Weaponizing the Novus Ordo to Beat Traditionalists into Submission

Weaponizing the Novus Ordo to Beat Traditionalists into Submission

Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury What sad times we live in when a form of the Mass, the Novus Ordo (NO), is weaponized to beat …
Laura Yunque
There is something we must always keep in the back of our minds and that is Our Lord's words, "When The Son of Man returns, will He find faith?"
Lisi Sterndorfer
Canceling the Latin Mass will backfire. It will inspire the next generation of Catholics to fight even harder for their faith.
Defeat Modernism
Francis and the other novus ordo 'popes' can take part in literal witch craft ceremonies, allow pagans into Catholic Churches to offer incense to demonic spirits, but if Traditionalists go to the Latin Mass and reject the protestant-masonic new mass, they are 'outside' the 'church.' Well I want to be outside the Novus Ordo Counterfeit Church. Please excommunicate me from that godless, homo-pedo cult …More
Francis and the other novus ordo 'popes' can take part in literal witch craft ceremonies, allow pagans into Catholic Churches to offer incense to demonic spirits, but if Traditionalists go to the Latin Mass and reject the protestant-masonic new mass, they are 'outside' the 'church.' Well I want to be outside the Novus Ordo Counterfeit Church. Please excommunicate me from that godless, homo-pedo cult of man.