Prominent Jesuit Says Why the Jesuits Are Going Downhill

The Jesuits are in "deep decline", writes Father Julio Fernández Techera SJ, 57, rector of the Catholic University of Uruguay, in a eleven-page study dated 22 April and first circulated among Jesuits …More
The Jesuits are in "deep decline", writes Father Julio Fernández Techera SJ, 57, rector of the Catholic University of Uruguay, in a eleven-page study dated 22 April and first circulated among Jesuits on 18 May. The main points.
- The decline in admissions to the Jesuits in the West is getting worse every year.
- Many members are leaving the order.
- A friend told Fernández that in his province there have been 72 novices in the last ten years, while in the same period 71 Jesuits have left the Society.
- 314 novices joined the Jesuits in 2023, while 319 Jesuits died.
- There are currently 13,995 Jesuits, but in a few years the Society of Jesus will have disappeared from several European countries and will be insignificant in others in Europe, America and Oceania.
- Africa is the only continent where the Jesuits are growing.
- Since 2013, the Jesuits have lost more than 3,000 members. - "The problem is not only that many members of the order are dying and few are joining, but also that we …More
Credo .
Pray for the conversion of poor sinners: Pray for the conversion of Pope Francis: Pray for all the modern Jesuits all over the world; through the intercession of the Venerable Sr. Lucia of Fatima ~ St. Ignatius, Pray for us! ~ "In the end My Immaculate Heart will Triumph"! 🙏 🙏 🙏
God be praised!!! How long will it take? When can we start celebrating? Can’t happen fast enough. The sooner the better….not only for Holy Mother Church but for the whole world. Otherwise it’s time to utterly suppress the entire Order and put an end to its satanic reign and its centuries-long diabolical contamination of the whole Church. Excommunicate all of its heretical and apostate leaders, …More
God be praised!!! How long will it take? When can we start celebrating? Can’t happen fast enough. The sooner the better….not only for Holy Mother Church but for the whole world. Otherwise it’s time to utterly suppress the entire Order and put an end to its satanic reign and its centuries-long diabolical contamination of the whole Church. Excommunicate all of its heretical and apostate leaders, laicize its Priests, disband its Lay and affiliated groups, seize its assets and resources, sale off its properties and real estate holdings, close its churches, shrines, chapels, schools, colleges, universities and seminaries or hand them over to Traditional Orders who will put them to better and proper use, shut down its retreat centers and spiritual direction houses, consolidate and absorb its charitable operations into other Church-ran, conservative, orthodox institutions who adhere strictly to the Faith in their operational principles and administration — completely, thoroughly and irrevocably END this abominable nightmare, this deadly cancer that afflicts and sickens the Spouse of Christ….then turn the lights out, close the door, lock it and destroy the key. And let there be no doubt whatsoever, both Saint Ignatius and Saint Xavier would REJOICE to have it so.
Mary Louise Veritas
What a sad picture. Men who are of the world, not of Christ.
Old news. This was all spelled out in a noteworthy book over 20 years ago (interesting to see the difference of the old Jesuits on the book cover the the new guys in the photo above! 😬 ):
Sally Dorman
Decline is not fast enough.
Father Karl A Claver
A picture is worth a thousand words.