
Francis, “I Am sick”

I wouldn't go as far as Son of the Church in my comment, but I do feel that readers are more than familiar with your sentiments about Pope Francis, and so to comment on his every appearance may be harming your soul rather than edifying the Church. It is trying for us to wait out what this very painful time in the Church's history, but we must patiently and charitably do our best.

Viganò Against Trump

It's about time that he came out against Trump.

What if I can't attend a Latin Mass? | Ask Father with Fr. Michael Rodriguez and Fr. James Mawdsley

There are two different Father Michael Rodriguez s. The priest shown here is from El Paso, TX and is not a purported mystic. The other one is from Canada and he claims mystical experiences that his bishop does not support

Bahrain: Francis' Personal Friend Condemns "Deviations Such As Homosexuality"

I spent more time looking for this statement of al-teyyeb grand imam and couldn't find it anywhere. Here is a link to his full speech ‘Let us sit down together to put aside our differences’: Full text of the speech of Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Grand Imam of Al Azhar at Bahrain Forum

Bahrain: Francis' Personal Friend Condemns "Deviations Such As Homosexuality"

I would like to read the transcript of his remarks. From what I searched, I could not find the remarks that are posted in this gloria tv article. His remarks were mainly standard masonic fraternity gibberish and nothing against homosexuality.

Bono Meets Someone Who Speaks Even More Gibberish Than He Does

from the Crux article detailing the meeting, The pope said very little this time around, and almost seemed lost amidst the whirlwind of activity around him, to the point that when the event was wrapping and he was asked to bless the people present – youth from around the world as well as several members of the Vatican’s diplomatic corps – he was heard asking those next to him, “What do I have to …More
from the Crux article detailing the meeting, The pope said very little this time around, and almost seemed lost amidst the whirlwind of activity around him, to the point that when the event was wrapping and he was asked to bless the people present – youth from around the world as well as several members of the Vatican’s diplomatic corps – he was heard asking those next to him, “What do I have to do now?” Pope and U2’s Bono push women’s empowerment in anti-poverty campaign

Medjugorje: NO Recognised Miracles

The way I understand that question and answer is for me to not hate someone of another faith. Our Lady of Medjugorje stated early on that it is a great error to believe in reincarnation. Therefore, she is not saying that all beliefs are okay in the eyes of God. She said that all people come before God and He will judge them accordingly. It is not our place to judge them and she said not to belittle …More
The way I understand that question and answer is for me to not hate someone of another faith. Our Lady of Medjugorje stated early on that it is a great error to believe in reincarnation. Therefore, she is not saying that all beliefs are okay in the eyes of God. She said that all people come before God and He will judge them accordingly. It is not our place to judge them and she said not to belittle people of other beliefs because that is a hindrance to their conversion to the one, true, holy and apostolic Faith. I would like to also express that Artie Boyle of Massachusetts was healed of terminal cancer after visiting Medjugorje. He remained in remission for years and years, but has died in old age. Additionally, Rita Klaus was healed of Multiple Sclerosis after visiting Medjugorje as were many others. The majority of sick come and leave Medjugorje with no physical healings. But, Our Lady has always stressed that the best and main healing is spiritual healing and reconciliation with our Heavenly Father.

Revealing - Comparison between the teachings of the Church with the "revelations" of Medjugorje

The way I understand that question and answer is for me to not hate someone of another faith. Our Lady of Medjugorje stated early on that it is a great error to believe in reincarnation. Therefore, she is not saying that all beliefs are okay in the eyes of God. She said that all people come before God and He will judge them accordingly. It is not our place to judge them and she said not to belittle …More
The way I understand that question and answer is for me to not hate someone of another faith. Our Lady of Medjugorje stated early on that it is a great error to believe in reincarnation. Therefore, she is not saying that all beliefs are okay in the eyes of God. She said that all people come before God and He will judge them accordingly. It is not our place to judge them and she said not to belittle people of other beliefs because that is a hindrance to their conversion to the one, true, holy and apostolic Faith. I would like to also express that Artie Boyle of Massachusetts was healed of terminal cancer after visiting Medjugorje. He remained in remission for years and years, but has died in old age. Additionally, Rita Klaus was healed of Multiple Sclerosis after visiting Medjugorje as were many others. The majority of sick come and leave Medjugorje with no physical healings. But, Our Lady has always stressed that the best and main healing is spiritual healing and reconciliation with our Heavenly Father.

