Burke: There Is no Such Thing as 'Non-Liturgical Blessings'

Cardinal Raymond Burke has rejected the idea of so-called "non-liturgical" blessings as claimed in Francis' homosexual manifesto 'Fiducia supplicans'. Speaking to Father Ambrose Criste O.Praem. of St …More
Cardinal Raymond Burke has rejected the idea of so-called "non-liturgical" blessings as claimed in Francis' homosexual manifesto 'Fiducia supplicans'.
Speaking to Father Ambrose Criste O.Praem. of St Michael's Abbey in Orange County, California, on 13 June, the Cardinal explained that blessings are linked to the sacraments. When a priest gives a blessing, it is intimately connected to the sacred liturgy: "It certainly cannot be said to be non-liturgical."
Furthermore, when someone brings an object to be blessed, it must be fit to receive a blessing and cannot be something that is alien to life in Christ.
"Otherwise we offend the Lord. We show a profound lack of respect and love for our Lord if we try in any way to ask a blessing for something that is sinful".
His Eminence, Raymond Cardinal Burke, is absolutely right: There is not, has never been, and can never be, a “non liturgical” blessing….and Kissy knows it.
P. O'B
Then what were those words which an older woman said over my seven-year-old grandson when he went up to Communion to receive a blessing this morning? His old grandfather here had switched lines to receive from the priest, but nevertheless heard the nonsense. Oh, the nearby sede-vacantist church looks better every day.
@P. O'B Don’t do it my friend, don’t do it. I know it’s hard but don’t make that deadly mistake. Stay with the Church. Do not ever leave her for anything in this life. She is the Mother.
P. O'B
Thanks. I do not think that Francis is the pope, but I won't be attending sede-vac Masses. Besides, I just returned from singing in the very nearby Ukrainian Catholic choir, so I am not only "legal" but also happy.
He needs more prayer and fasting!
We all have our vices.
I assume he does not prepare his own food.
It is a global problem for the clergy.
At home and everywhere a Cardinal is going, the cooks think they must cater their most refined cuisine with all the condiments on the table and why not with a side dish, a dessert etc., and if we tell them to prepare a meal more conform to our religion they will answer: no it is not possible, I must do my best.
I assume he does not prepare his own food.

It is a global problem for the clergy.

At home and everywhere a Cardinal is going, the cooks think they must cater their most refined cuisine with all the condiments on the table and why not with a side dish, a dessert etc., and if we tell them to prepare a meal more conform to our religion they will answer: no it is not possible, I must do my best.

@philosopher @sp2 . . @123jussi
@sp2 . . @Adrien I think there are a few if not many bishops and Cardinals who are fit. Bishops Barron, Cordileone, Cdl. Ganswein. My RCIA priest many years ago was a blackbelt in judo and a marathon runner. This is muscular Catholicism, something worthy of inspiring young men. This is why I go to the gym and fence b/c staying fit and strong at any age is a rebellion against modernity that promotes …More
@sp2 . . @Adrien I think there are a few if not many bishops and Cardinals who are fit. Bishops Barron, Cordileone, Cdl. Ganswein. My RCIA priest many years ago was a blackbelt in judo and a marathon runner. This is muscular Catholicism, something worthy of inspiring young men. This is why I go to the gym and fence b/c staying fit and strong at any age is a rebellion against modernity that promotes no control of self and hedonism.
That was an awesome attack by Okawa. Sabre is the best!
@Adrien You are absolutely correct in your assessment. Because it is well known that the Angelic Doctor himself was obese...at one point, morbidly so. And it did not prevent his extraordinary dedication and unparalleled service to God and the Church at all, none whatsoever. 😎
That info about St Thomas is not true! Please do a little more research before you join his lying detractors.
Naomi Arai
He's correct on that one.
Maria delos Angeles
Him being eminent in canon law should know..
Live Mike
There Is no Such Thing as a "Non-Catholic Pope" either, Your Eminence.
Vered Lavan
Where can one find the complete interview? 🤔
Mary Louise Veritas
Where is Msgr. Burrill?