
Cardinal O'Malley's Former Episcopal Vicar to "Marry" a Man 32 Years His Junior

James Flavin, 62, a former priest of the Archdiocese of Boston, is to 'marry' Michel E., a man 32 years his junior. A two-day celebration is planned for February 2025 in Mexico. Flavin was ordained a …More
James Flavin, 62, a former priest of the Archdiocese of Boston, is to 'marry' Michel E., a man 32 years his junior. A two-day celebration is planned for February 2025 in Mexico.
Flavin was ordained a priest in June 1987. He was a favourite of Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley, who appointed Flavin an episcopal vicar in 2014.
Flavin worked as a psychotherapist, specialising in internet addiction and treating priests with drug, alcohol or psychiatric problems. In 2019, Flavin took a sabbatical time.
In May 2020, he bought a $1 million house in Chicago and lived there with his male concubine. Flavin earned money as a "special assistant" to the then-president of Jesuit-run Loyola University in Chicago, Jo Ann Rooney, the first woman to lead the Jesuit institution from 2016 to 2022.
In 2021, the Archdiocese of Boston declared Flavin "on unauthorised leave". He was a "spiritual advisor" for the [good] film "Father Stu" (2022), produced by Mel Gibson.
Flavin is known to be friends with Father Thomas …More
Christopher Shahrazade
Gee whiz, another Novus Ordo homo priest? I'm shocked. How can this be??? The screening at seminary is so strict!! And they are so holy and pious and pure and good and praiseworthy , models of faithfunessl to Church teachings, and devout, and obedient and totally loyal to the Holy Father, definitly not like those terrible corrupt , disloyal, impious, ambitious,heretical, rebellious, dissident , …More
Gee whiz, another Novus Ordo homo priest? I'm shocked. How can this be??? The screening at seminary is so strict!! And they are so holy and pious and pure and good and praiseworthy , models of faithfunessl to Church teachings, and devout, and obedient and totally loyal to the Holy Father, definitly not like those terrible corrupt , disloyal, impious, ambitious,heretical, rebellious, dissident , disrespectful young priests who dress in cassocks and habits rather than open necked clerical shirts and dirty slacks and love the Tridentine Latin MAss said with such devotion and piety with their minds and hearts focused toward the Heavens rather than towards the people on earth? They constantly remind people of sin which makes everyone especially homosexuals feel bad. What are they trying to prove? THat they are better than everyone else? HAHAHAHAHA!!

Now , if you think I actually believe that which I wrote about the true priests (not this guy, but the holy young men who are fighting for the true TLM Mass and Church against almost overwhelming odds thrown at them by Francis, Cardinal O'Malley and like minded clowns.... then you'll believe that Joe Biden can string a couple sentences together coherently without use of a teleprompter. (I saw his performance in Italy...not good)
What a trade off; Eternal damnation for a passing pleasure.
sp2 . .
A former priest. That's nice. It's apparent that the Novus Ordo priesthood is unsatisfying for a life long commitment. This is a good example for other Novus Ordo to follow. I'm sure they would be better off.......(maybe feel better) . In the end they'll wind up in the same place. Liberation at it's finest!
Alex A
@sp2 . . Be careful of attributing the 'sin of sodomy' only to the modern Mass priests. The devil is quite adept at working both sides of the aisle.
sp2 . .
John A Cassani
He was notorious when he was in Boston, yet he ascended to a very high position. Nobody would have been shocked if he was named an auxiliary bishop. I wouldn’t be surprised if he left because he figured his chances to be named a bishop had finally evaporated after he had been passed over. It is fortunate that he got out, but it’s a scandal he was ever ordained in the first place, but, if they were …More
He was notorious when he was in Boston, yet he ascended to a very high position. Nobody would have been shocked if he was named an auxiliary bishop. I wouldn’t be surprised if he left because he figured his chances to be named a bishop had finally evaporated after he had been passed over. It is fortunate that he got out, but it’s a scandal he was ever ordained in the first place, but, if they were actually screening candidates in the 80s, Boston would have ordained a small fraction of who they ended up ordaining.
Billy F
At least this Son of Sodom left the Melchizedek Priesthood!!!
Another Disgrace
Alex A
@rhemes1582 "And the hits just keep on coming."- Tom Cruise in : "A Few Good Men"
Sally Dorman
All Saints
They are practicing.