Sheep fighting swine. Bishops {anywhere} are you listening?More
Sheep fighting swine.
Bishops {anywhere} are you listening?
Love of Truth and Hatred of Heresy. From The Liturgical Year by Dom Guéranger, O.S.B. This is the only day within the Christmas Octave which is not a Saint’s Feast. During the Octaves of the Epiphany …More
Love of Truth and Hatred of Heresy.
The Liturgical Year
by Dom Guéranger, O.S.B.
This is the only day within the Christmas Octave which is not a Saint’s Feast. During the Octaves of the Epiphany, Easter and Pentecost, the Church is so absorbed in the respective mysteries that she puts off everything that could share her attention; whereas during this of Christmas, there is only one day which does not celebrate the memory of some glorious Saint, and our Infant Jesus is surrounded by a choir of heroes who loved and served him. Thus the Church, or, more correctly, God—for God is the first author of the cycle of the year—shows us how the Incarnate Word, who came to save mankind, desires to give mankind confidence by this his adorable familiarity.
We have already shown that the Birth of our Lord took place on a Sunday, the Day on which, in the beginning of the world, God created Light. We shall find, later on, that his Resurrection also was on a Sunday. This the first day of creation, …More
The End Times According to St. Robert Bellarmine. St. Robert Bellarmine: Pray for us This is the Last Sunday of the Liturgical year in the 1962 Rite: End of time Can be viewed with beautiful Catholic …More
The End Times According to St. Robert Bellarmine.
St. Robert Bellarmine: Pray for us
This is the Last Sunday of the Liturgical year in the 1962 Rite: End of time
Can be viewed with beautiful Catholic art ,and commentary at : arsorandi.blogspot.com
The End Times: The French Revolution, Part I. From this beautiful Catholic site. arsorandi.blogspot.comMore
The End Times: The French Revolution, Part I.
From this beautiful Catholic site.
The Best Lecture on the French Revolution, and the modern society that I have ever watched and listened to.
The Latin Mass Explained and Demonstrated for Priests. One can only hope and pray : that God send more laborers into the field , for the harvest is great! May God be Praised in His Holy PriestsMore
The Latin Mass Explained and Demonstrated for Priests.
One can only hope and pray : that God send more laborers into the field , for the harvest is great!
May God be Praised in His Holy Priests
momiderest shares this
latin Mass explained. how to videoMore
latin Mass explained.
how to video
The Sacred Silence of The Traditional Catholic Mass. Catholic : Holy MassMore
The Sacred Silence of The Traditional Catholic Mass.
Catholic : Holy Mass
Sancta Maria Magdalena Pray for us. Pray for the Pope, for the Bishops and for those who govern the Church in Rome.More
Sancta Maria Magdalena Pray for us.
Pray for the Pope, for the Bishops and for those who govern the Church in Rome.
God be Praised in His Martyrs & Saints. Saints are to see the clearness of the essential light, and to receive a blessedness outweighing the pangs of any torment, as testifieth the Apostle Paul, where …More
God be Praised in His Martyrs & Saints.
Saints are to see the clearness of the essential light, and to receive a blessedness outweighing the pangs of any torment, as testifieth the Apostle Paul, where he saith: The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. From Blog: Saints are to see the clearness of the essential light, and to receive a blessedness outweighing the pangs of any torment, as testifieth the Apostle Paul, where he saith: The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
Fr. Robert Barron is wrong: on Hell. If a spiritual director, or religious or priest does not believe that anyone goes to Hell. How badly does that position, harm their understanding of Christianity?More
Fr. Robert Barron is wrong: on Hell.
If a spiritual director, or religious or priest does not believe that anyone goes to Hell. How badly does that position, harm their understanding of Christianity?
Fr. Barron gives his own ideas and interpretations that are not genuinely 'Catholic'...this is the reason why I never listen to him.
Holy Cannoli
Fr. Robert Barron (no Thomas Aquinas) seems like a decent guy, has done good work in Catholic media but he's part of the 'church of nice' and his comments …More
Fr. Robert Barron (no Thomas Aquinas) seems like a decent guy, has done good work in Catholic media but he's part of the 'church of nice' and his comments about hell fit the profile.
