Louis IX
Louis IX

Diaconesse, il Papa se la cava con una prefazione gesuita

Notice it is the “Synodal” Church.
Louis IX

The face of fanaticism

Anyone remember when people used to take care in their appearance?
Louis IX

‘100% pro life’: JD Vance softens abortion position as Trump weighs VP pick

Ave Crux, that’s the way I see it as well.
Louis IX

The next Vice President of the United States, 39 year old Catholic convert JD Vance

Thomas and Scalia were both appointed by Presidents who, while not perfect, were a better option than their democrat opponent.
Louis IX

Cardinal Sandoval Implores Francis Not to Suppress Roman Rite

A lot longer than 4 centuries. St. Pope Pius V did not create the Vetus Ordo.
Louis IX

‘100% pro life’: JD Vance softens abortion position as Trump weighs VP pick

Are Catholics now required to sit out the election and not vote?
Louis IX

JD Vance as next VP of these United States. What do we think? Trump's post on Truth: "After lengthy …

If he wins I assume the governor selects his replacement to finish his term?
Louis IX

Response to the Bishop of Christchurch from members of the congregation

Glad to hear they are pursuing this in civil court.
Louis IX

Alex Jones @RealAlexJonesEmergency! America Is Now Under Globalist Attack! More Assassination Attempts …

If he knows so much why didn’t he know what was being planned for yesterday in Pennsylvania?
Louis IX


But they do bond with people and other animals.
Louis IX

Notre-Dame de Paris: Heritage Committee Rejects the creation of 'Contemporary' Stained Glass Windows

Imagine how the restoration of Notre Dame would have looked had the modernist arch-bishop still controlled the building.
Louis IX

...maybe 'Nato' should be called something else...nowadays?

The Army of Mordor?
Louis IX

France moves its homeless illegals out of the capital to clean up for the Olympics – Allah's Willing …

So it is possible to move illegals. How about moving them all the way out of Europe?
Louis IX

Notre-Dame de Paris: Heritage Committee Rejects the creation of 'Contemporary' Stained Glass Windows

Well it sounds like Bernie is just going to have to suck it up.
Louis IX

Bishop Defends for Obscenity that Demeans Our Lady and Every Birthing Mother

The statue manages to be both blasphemous and heretical. (Not to mention ugly and poorly executed.)
Louis IX

Fire on the Spire of Rouen Cathedral

Just read that there was very little damage, it seems it was mostly the tarp on fire. “ Rouen official Caroline Dutarte said the fire was under control and that the tarp was in place for renovation work.
"There doesn't seem to be too much damage and, above all, no one was injured," she said.”More
Just read that there was very little damage, it seems it was mostly the tarp on fire. “ Rouen official Caroline Dutarte said the fire was under control and that the tarp was in place for renovation work.

"There doesn't seem to be too much damage and, above all, no one was injured," she said.”
Louis IX


Nice pants! 🤣🤣🤣
Louis IX

It's Already Utterly Dreadful NEW WEBSITE! modernity.news DONATE: Paul Joseph Watson on LOCALS (…

If Spain wins England must become Catholic again! :)
Louis IX

Mel Gibson’s Letter to Archbishop Viganò

Once, and not as a matter of practice or as a solution to a very big problem.