Quimper: The Faithful Take to the Streets

From 3pm on 16 June, hundreds of faithful marched through Quimper, France, praying the rosary in front of the church of Saint Matthieu, whose bells were ringing resoundingly. The reason: The local …More
From 3pm on 16 June, hundreds of faithful marched through Quimper, France, praying the rosary in front of the church of Saint Matthieu, whose bells were ringing resoundingly.
The reason: The local bishop, Laurent Dognin, has expelled the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter from his diocese.
The fraternity ran a very successful apostolate in Saint Matthieu's, the most visited parish in Quimper. Monsignor Dognin even admitted that there were no objective reasons for closing this parish.
Before the start of the demonstration, a member of the congregation of Saint Matthieu asked the microphone: "Today Quimper, tomorrow which parish, which town, for what reason?"
Other participants said: "We are against those who want to destroy the Church from within and bury us all".
Three bell-ringers led the march through the streets of Quimper, carrying flags, banners and signs.
One of them referred to Dognin's desire to "welcome" homosexual activists in the diocese in the name of the "right to be …More
I'm so happy to see all those good Catholics make it clear how they love the Traditional Mass. At a whim a bishop may cancel the Mass of the Ages? Does he not believe in hell?
Billy F
Secular Humanist Emasculated Men pretending to be Catholic Bishops!!!
Mary Louise Veritas
Excellent. Thank you.
Father Karl A Claver
The masonic liberals hate the TLM, because It IS a SACRIFICE. This and the other evil bishops will burn in hell unless they quickly repent. They have scandalized and driven away many Catholics.
Jews had hated it before masonic liberals were created.
Christopher Shahrazade
Jews have nothing to do with what's happeneing to the TLM and our Catholic Faith. It is homo Francis and his army of queer bishops and goons who are to blame. Not Jews. Jews could probably not care less.
@Christopher Shahrazade
"Jews have nothing to do with what's happeneing to the TLM and our Catholic Faith. ... Jews could probably not care less.
Kindly DO NOT lie.
Just two examples:
1. 2007 - Summorum Pontificum
"Pope Benedict XVI's July 7 letter authorizing expanded use of the pre-Second Vatican Council Tridentine Mass (sometimes, casually but misleadingly, referred to as the Latin Mass) …More
@Christopher Shahrazade
"Jews have nothing to do with what's happeneing to the TLM and our Catholic Faith. ... Jews could probably not care less.

Kindly DO NOT lie.

Just two examples:
1. 2007 - Summorum Pontificum
"Pope Benedict XVI's July 7 letter authorizing expanded use of the pre-Second Vatican Council Tridentine Mass (sometimes, casually but misleadingly, referred to as the Latin Mass) sought to regulate an internal church matter. However, it gained an inter-religious dimension when Jews complained about the inclusion of prayers, in the Tridentine rite for Good Friday, which seek their conversion and acceptance of Jesus Christ as their savior. 3. (U) The Tridentine rites used on Good Friday contain prayers for the conversion of Jews, asking God to lift the veil from their hearts and to free them from blindness. These prayers reflect the historical context of the rite, which was promulgated in 1570. Originally even more offensive, with Jews described as "perfidious," the prayers were toned down in 1962. The modern post-Tridentine version of the Good Friday rite still contains a prayer for Jews, but also -- more benignly -- refers to them the first people to hear the word of God and prays they will continue to "grow in the love of his name and in faithfulness to his covenant." It is this prayer that reflects the current doctrinal position of the Catholic Church regarding Jews. If the Tridentine rite causes too much irritation we expect a new directive on the use (or not) of the offending Good Friday prayers. Indeed, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Secretary of State (second only to the Pope), has already suggested that the language could be modified."
Cable: 07VATICAN119_a

PS The Jewish lobbying was successful and Ratzinger made a scandalous change of the Good Friday prayer for Jews in his "extraordinary form" to the heterodox one.

2. 2021 - Traditionis Custodes
Masons have infiltrated the Catholic Church for many years; many masons are Jews. Both Jews and Masons hate the Catholic Church, and Masons have vowed to destroy the Catholic Church. Our Lady, help of Christians, pray for us!
All Saints
Not much of a Catholic if you can let ANYTHING drive you away.
Lisi Sterndorfer
he Catholic Bishop of Quimper in Brittany has managed to mobilize hundreds of fervent Catholics out in the streets. But they are mobilized against him as he takes punitive action against the faithful who follow the Traditional Mass. Episcopal sadism.
Christopher Shahrazade
I hope opposition to him grows by hundreds and thousands, and sweeps across France to engulf the Catholic Church in a tidal wave of fervent traditional Catholic outrage agains tthese homosexual bishops and their top man, super-fag Francis.