Medjugorje: NO Recognised Miracles

No, I get the feeling from reading the articles and posts here that the people dislike Divine Mercy and the conversion of sinners. It's like the parable Jesus told of the people who were hired all throughout the day for the same wage. The people that were hired early in the morning complained about the people hired in the late afternoon that received the same wage. It's surprising because Our Lady …More
No, I get the feeling from reading the articles and posts here that the people dislike Divine Mercy and the conversion of sinners. It's like the parable Jesus told of the people who were hired all throughout the day for the same wage. The people that were hired early in the morning complained about the people hired in the late afternoon that received the same wage. It's surprising because Our Lady of Fatima stressed that we pray for the conversion of sinners and here we have Our Lady of Medjugorje asking for the very same thing, and yet she is demonized by mainly 'Traditional Catholics.' I do not understand.

Medjugorje: NO Recognised Miracles

We shall see. No one is forcing you to believe so why the vitriol?

Medjugorje: NO Recognised Miracles

And then another reason for debate is the fact that all the visionaries got married and have children. This - according to some - would be sufficient to brand the mystical manifestations they claim to be recipients as bogus. Those who embrace this theory basically ask themselves: “Can anyone who saw Our Lady have sex (even if it is aimed at procreation)?
Finally, another element of discussion is …More
And then another reason for debate is the fact that all the visionaries got married and have children. This - according to some - would be sufficient to brand the mystical manifestations they claim to be recipients as bogus. Those who embrace this theory basically ask themselves: “Can anyone who saw Our Lady have sex (even if it is aimed at procreation)?

Finally, another element of discussion is the fact that by now the apparitions in Medjugorje have lasted for over 40 years. So a Madonna who would reveal herself so many times for someone would not be credible. In reality - as the Pontifical Commission pointed out - those of Medjugorje are by no means the longest apparitions in history. In fact, to date, the longest Marian apparitions (they were officially recognized a few years ago) are those of Laus, in France.

Medjugorje: NO Recognised Miracles

David Murgia was asked What events have marked the debate around the events in Medjugorje?
His answer: It can certainly be said that the events that have marked and mark the debate on this phenomenon are many. Apparitions aside, around Medjugorje the discourse of the so-called "secrets" is very much felt, or revelations that the visionaries would have received from the Gospa (as Our Lady is called …More
David Murgia was asked What events have marked the debate around the events in Medjugorje?
His answer: It can certainly be said that the events that have marked and mark the debate on this phenomenon are many. Apparitions aside, around Medjugorje the discourse of the so-called "secrets" is very much felt, or revelations that the visionaries would have received from the Gospa (as Our Lady is called in Bosnian) concerning future (and apocalyptic?) Events in the world. There is a very heated debate on these secrets. And the Pontifical Commission itself tried to know its contents several times during the interrogations of the visionaries. But in the end the common address of the Members was to ignore them in order not to fall back into the error - as happened in the judgment of other apparitions, for example those of La Salette - of making the Secrets the proof of the authenticity of the apparitions. As if to say: if the secrets occur, the apparitions must necessarily be true.

Another reason for debate is the economic conditions of the visionaries. For many, in fact, some visionaries would live in luxury thanks to their fame and to the commercial and tourist businesses they would own. In reality, as the Pontifical Commission itself has made clear, the visionaries are not rich at all nor poor, they are middle class.

Medjugorje: NO Recognised Miracles

David Murgia: The canonical and ecclesial situation in Medjugorje is very complex. In the sense that the same pontifical Commission that for 4 years dealt with the phenomenon of Medjugorje has produced a final document - the so-called Final Report (of which the minutes I publish are the backbone) - in which it is substantially stated that the first seven apparitions are credible, that is, those …More
David Murgia: The canonical and ecclesial situation in Medjugorje is very complex. In the sense that the same pontifical Commission that for 4 years dealt with the phenomenon of Medjugorje has produced a final document - the so-called Final Report (of which the minutes I publish are the backbone) - in which it is substantially stated that the first seven apparitions are credible, that is, those that took place from 24 June 1981 to the end of July of the same year. The subsequent apparitions, therefore, including those that still occur today - for the Pontifical Commission - still need to be studied and deepened.

