Singing with baby Cecilia and little Benedict: "O caelestis norma vitae" Singing the antiphon "O caelestis norma vitae" from 2nd Vespers for the feast of St Benedict, July 11, with my newborn daughter …More
Singing with baby Cecilia and little Benedict: "O caelestis norma vitae"

Singing the antiphon "O caelestis norma vitae" from 2nd Vespers for the feast of St Benedict, July 11, with my newborn daughter Cecilia Rose, with an appearance by my son Benedict and one of my other daughters, Josephine.

Rough translation of the entire text of antiphon:

"O heavenly standard of life, teacher and leader Benedict, whose spirit rejoices with Christ in heavenly things. Shepherd the flock with alms, strengthen it with holy prayer, Make yourself a guide in the way to penetrate the clearing of the heavens."