The Ark Escapes Destruction
Fr. Clovis Brings out some very good and relevant issues in this homily.
Lest we Forget
Mark A Erickson shares this
Laura Yunque
It is important and necessary to view one's entire life to understand and appreciate how God has worked to bring about His Will. When something looks …More
It is important and necessary to view one's entire life to understand and appreciate how God has worked to bring about His Will. When something looks terrible, we must still praise Him for we know the greatest good came from the greatest evil which occurred on Calvary. God even uses enemies of His Church as well as weak and flawed me to do His Will. God used Nebuchadnezzar, a most evil ruler, to do His Will. In this is our joy: that His Will be done and we praise Him for it. We must not be lovers of men, but God. We thank God for using this man, who had seriously hurt the Church, to do His Will and try to undo some of that damage. We cannot know why Benedict made the decisions he did, but in time, the truth will be known. He has been judged as each one of us will be one day. Pray for his soul and thank God that he began to repent of his errors and in doing so, helped many. Praise and thank God for His mercy upon this man and upon His Church.
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The Mass of the ages
That moment when you experience vertigo and "altar envy" at the same time. That is... one... BIG... altar.
St. Patrick , Pray for us
Wake up!
They have all planned years, years ago, just have a look at this europa.eu/…th/system/files/2019-09/2019-2022_roadmap_en_0.pdfMore
They have all planned years, years ago, just have a look at this
Christ the King and the Heresy of Ecumenism. Traditional Feast of Christ The King ExplainedMore
Christ the King and the Heresy of Ecumenism.
Traditional Feast of Christ The King Explained
@rhemes1582 @Alex A I would be interested if Dr Taylor Marshall could make a video about this disclosure .... youtube.com/watch?v=1-lvHTJsL6o Someone …More
@rhemes1582 @Alex A I would be interested if Dr Taylor Marshall could make a video about this disclosure ....
Someone is testifying that he knows that what the third secret is - and he says that Pope Pius XII opened the third secret and locked himself in his chambers and wept for 2 weeks.
It's revealed that it was to do with the deliberate removal of the Tridentine Mass (Daniel 12:11)
Now I understand THIS video completely & our reliving the Maccabean Revolt!!
......it also explains Marie Julie Jahenny's warnings of a New Mass from 1902
communityofhopeinc.org/… Pages/Saints/marie julie.html
Alex A
Fr. Edward Flanagan of "Boys Town" fame, replied to a reporter's question, regarding his thoughts on Social Workers and their lack of success with '…More
Fr. Edward Flanagan of "Boys Town" fame, replied to a reporter's question, regarding his thoughts on Social Workers and their lack of success with 'troubled boys',"Too many, put the cart before the horse." A response which aptly sums up the failing of our modernist Church, the majority of the world’s governments, and individuals not unlike ourselves.
Fr. Kapaun. A Catholic Priest Fr. KapaunMore
Fr. Kapaun.
A Catholic Priest
Fr. Kapaun
Alex A
In anybody's language, other than a communist, Father Kapaun was a martyr for the faith and for his fellow man, including his enemies. Truly, may he …More
In anybody's language, other than a communist, Father Kapaun was a martyr for the faith and for his fellow man, including his enemies. Truly, may he rest in eternal peace.
A quote from presenter of this video "When the story of human history comes to a close, death and violence don't get the final word. The love of God …More
A quote from presenter of this video
"When the story of human history comes to a close, death and violence don't get the final word. The love of God does. That love, burning bright in the heart of Fr. Emil Kapaun in the darkness of a POW camp in the Korean war, made him a hero."
2 more comments
Fr. Altman: Liberal Catholics are Wolves in Sheep's Clothing. Fr. Altman: Liberal Catholics are Wolves in Sheep's ClothingMore
Fr. Altman: Liberal Catholics are Wolves in Sheep's Clothing.
Fr. Altman: Liberal Catholics are Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
Alex A
@rhemes1582 Just asking. What parish or diocese is Father Altman a pastor of?
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"Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World. A Wake up call. Must watchMore
"Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World.
