Why Does the Nuncio in France Hate the Holy Mass So Much?

Monsignor Celestino Migliore, the nuncio in Paris, is doing all he can to ensure that Traditionis custodes is applied to the last drop of blood and that Holy Mass will be completely eradicated, writes …More
Monsignor Celestino Migliore, the nuncio in Paris, is doing all he can to ensure that Traditionis custodes is applied to the last drop of blood and that Holy Mass will be completely eradicated, writes La Lettre de Paix liturgique (18 June).
Migliore is trying to convince the French bishops that Holy Mass should be tolerated as little as possible and that the other sacraments, especially baptism, marriage and confirmation, should only be administered according to the Novus Ordo.
La Lettre de Paix liturgique points out that the Apostolic Nuncio is by mission an arm of the Secretariat of State, headed by Cardinal Pietro Parolin.
Parolin is a spiritual son of Cardinal Achille Silvestrini (+2019), who was the leader of anti-Catholic Rome for decades.
According to La Lettre de Paix liturgique, Migliore could hope for a promotion under the condition that Parolin is elected the next Pope.
Migliore was sent to France in 2020 to bergoglionise the French episcopate.
It is rumoured that Migliore …More
Christopher Shahrazade
QUESTION----Why Does the Nuncio in France Hate the Holy Mass So Much?'
ANSWER--Because in between watching gay porn on his lap top and trying to appoint a new batch of queer bishops to vacant French dioceses...he doesn't have anything else to do.
Louis IX
Bingo. These people should hold no authority over anything.
Dr Bobus
A papal nunzio represents the pope.
Father Karl A Claver
Why? Because he hates God and all things sacred.
Sean Johnson
This is only a threat for those who place false obedience (ie., the sin of servility) above faith. Those with properly formed consciences simply dismiss these antichrist measures coming from Rome, and continue on with Tradition.
Denis Efimov
I wonder if anyone has analyzed the orthodoxy of each and every one of the 126 cardinal electors. How many of them are modernists, conformists etc.? If there are fewer Catholics among them than there are fingers on a hand, then who can they elect as Pope other than a character like Parolin?
@Denis Efimov Sadly, it’s just a delusional fantasy to believe, barring direct divine and supernatural intervention, that they are going to do anything else.