Melbourne: Cathedral Was Packed for 'Last' Mass (Pictures)

St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne was packed with more than 850 worshippers for the - for now - last Roman Mass on 19 June.

The Mass had been banned by the Vatican's Dicastery against the Liturgy which, in the spirit of Francis' extremist centralism, even interferes in the Mass schedule of the local churches. The Vatican's bureaucrats prefers empty Eucharists to packed Masses.

Local faithful write on social media that they now face a short "interlude", "We'll be back soon!"


Lisi Sterndorfer shares this
Hundreds at final Melbourne cathedral TLM 🇦🇺
Lisi Sterndorfer
There is a weekly Latin Mass in the basement of Boston Cathedral.
John A Cassani
O’Malley hasn’t done anything against the TLM. He certainly has never really supported it, though he has allowed it in the Cathedral, as well as having allowed a territorial parish to have both the TLM and NO every day. I doubt his successor will continue the generosity.
Naomi Arai
What does Boston have to do with Melbourne?
Wilma Lopez
@Naomi Arai - Mass in a Cathedral. The Vatican letter to Melbourne says that this is not allowed.
Christopher Shahrazade
Now that they've squashed the Latin Mass, I hope this church is practically empty each and every Sunday for the "Novus Ordo".
If only the Cathedral could have been jammed-packed to capacity with worshipers. A real “show of force,” as it were. We have to demonstrate that the numbers are there, that we have the strength in numbers. No pew should have been left unfilled. There should have been standing room only. Surely there are enough Traditional and Roman Mass adherents in all of Australia to have literally filled their …More
If only the Cathedral could have been jammed-packed to capacity with worshipers. A real “show of force,” as it were. We have to demonstrate that the numbers are there, that we have the strength in numbers. No pew should have been left unfilled. There should have been standing room only. Surely there are enough Traditional and Roman Mass adherents in all of Australia to have literally filled their Cathedral to the brim for the last ancient Holy Sacrifice of the Mass allowed (for now) to be held there. We cannot show any weakness at this stage of the game. It’s take no prisoners time…..put up or shut up. 😐
@SonoftheChurch. It was held on a weekday - probably with the deliberate intent of reducing the number of attendees. Even so, 850 is a remarkable achievement, given the circumstances.
Anonymous Catholic
@SonoftheChurch I was there & it was very full. All pews were occupied. Not a bad effort considering there was one week to get the word out & FB took some of the posts down. Maybe try to say something positive ;)