A Wake up call. Must watch
She will be ostracized, but I respect her courage.
luciferase !! – must be good
3 more comments
Benedictines of Mary Queen of the Apostles have a new CD. Many thanks to the Excellent Catholic Blog for this article, and heads up A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics veneremurcernui.wordpress.com/…/…More
Benedictines of Mary Queen of the Apostles have a new CD.
Many thanks to the Excellent Catholic Blog for this article, and heads up
A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics veneremurcernui.wordpress.com/…/benedictines-of…
…….and they also are growing by leaps and bounds. That’s a wonderful problem to have, and yet again proves unequivocally that traditional, orthodox conduct of the religious life is what drives vocations. They are expecting 10 new postulants this fall, and there are constantly women visiting them discerning a vocation. Also, the music is wonderful. All of my family enjoys it greatly.
So they have a new CD coming out for Easter. It is called Easter at Ephesus. There is a brief video below that advertises for the CD a bit, but mostly shows their lives of quiet devotion and piety. Again, you can buy the CD here.
Do keep these devoted and pious nuns in your prayers. I have learned of late a bit of their history, how they had a difficult time finding a location where they could …More
Why do some Bishops persecute this Holy Mass, & Catholics who Worship God in it? Parisians Enjoy Simple Majesty of Tridentine Latin Mass The Traditional Latin Mass: Treasured by Faithful Roman Catholics …More
Why do some Bishops persecute this Holy Mass, & Catholics who Worship God in it?
Parisians Enjoy Simple Majesty of Tridentine Latin Mass
The Traditional Latin Mass: Treasured by Faithful Roman Catholics the World over.
rhemes1582 Thank you , but i live in Europe , in SlovakiaMore
Thank you , but i live in Europe , in Slovakia
@poli75 The Traditional Latin Mass is Completly Christ Centered. I love our Lord through it also. There are several good organizations, that help …More
The Traditional Latin Mass is Completly Christ Centered. I love our Lord through it also.
There are several good organizations, that help Catholics find the TLM in their area
a couple are
Una Voce
Ecclesia Dei
www.ecclesiadei.org I hope this helps you.
6 more comments
Is this what passes for Catholic in California? 2013 Easter Vigil Liturgical Dance. Newman Hall Holy Spirit Parish, Berkeley, CA. from their web page: Newman Hall is the Roman Catholic community at …More
Is this what passes for Catholic in California? 2013 Easter Vigil Liturgical Dance.
Newman Hall Holy Spirit Parish, Berkeley, CA.
from their web page: Newman Hall is the Roman Catholic community at the University of California, Berkeley.
@kam The Bishops that have problems with the Mass of All time; at the very least have lost their identity. A lay person that has no love for the TLM, …More
The Bishops that have problems with the Mass of All time; at the very least have lost their identity.
A lay person that has no love for the TLM, may be unaware of it`s beauty, and place in Catholic Worship of God.
A Bishop of the Holy Catholic Church can claim no such ignorance.
...and Bishops have problems with the Mass of All time...
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The modernist Utopia " Nothing to see here" Kool-Aid anyone? Just a little something to watch while sipping your favorite : "Nothing to see here" beverage. Another hilarious sketch featuring Stanford …More
The modernist Utopia " Nothing to see here" Kool-Aid anyone?
Just a little something to watch while sipping your favorite : "Nothing to see here" beverage.
Another hilarious sketch featuring Stanford Nutting from season 5 of The Apostle of Common Sense
@ ElizabethCook Yes so sadly true. 🤗More
@ ElizabethCook
Yes so sadly true.
Thanks for "sharing" this, it was hilarious, but so sadly true! Elizabeth CookMore
Thanks for "sharing" this, it was hilarious, but so sadly true!
Elizabeth Cook
3 more comments
An Arabic Christmas Carol (Byzantine Hymn of the Nativity) God be praised.More
An Arabic Christmas Carol (Byzantine Hymn of the Nativity)
God be praised.
