Wichita Knight

WYD: Food Delivery Boxes As Novus Ordo "Tabernacle"

In Korea, Fr. Emil Kapaun used the hood of a jeep as an altar. Christ didn't seem to mind. (Google "Kapaun jeep photo")
Wichita Knight

More Confusion About the Vatican's "Peace Initiative"

Re: KMJ, what did you expect from someone with over 2400 comments, including 20 today and it is only 4:45. Reminds me of what Lincoln once said: "Better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak up, and remove all doubt."
Wichita Knight

Francis Receives Zelenski Despite Nazi Insigna

Long live Vladimir Zelenski! Long live the Ukraine!
Wichita Knight

Francis: “Too Many Discreet Transfers”

They tried. Veritatis Splendor, near Tyler, Texas.
Wichita Knight

Cardinal Burke: German State Bishops Commit "Crimes" [Which Nobody Will Prosecute]

In this picture Cardinal Burke is a dead ringer for the old man who used to yell at me to get off his lawn when I was a kid.
Wichita Knight

Maintaining the Illusion: Cardinal “Allows” Meat on Lent Friday

Every year my wife and I make a list of the dates and parishes for Friday fish fries in the diocese and use this as an excuse to visit as many parishes as we can. This annual 'pilgrimage' has expanded our circle of friends to other Catholics far and beyond the confines of our own parish.
Wichita Knight

Religious Sisters of Mercy in Alma Michigan posing for a group picture while playing ice hockey outdoors …

I only see five. The goalie must be taking the picture.
Wichita Knight

Vatican Christmas Stamps: At Least Not Sexual Nor Pagan

"We have seen a lot of nudity in recent years." You mean, like the Sistine Chapel before later popes had painters cover up all the naughty bits?
"I can't recall ever having seen a tall angel topless" Well, perhaps not the Seraphim, but the Cherubim are notorious for it.More
"We have seen a lot of nudity in recent years." You mean, like the Sistine Chapel before later popes had painters cover up all the naughty bits?

"I can't recall ever having seen a tall angel topless" Well, perhaps not the Seraphim, but the Cherubim are notorious for it.
Wichita Knight

Vatican Christmas Stamps: At Least Not Sexual Nor Pagan

I thought it was the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
Wichita Knight

Archbishop Who Forbids Cassock, Shows Up with Yarmulke

39 posts so far this month. I bet you don't get out much.
Wichita Knight

Exorcist: Porn Distorts a Person's Sexuality

@occasnltrvlr Good comment. But can you translate that into a civil ordinance or state or federal law? I agree that "Nudity and pornography are not necessarily the same thing, although they often intersect..." but who determines where the point is, and if it is to be regulated, how do you define the point accurately and sufficiently enough to make it law?
My whole point is that society cannot …More
@occasnltrvlr Good comment. But can you translate that into a civil ordinance or state or federal law? I agree that "Nudity and pornography are not necessarily the same thing, although they often intersect..." but who determines where the point is, and if it is to be regulated, how do you define the point accurately and sufficiently enough to make it law?

My whole point is that society cannot regulate porn unless it can clearly define what it is, and isn't.
Wichita Knight

Francis' "Holy Spirit" Causes "Disorder"

Can we really be sure Jesus said that? Whoever wrote the book of Matthew wrote about 40 years after Christ died, wrote in a language Jesus never spoke (Greek), and had never met Jesus and was relying on oral history.
Wichita Knight

Exorcist: Porn Distorts a Person's Sexuality

I see a lot of talk about porn, but no definition of what it is. In several mideastern countries the mere sight of a woman's ankles or uncovered head is pornographic.
Is Botticelli's "Birth of Venuse" pornographic? Is Eugene Delacroix's painting of Liberty leading the people pornographic? A statue in the Department of Justice of the blind lady holding the scales of justice was deemed offensive …More
I see a lot of talk about porn, but no definition of what it is. In several mideastern countries the mere sight of a woman's ankles or uncovered head is pornographic.

Is Botticelli's "Birth of Venuse" pornographic? Is Eugene Delacroix's painting of Liberty leading the people pornographic? A statue in the Department of Justice of the blind lady holding the scales of justice was deemed offensive enough by Ed Meese that they put a cloth shawl over her shoulders. Until we can define what it is we are fighting we have no hope of winning.
Wichita Knight

Fake News: It Was NOT John XXIII Who Solved the "Cuban Missile Crisis"

The Jupiter missiles in Turkey were obsolete and JFK had already ordered their removal. JFK gave up nothing. NK gave up a new system that was being installed. JFK traded a bag of garbage going out the back door for a bag of groceries coming in the front. A 'win' in my book.
Wichita Knight

Homosexualist Hollerich Calls Sin "Love"

Apparently there are many animals who display homosexual behavior, including black swans, giraffes, albatrosses, marmots, blue ducks, penguins, American bison. I have personally seen lesbian sex amongst dairy cows, and I remember a story making the news about a pair of gay penguins at the New York zoo who took an egg from another nest to raise as their own.
Wichita Knight

New York Police Protect Violent Abortion Mob

I live in Minnesota's 5th district. Number of Republicans who voted in the primary: 9,930. Number of Democrats who voted in the primary: 114,567.
Democrats outnumber Republicans 12:1 in this district. As long as she can defend herself against challengers in her own party, Oman will be in Congress until she dies of old age.More
I live in Minnesota's 5th district. Number of Republicans who voted in the primary: 9,930. Number of Democrats who voted in the primary: 114,567.

Democrats outnumber Republicans 12:1 in this district. As long as she can defend herself against challengers in her own party, Oman will be in Congress until she dies of old age.
Wichita Knight

Homosex-Infiltration: Archbishop Denounces "Vice of Sodomy"

"He mentions embassies of Western states illegally flying homosexual flags" While this is certainly deplorable, it is not illegal. The confines of an embassy are considered to be the territory of the country of the embassy. The area behind the walls of a U.S. embassy is considered to be U.S. soil. Zambian laws do not apply.
Wichita Knight

Media Attention: Curia Cardinal "Shot At" While Delivering Aid

That's like saying that since Washington D.C. was totally under Union control John Wilkes Booth must have been acting on behalf of the Union government.