Mary Louise Veritas
Mary Louise Veritas

Former General Secretary of U.S. Bishops Sues Homosex Dating App Grindr Over Data Leak

He has three powerful American cardinals behind him.
Mary Louise Veritas

25% Less: Vatican Imposes a Novus Ordo per Month

Whoever wrote this article is confused. Arlington, Virginia and Arlington, Texas are two different places.
Mary Louise Veritas

Slovakia: Minister Returns to Normality

Personally, I can not think of one group of bishops who have spoken about increasing the birth rate.
Mary Louise Veritas

Schneider: Already Pius X Was Not Vigilant Enough in the Appointment of Cardinals

"Commenting on the pontificate of Pius X, Monsignor Schneider mentioned that the Modernists remained hidden, but then slowly began to emerge by means of ecclesiastical personal politics."
This is just what so many of the recent and present day cardinals and bishops have done. They say and do one thing when they are a priest, then when they are made a bishop or cardinal they change their tune. We …More
"Commenting on the pontificate of Pius X, Monsignor Schneider mentioned that the Modernists remained hidden, but then slowly began to emerge by means of ecclesiastical personal politics."

This is just what so many of the recent and present day cardinals and bishops have done. They say and do one thing when they are a priest, then when they are made a bishop or cardinal they change their tune. We see this with many of the appointments of Popes John Paul, II, Benedict and now it is even worse with Francis.
Mary Louise Veritas

Synod Working Document: Female Ministry for Preaching, Baptising and Weddings - Yet No Ordination

Yes, that is how they always work. The "exception" then becomes the norm.
Mary Louise Veritas

Moderate Voice: Nobel Physics Laureate Sees No 'Climate Change'

Yes, sometimes it is warm, sometimes it is cool or cold. Other times it is sunny and other times it rains. So it goes. The cycle of the weather.
Mary Louise Veritas

A Gänswein Hater Has Resigned from Office

Maybe a former boy friend wants money.
Mary Louise Veritas

Change the Name, Keep the Heresy: German Bishops Resume Vatican Talks

Is that a bishop on the extreme right? In the grey pantsuit.
Mary Louise Veritas

Quimper: The Faithful Take to the Streets

Excellent. Thank you.
Mary Louise Veritas

Burke: There Is no Such Thing as 'Non-Liturgical Blessings'

Where is Msgr. Burrill?
Mary Louise Veritas

Prominent Jesuit Says Why the Jesuits Are Going Downhill

What a sad picture. Men who are of the world, not of Christ.
Mary Louise Veritas

Francis Condemns Himself: "Conservativism [of the 60s] Is Completely Suicidal Attitude"

He has really gone off the deep end. Who made him a bishop? And a cardinal?
Mary Louise Veritas

Asian Cardinal Witnesses to Oppressive Climate at Francis' Synod

God bless this cardinal for speaking the truth. Unfortunately, he will spend the rest of his days in Singapore, and I'm sure he will be maligned in the process.
Mary Louise Veritas

Religious Orders: Decline In Numbers

I am sure giving up the habit and the traditional works like education, health care, child care, religious education, etc. had nothing to do with the decline.
Mary Louise Veritas

Cardinal Burke: Roman Rite Being Persecuted

He must have been sleeping the last 60+ years.
Mary Louise Veritas

A Bishop Apologises for Calling Biden “Stupid”

No need for an apology.
Mary Louise Veritas

"Just Stupid": U.S Bishop Justifies Abortion-Joe

I am just wondering, how do we know that Joe Biden "regularly attends Eucharist." I think the person making that statement means Mass.
Mary Louise Veritas

Relentless Decline: Six Irish Dioceses Reduced to Three

According to the new way of thinking, this is all progress.
Mary Louise Veritas

Liturgical Abuse: Francis Was Outraged (Video)

Well there you have it. Lace on the vestments. Not the dancing, not the disrespect to the Blessed Sacrament.