The Ark Escapes Destruction
Fr. Clovis Brings out some very good and relevant issues in this homily.

Educate yourself on why should not receive communion in the hand

Our hands are NOT consecrated to God as a priest's hands are.
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Lest we Forget
Mark A Erickson shares this
Laura Yunque
It is important and necessary to view one's entire life to understand and appreciate how God has worked to bring about His Will. When something looks …More
It is important and necessary to view one's entire life to understand and appreciate how God has worked to bring about His Will. When something looks terrible, we must still praise Him for we know the greatest good came from the greatest evil which occurred on Calvary. God even uses enemies of His Church as well as weak and flawed me to do His Will. God used Nebuchadnezzar, a most evil ruler, to do His Will. In this is our joy: that His Will be done and we praise Him for it. We must not be lovers of men, but God. We thank God for using this man, who had seriously hurt the Church, to do His Will and try to undo some of that damage. We cannot know why Benedict made the decisions he did, but in time, the truth will be known. He has been judged as each one of us will be one day. Pray for his soul and thank God that he began to repent of his errors and in doing so, helped many. Praise and thank God for His mercy upon this man and upon His Church.
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This is why we have Latin as a Liturgical Language

THIS is why we have Latin as a Liturgical Language… | Barnhardt

One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic…

Cardinal Burke you have stayed the course. Thank You

Credo .
It's up to the Cardinals to decide & only the Cardinals; and as you have informed us [on more than one occasion] that you are a canonical ordained priest …More
It's up to the Cardinals to decide & only the Cardinals; and as you have informed us [on more than one occasion] that you are a canonical ordained priest, you should know this. Shouldn't you 'Father'??? 😎
Salvatore Bastatti
The question still arises: why haas no one done anything to physically negate Bergoglio?
Weaponizing the Novus Ordo to Beat Traditionalists into Submission

Weaponizing the Novus Ordo to Beat Traditionalists into Submission

Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury What sad times we live in when a form of the Mass, the Novus Ordo (NO), is weaponized to beat …
Laura Yunque
There is something we must always keep in the back of our minds and that is Our Lord's words, "When The Son of Man returns, will He find faith?"
Lisi Sterndorfer
Canceling the Latin Mass will backfire. It will inspire the next generation of Catholics to fight even harder for their faith.
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Persecution of Catholics practicing the Catholic Faith

The Devil is the Father of Lies

04 Thursday Aug 2022 The oily, smarmy technospeak of the Cupich’s spokesman in responding to press inquiries about his crushing of the Mass and the ICRSP in Chicago is …
Bruceph Mildur
Easy does it, spinmeister dude! Make sure you're barrel is straight before you mark your target... You've got some errors in your background assumptions …More
Easy does it, spinmeister dude! Make sure you're barrel is straight before you mark your target... You've got some errors in your background assumptions and/or statements.
The Pope is Infallible. The Church is Indefectible. If the acting Pope is a heretic and encouraging immorality, and the Church is compromised and moving …More
The Pope is Infallible. The Church is Indefectible. If the acting Pope is a heretic and encouraging immorality, and the Church is compromised and moving souls away from God, then the "Pope" is a fraud and the Church is not the Catholic Church.
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VIGANÒ RESPONDS to African Priest who was expelled from Opus Dei for resisting Pope Francis to his face

VIGANÒ RESPONDS to African Priest who was expelled from Opus Dei for resisting Pope Francis to his face

Amen dico vobis: tolerabilius erit terræ Sodomorum et Gomorræorum in die judicii, quam illi civitati. …
The Mass of the ages
That moment when you experience vertigo and "altar envy" at the same time. That is... one... BIG... altar.
St. Patrick , Pray for us

Propping up Traditionis Custodes

A response to article in Homiletic and Pastoral review. happydespitethem.blogspot.com/2021/11/propping-up-traditionis-custodes.htmlMore
A response to article in Homiletic and Pastoral review.
Wake up!
They have all planned years, years ago, just have a look at this europa.eu/…th/system/files/2019-09/2019-2022_roadmap_en_0.pdfMore
They have all planned years, years ago, just have a look at this
29 April: St. Peter Martyr, Patron of Inquisitors & blessing Holy Water in honor ofMore
29 April: St. Peter Martyr, Patron of Inquisitors & blessing Holy Water in honor of

29 April: St. Peter Martyr, Patron of Inquisitors & blessing Holy Water in honor of

In the Church’s traditional calendar today we celebrate St. Peter the Martyr, also known as Peter of Verona. St. Peter …
Sensus Fidelium
Fr. Z writes at end of article. (emphasis mine) Hence, if any of your parishes have a relic of St. Peter Martyr, you might have some Holy Water blessed …More
Fr. Z writes at end of article. (emphasis mine)
Hence, if any of your parishes have a relic of St. Peter Martyr, you might have some Holy Water blessed with it. Remember, the blessings in force in 1962 with the Rituale Romanum must be done in Latin or else, as the Rituale itself says, they do nothing. No… really. (Cf. Title VIII, Ch. 1, no. 2: Benedictiones sive constitutivae sive invocativae invalidae sunt, si adhibita non fuerit formula ab Ecclesia praescripta.)
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A Catholic Priest Observes.