A Holy Priest speaks to his Spiritual Children Last Sermon in Shafter, TX -Fr. Michael Rodriguez. from blog A Blog for Dallas area Catholics Some more select quotes: “If you want to be a saint, if you …More
A Holy Priest speaks to his Spiritual Children Last Sermon in Shafter, TX -Fr. Michael Rodriguez.
from blog A Blog for Dallas area Catholics
Some more select quotes:
“If you want to be a saint, if you want to be a true friend of Christ, you have to suffer through persecutions, trials, and sorrows. “
“It is necessary that we make expiation for the sins of the Church.”
“You change the way in which we worship and it changes what we believe – Lex Orandi Lex Credendi”
“On what authority are churchmen today questioning what the Church has taught regarding the indissolubility of marriage? There is no authority in the Church that has the authority to question what has been handed on faithfully for 2000 years regarding the indissolubility of marriage. Those who are married in the Church and divorced cannot receive Holy Communion. That’s by Divine Law. There is no authority on earth, not even the pope, not even an ecumenical council, can change that.
“But don’t forget what I said at the beginning …More
Fr George Rutler -- Shallow Religion. A Breath of Fresh Air, from a Catholic Priest.More
Fr George Rutler -- Shallow Religion.
A Breath of Fresh Air, from a Catholic Priest.
Thank you Fr. Rutler.
johndan shares this
Shallow Faith. BlankMore
Shallow Faith.
The Catholic Lady and the Veil. Praise God Published on Nov 27, 2014 lmsociety.com - In honor of the thanksgiving holidays, we're unveiling another FSSP exclusive "Rome is rising." We're thankful for …More
The Catholic Lady and the Veil.
Praise God
Published on Nov 27, 2014
lmsociety.com - In honor of the thanksgiving holidays, we're unveiling another FSSP exclusive "Rome is rising." We're thankful for our families, friends and most specially thankful for Rev. Dr. Kevin Bezner! Special extended thanks to Fr. Carl Gismondi, Fr. Gregory Eichmann, Fr. Federico Masutti, St. Anne's in San Diego, Fr. Timothy Reid, Fr. John Putnam, Andrea Hines, Lily Beck Wilson (VeilsbyLily), Christine Niles (Church Militant TV) and to all the LMS angels/models and those unmentioned as well. This is a promotional video for the Wear the Veil Day 2014 campaign that involves encouraging women to freely wear a veil mantilla to Mass on the day of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th.
The Latin Mass Society of the United States and Canada (Latin Mass Society, Inc) is a Catholic organization in submission to the pontiff of Rome.
Sign up with your email for our newsletter at lmsociety.com and like our Facebook …More
"Can Divorced and Re-married Catholics receive Holy Communion???": Can Divorced and Re-married Catholics receive Holy Communion???": Sermon by Fr George Roth FI. A Day With Mary, Sat 22 March 2014, …More
"Can Divorced and Re-married Catholics receive Holy Communion???":
Can Divorced and Re-married Catholics receive Holy Communion???": Sermon by Fr George Roth FI. A Day With Mary, Sat 22 March 2014, Catholic Church of Our Lady of Muswell, Muswell Hill, London England. All DWM videos at: www.adaywithmary.org - Click cog & select to watch in 1080HD
Great Talk Given by Michael Davies on the Mass. Most Catholics today are largely unaware of the history of the Mass. This video by Michael Davies should be required viewing by all those attending RCIA …More
Great Talk Given by Michael Davies on the Mass.
Most Catholics today are largely unaware of the history of the Mass. This video by Michael Davies should be required viewing by all those attending RCIA classes and those teaching any history of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
found here: catholicchampion.blogspot.com/…/great-talk-give…
Archbishop Alexander Sample Homily on the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. This was a solemn pontifical Mass that came at the conclusion of a Gregorian chant conference held at the Brigitinne Monastery …More
Archbishop Alexander Sample Homily on the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.
This was a solemn pontifical Mass that came at the conclusion of a Gregorian chant conference held at the Brigitinne Monastery "Our Lady of Consolation" in Amity, Oregon. The Mass was the crowning celebration of a 3-day conference on Gregorian Chant and the role of sacred music in the liturgy (see a news story here). You may view an album of wonderful photos of the event here, thanks to Marc Salvatore.
Thanks to philotheaonphire.blogspot.com/…/archbishop-alex…