed conservatives who place false obedience above the faith beg for table scraps from their enemies (whereas in fact, it is their duty to adhere to tradition regardless of what faithless prelates decide in Rome and elsewhere). The dream of authentic traditionalism within the confines of the conciliar apparatus is quickly vanishing: Will these servile …More
Another self-inflicted penalty, as those ill-formed conservatives who place false obedience above the faith beg for table scraps from their enemies (whereas in fact, it is their duty to adhere to tradition regardless of what faithless prelates decide in Rome and elsewhere). The dream of authentic traditionalism within the confines of the conciliar apparatus is quickly vanishing: Will these servile folks now go to the Novus Ordo, or will they seek out tradition? Likely the former, since their ill-formed consciences are placing “legality” (only good in normal times, but not amidst a state of necessity) above the faith.
Servum Tuum Domina
Those 850 souls want Tradition in its purest from else they would not turn up braving an extremely cold winters night traveling for 100s km from around the whole of Victoria. The more the TLM is being oppressed by 'faithless prelates' the more it is driving folk away from the so called 'NO' mass.
Sean Johnson
If they wanted “tradition in its purest form” they would not be constrained by (the imaginary need for) legality to beg for sacraments from modernists who’s declared intention is to keep them corralled within the confines of conciliarism and Vatican II (ie., to keep them AWAY from “tradition in its purest form”). Did not +Ganswein (BXVI’s personal secretary and biographer) acknowledge that …More
If they wanted “tradition in its purest form” they would not be constrained by (the imaginary need for) legality to beg for sacraments from modernists who’s declared intention is to keep them corralled within the confines of conciliarism and Vatican II (ie., to keep them AWAY from “tradition in its purest form”). Did not +Ganswein (BXVI’s personal secretary and biographer) acknowledge that Traditionis Custodes caused him pain, because Summorum Pontificum was supposed to lure away dirty Lefebvrists back into the conciliar pasture?
Strong and Steadfast
It is not these lay faithful who adhere so strongly to false legality. They showed up to support the TLM. It is the priests and bishops who are unwilling to put their necks on the line who are slaves to this false obedience. These people will follow the Truth wherever it leads, including to SSPX if necessary, or to clandestine Masses, or to travel for hundreds of miles each week.
The line is being …More
It is not these lay faithful who adhere so strongly to false legality. They showed up to support the TLM. It is the priests and bishops who are unwilling to put their necks on the line who are slaves to this false obedience. These people will follow the Truth wherever it leads, including to SSPX if necessary, or to clandestine Masses, or to travel for hundreds of miles each week.

The line is being drawn.
"Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to his disciples, saying: The scribes and the Pharisees have sitten on the chair of Moses. All things therefore whatsoever they shall say to you, observe and do: but according to their works do ye not; for they say, and do not."
Sean Johnson
@Strong: Had that TLM not been “approved,” 90% of them never would have shown up for it.
Strong and Steadfast
Perhaps. But God is at work, here.
Also, don't forget; we are on the road to Calvary. We need to carry our cross and pray and make sacrifice.