Linz Diocese Presses Charges: Statue Will Be Restored

The Diocese of Linz, Austria, has filed charges against the anonymous Catholic who beheaded the obscenity in the cathedral ("Mother of God giving birth"). The police are investigating, according to …More
The Diocese of Linz, Austria, has filed charges against the anonymous Catholic who beheaded the obscenity in the cathedral ("Mother of God giving birth"). The police are investigating, according to local media.
The woodwork was made by sculptor Theresa Limberger according to the specifications of a certain Esther Strauss.
Limberger told (2 July) that she had only expected verbal criticism and announced that "the statue will be exactly as it was before".
She also insults the victims: "The intolerance, backwardness and lack of enlightenment in the Catholic Church is frightening".
May Limberger and those who want to restore the statue portray their own mother in this way, and leave Our Lady alone.
Wilma Lopez shares this
"The Diocese of Linz, Austria, has filed charges against the anonymous Catholic who beheaded the obscenity in the cathedral ('Mother of God giving birth'). The police are investigating, according to local media"
Wilma Lopez
Abomination will be RESTORED!!
These filthy pigs are hellbent on insulting God. They will pay!
Aaron Aukema
In the New Order/Conciliar church, human respect is more important than respect for God. The sublime is made mundane because "the people" can relate to it more. There is no calling people to higher things, but consigning them to stay stuck in this Vale of Tears, under the yoke of slavery to Satan...because its nicer that way.
What's the rock in the hand for on this thing? Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter. We know Who wins this battle.🎉
Burn the whole cathedral down to the ground with the statue and the Bishop in it. There can be no peace with the Destroyer and Adversary of our souls.
Coenobium shares this
The statue showed Our Lady giving birth, looking in incredible pain and in quite graphic detail, in Linz Cathedral.
Sean Johnson
Which makes it heretical, in addition to blasphemy.
Louis IX
Every Catholic in Austria should confess to the “crime”. That will keep them busy.
Sean Johnson
Now, now! Don’t go mindlessly attacking the bishop, the SSPX tells us!
I agree. Mindlessness is always dangerous.
A reasonable defense against the mindless attack of the fallen bishop is another thing.
Sally Dorman shares this
Blasphemous Statue of Our Lady in Austrian Cathedral will be RESTORED
Sean Johnson
That “bishop” should be publicly whipped.
Boanerges Boanerges
Satanic bondage is too strong I guess
Louis IX
It looks to be made of play dough. It looks like it was made by someone with no training and no talent. But even if it was a masterpiece it needs to be destroyed.
Sean Johnson
Your “Excellency-“
If you insult me, I may choose to let it slide. But if you insult my mother, you oblige me to retaliate, as a matter of honor. And if you insult her a second time, you should expect even more severe consequences.
Billy F
Modernist Judas Bishops!!!
James Manning
@Sean Johnson - I wouldn't support a public whipping. Mostly because I'm afraid he'd like it.
Klaus Elmar Müller
Satan delights in how the faithful Catholics are disturbed and deprived of their peace of mind and how his conqueror, who crushed his head, is publicly mocked. Bishop Scheuer - a lousy shepherd, lukewarm Catholic and stupid person despite having a doctorate.
James Manning
Ah, woodwork. That explains how our favorite vandal could pull it off relatively quietly and quickly. Also, now we know it is presumably flammable. Not that I would condone arson.
Now the question is how does one press charges against an anonymous person?More
Ah, woodwork. That explains how our favorite vandal could pull it off relatively quietly and quickly. Also, now we know it is presumably flammable. Not that I would condone arson.

Now the question is how does one press charges against an anonymous person?
Naomi Arai
I’m thinking they have security footage.