Once upon a time there was a super-Catholic land called Quebec.

Once upon a time there was a super-Catholic land called Quebec. [… insert here MODERNISM – SPIRIT OF VATICAN II – WET NOODLE BISHOPS …]

Fr. Z understands, a Catholic Picture worth more than a thousand words.

Over at Fr. Z blog wdtprs.com/2021/04/daily-rome-shot-136/ This picture as well as many more are posted by Fr. Zuhlsdorf. The Altar beckons for a Catholic priest to offer The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass. …More
Over at Fr. Z blog wdtprs.com/2021/04/daily-rome-shot-136/
This picture as well as many more are posted by Fr. Zuhlsdorf.
The Altar beckons for a Catholic priest to offer The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass.
Timeless, as the Catholic worship of God is meant to be.
A synod on The Priesthood is in the works. It is clear to me that The Traditional Mass and Catholic Priesthood are in the sights of those that are no …More
A synod on The Priesthood is in the works. It is clear to me that The Traditional Mass and Catholic Priesthood are in the sights of those that are no longer Catholic. The Direction is obvious to Catholics, and to those that hate the Church. The Traditional Priesthood and liturgy can bring restoration to The Church.
Also here is a preview of the suggestions for same synod.
More Jesuit demands for the Church to get with the times. Obviously th…

God will not be mocked!

Lest we forget. Consider what we have suffered in the World since this Abomination.More
Lest we forget.
Consider what we have suffered in the World since this Abomination.
Pope Innocent lll
Theatre of the absurd, subversives.
Cuthbert Mayne
October 2019 to the day when pachamama was being worshipped in Rome by the pope, the index case of covid-19 was dying in China
Christ the King and the Heresy of Ecumenism. Traditional Feast of Christ The King ExplainedMore
Christ the King and the Heresy of Ecumenism.
Traditional Feast of Christ The King Explained
@rhemes1582 @Alex A I would be interested if Dr Taylor Marshall could make a video about this disclosure .... youtube.com/watch?v=1-lvHTJsL6o Someone …More
@rhemes1582 @Alex A I would be interested if Dr Taylor Marshall could make a video about this disclosure ....
Someone is testifying that he knows that what the third secret is - and he says that Pope Pius XII opened the third secret and locked himself in his chambers and wept for 2 weeks.
It's revealed that it was to do with the deliberate removal of the Tridentine Mass (Daniel 12:11)
Now I understand THIS video completely & our reliving the Maccabean Revolt!!
......it also explains Marie Julie Jahenny's warnings of a New Mass from 1902
communityofhopeinc.org/… Pages/Saints/marie julie.html
Alex A
Fr. Edward Flanagan of "Boys Town" fame, replied to a reporter's question, regarding his thoughts on Social Workers and their lack of success with '…More
Fr. Edward Flanagan of "Boys Town" fame, replied to a reporter's question, regarding his thoughts on Social Workers and their lack of success with 'troubled boys',"Too many, put the cart before the horse." A response which aptly sums up the failing of our modernist Church, the majority of the world’s governments, and individuals not unlike ourselves.
Fr. Kapaun. A Catholic Priest Fr. KapaunMore
Fr. Kapaun.
A Catholic Priest
Fr. Kapaun
Alex A
In anybody's language, other than a communist, Father Kapaun was a martyr for the faith and for his fellow man, including his enemies. Truly, may he …More
In anybody's language, other than a communist, Father Kapaun was a martyr for the faith and for his fellow man, including his enemies. Truly, may he rest in eternal peace.
A quote from presenter of this video "When the story of human history comes to a close, death and violence don't get the final word. The love of God …More
A quote from presenter of this video
"When the story of human history comes to a close, death and violence don't get the final word. The love of God does. That love, burning bright in the heart of Fr. Emil Kapaun in the darkness of a POW camp in the Korean war, made him a hero."
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Vatican’s former doctrine chief: US election will decide if ‘democracy’ or ‘dictatorship’ leads worldMore
Vatican’s former doctrine chief: US election will decide if ‘democracy’ or ‘dictatorship’ leads world

Vatican’s former doctrine chief: US election will decide if ‘democracy’ or ‘dictatorship’ leads world

PETITION: Urge Catholic bishops to refuse Holy Communion to pro-abortion Biden! Sign the petition here.…
Cardinal Gerhard Müller warned the faithful to consider the 'deeper dimensions of what is at stake at this moment in world history, rather than offering …More
Cardinal Gerhard Müller warned the faithful to consider the 'deeper dimensions of what is at stake at this moment in world history, rather than offering a judgment based on subjective sensibilities and ideological preferences.'
October 1, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Whether Donald Trump is re-elected or ousted as President of the United States will have a generational impact on whether America or China is the dominant power on the world stage, Cardinal Gerhard Müller told Breitbart News in an interview Thursday.
President Donald Trump's Message on National Day of Prayer

The Remnant Newspaper - Trump's Message on National Day of Prayer

Issued on: September 26, 2020 (WHITE HOUSE) On this inaugural National Day of Prayer and Return, the First Lady and I join millions of …
Alex A
The 'masonic evilness' of President George Washington 'shines' through his Christian sentiments like a torch without a battery.