Medjugorje: NO Recognised Miracles

when things get a little boring at GTV, they dredge up something about Medjugorje because they know GTV is the home for misanthropes of Medjugorje

New Papal Envoy For Medjugorje

Vicka pictured with Bishop Peric.

He Woke Up In the Dark of Night - A Miracle?

so very true about how often people blaspheme His makes me feel sad.

On the Feast of the Transfiguration

Thank you for posting this, although I can not read the language. I lament that more posts were not made in observance of this wonderful feast day.

Questioning the official account

Thanks for posting the links. I am of the opinion that Donald Trump is a 33rd degree Scottish rite freemason and as he has described himself as the father of the vaxx, there should be no links that celebrate him. He is 'the snake' in the poem that he reads out loud at many of his rallies. He is as dangerous as they come because of his deceit and lies that he has convinced so many Catholics/Christians …More
Thanks for posting the links. I am of the opinion that Donald Trump is a 33rd degree Scottish rite freemason and as he has described himself as the father of the vaxx, there should be no links that celebrate him. He is 'the snake' in the poem that he reads out loud at many of his rallies. He is as dangerous as they come because of his deceit and lies that he has convinced so many Catholics/Christians to think that he is on our side.

Schönborn: Vatican Has Recognized Medjugorje As A “Shrine”

The Virgin of Medjugorje has been preparing us for a new time. Forty years of apparitions by our Mother have only been heeded by a small segment of Catholics. Those who reject now will probably be sorrowful for the time they wasted later. The span of time of 'forty' is shown time and time again in the Bible to be a time of preparation. Forty days of rain in the time of Noah, forty years in the desert …More
The Virgin of Medjugorje has been preparing us for a new time. Forty years of apparitions by our Mother have only been heeded by a small segment of Catholics. Those who reject now will probably be sorrowful for the time they wasted later. The span of time of 'forty' is shown time and time again in the Bible to be a time of preparation. Forty days of rain in the time of Noah, forty years in the desert for the Israelites, forty days that Elijah walked to Mount Horeb where the LORD passed by him, forty days in the desert when Jesus fasted and prayed, forty days after the Resurrection when Jesus was lifted up and ascended into Heaven. This message is from 1991 "Dear children! Today, on this great day, which you have given to me, I desire to bless all of you and to say: these days while I am with you are days of grace. I desire to teach you and help you to walk the way of holiness. There are many people who do not desire to understand my messages and to accept with seriousness what I am saying. But you I therefore call and ask that by your lives and by your daily living you witness my presence. If you pray, God will help you to discover the true reason for my coming. Therefore, little children, pray and read the Sacred Scriptures so that through my coming you discover the message in Sacred Scripture for you. Thank you for having responded to my call." (Message, June 25,1991) (June 25th is known as the day that Our Mother wanted us to recognize as the day of Our Lady Queen of Peace.)

Schönborn: Vatican Has Recognized Medjugorje As A “Shrine”

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. I am not a theologian so although I try to read each message and let it seep into my understanding and let it help me live my Faith, I do not try to find error in the messages because for the most part, I believe that my Mother is appearing there and has urged us unceasingly to conversion over these last forty years. I do believe that the people …More
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. I am not a theologian so although I try to read each message and let it seep into my understanding and let it help me live my Faith, I do not try to find error in the messages because for the most part, I believe that my Mother is appearing there and has urged us unceasingly to conversion over these last forty years. I do believe that the people that try to live the messages of Medjugorje should be commended in part for their prayers and penances that have averted annihilation by nuclear war. This was particularly evident in about the years 1982-1987. satan was enraged about that and stirred up hatred and dissension in Bosnia in the 1990's. I think if Catholics banded together in a unified way and prayed and fasted as she has advised us for forty years, the triumph of her immaculate heart would have already happened.