This example is one of the reasons that 'bible only' Christians laugh at Catholics who do NOT read their bibles (exceptions duly noted). For anyone who endeavors to make Scripture a part of their spiritual lives, as does Voirs, the teaching regarding hell is clear and the place is very highly populated.
Too bad about Barron. The truth is I never listened much to him before (I personally found him to be dull) and, after this incident, it's unlikely that I ever will.
Father Gruner's "Consecrate Russia" Campaign in Rome / Harassment! First Harrasment from Vatican Sec. Three times in two days: Oct. 12-13, 2013 Head of Vatican Security tells Father Gruner: "Don't go …More
Father Gruner's "Consecrate Russia" Campaign in Rome / Harassment! First Harrasment from Vatican Sec.
Three times in two days: Oct. 12-13, 2013 Head of Vatican Security tells Father Gruner: "Don't go near the Pope!" 1st Video: Father Gruner's "Consecrate Russia" Campaign in Rome / Harassment! First Harrasment from Vatican Security - Oct. 12, 2013
Discussion on Pope Francis' "Entrustment" 3rd Video. Discussion on Pope Francis' "Entrustment" - there was no mention of "Consecration", the "World" or the "Immaculate Heart"More
Discussion on Pope Francis' "Entrustment" 3rd Video.
Discussion on Pope Francis' "Entrustment"
- there was no mention of "Consecration", the "World" or the "Immaculate Heart"
Father Gruner Harassed by Vatican Security three times in two days 2nd Video. 2nd Video Father Gruner Harassed by Vatican Security three times in two days Summary of first incident; details of second …More
Father Gruner Harassed by Vatican Security three times in two days 2nd Video.
2nd Video Father Gruner Harassed by Vatican Security three times in two days Summary of first incident; details of second and third incident - Oct. 12 & 13, 2013 In the second interview, we point out that the pro-abortion "Catholic" politicians Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden received Communion at Pope Francis' Inaugural Mass. Yet Father Gruner must be prevented from getting near the Pope. Diabolic disorientation indeed.
A New Interview of Mr. John Vennari on Pope Francis. What is going on in Rome?More
A New Interview of Mr. John Vennari on Pope Francis.
What is going on in Rome?
Sermon for the Feast Day of St. Teresa of Avila. As always Beautiful from the Catholic Blog Ars orandi arsorandi.blogspot.com/…/collect-of-day-… Beauty of the Catholic Faith in art and doctrine St.…More
Sermon for the Feast Day of St. Teresa of Avila.
As always Beautiful from the Catholic Blog Ars orandi arsorandi.blogspot.com/…/collect-of-day-…
Beauty of the Catholic Faith in art and doctrine
St. Teresa of Avila
Virgin and Doctor
The Liturgical Year
by Dom Guéranger, O.S.B. “Although the Church triumphant in heaven, and the Church morning here on earth, appear to be completely separated,” says Bossuet on this feast, “they are nevertheless united by a sacred bond. This bond is charity, which is found in this land of exile as well as in our heavenly country; which rejoices the triumphant saints, and animates those still militant; which, descending from heaven to earth, and from angels to men, causes earth to become a heaven, and men to become angels. For, O holy Jerusalem, happy Church of the first-born whose names are written in heaven, although the Church thy dear sister, who lives and combats here below, ventures not to compare herself with thee, she is not the less assured that …More
arsorandi.blogspot.com/…/collect-of-day-… Beauty of the Catholic Faith in art and doctrine St. Teresa of Avila Virgin and Doctor From The Liturgical YearMore
Beauty of the Catholic Faith in art and doctrine
St. Teresa of Avila
Virgin and Doctor
The Liturgical Year
by Dom Guéranger, O.S.B.
“Although the Church triumphant in heaven, and the Church morning here on earth, appear to be completely separated,” says Bossuet on this feast, “they are nevertheless united by a sacred bond. This bond is charity, which is found in this land of exile as well as in our heavenly country; which rejoices the triumphant saints, and animates those still militant; which, descending from heaven to earth, and from angels to men, causes earth to become a heaven, and men to become angels. For, O holy Jerusalem, happy Church of the first-born whose names are written in heaven, although the Church thy dear sister, who lives and combats here below, ventures not to compare herself with thee, she is not the less assured that a holy love unites her to thee. It is true that she is seeking, and thou possessest; that she labours …More
The 4 Last Things Father Buckley FSSP. Master of the Ignatius Retreats FSSP Father Buckley Listen and he will instruct you in the 4 LAST THINGS Death Judgment Heaven HellMore
The 4 Last Things Father Buckley FSSP.
Master of the Ignatius Retreats FSSP Father Buckley
Listen and he will instruct you in the 4 LAST THINGS
Michel-René Landry
Wonderful! Very nice instruction. I also went to a Ignatius Retreats and its really nutritive spiritually. Union of Prayer! Deo gratias!More
Very nice instruction.
I also went to a Ignatius Retreats and its really nutritive spiritually.
Union of Prayer!
Deo gratias!
Living The Catholic Faith In An Age Of Apostasy. This is a new video in which I give my thoughts on the state of the Church today. I also comment on a couple of the recent statements made by Pope …More
Living The Catholic Faith In An Age Of Apostasy.
This is a new video in which I give my thoughts on the state of the Church today. I also comment on a couple of the recent statements made by Pope Francis. Feel free to leave any comments. Let me know if you are interested in any specific topics to cover in future videos or blog posts.
Posted by Matthew Bellisario at Catholic Champion Blog catholicchampion.blogspot.com
CiCi I am pretty sure the blog would enjoy your comments, please see link. I want to add to your observation here {. For example, why say that the Mass …More
CiCi I am pretty sure the blog would enjoy your comments, please see link.
I want to add to your observation here {. For example, why say that the Mass is not a magic act. What does that mean?}
I can say for hearing it myself, from The religious right hand to the Bishop at the time, HE Told me directly " They used to call the Consecration at the Traditional Latin Mass HOCUS POCUS" >
I am NOT making this up! Perhaps the Pope feels the same way, about the Traditional Latin Mass , and that was where the comment was directed. This just might be that Modern Mentality, and Hatred of the TLM.
Will There Be Martyrs? Michael J. Matt Answers the Hateful Charges of the Very Worst Critics of Traditional Catholicism www.remnantnewspaper.comMore
Will There Be Martyrs?
Michael J. Matt Answers the Hateful Charges of the Very Worst Critics of Traditional Catholicism
Absolution over the Catafalque The Absolution of the dead. The Absolution of the dead is a series of prayers for pardon and remission of sins that are said in the Catholic Church over the body of a …More
Absolution over the Catafalque The Absolution of the dead.
The Absolution of the dead is a series of prayers for pardon and remission of sins that are said in the Catholic Church over the body of a deceased before burial. Sadly, this beautiful rite has gone into serious lack of use since the second Vatican Council.
From Wikipedia-
"In the Catholic Church the Absolute are said over a deceased Catholic following a Requiem Mass and before burial. The absolution of the dead does not forgive sins or confer the sacramental absolution of the Sacrament of Penance. Rather, it is a series of prayers to God that the person's soul will not have to suffer the temporal punishment in purgatory due for sins which were forgiven during the person's life.
The absolution of the dead is only performed in context of the Tridentine Mass. Following the Second Vatican Council, the absolution of the dead was removed from the funeral liturgy of the Mass of Paul VI."

Very happily - I came into possession of an …More
The Battle of Lepanto. The Battle of Lepanto Posted by David Werling From the Blog Ars Orandi arsorandi.blogspot.com/…/the-battle-of-l…More
The Battle of Lepanto.
The Battle of Lepanto
Posted by David Werling
From the Blog Ars Orandi
Thanks be to God. Thanks be to David Werling Your welcome; my brother in Christ JesusMore
Thanks be to God.
Thanks be to David Werling
Your welcome; my brother in Christ Jesus