Hay Zeus

Egypt: Islamist mob parades nuns in Cairo as prisoners of war

When are we going to hear Francis condemning the persecution of Christians and their church burnings?
Hay Zeus

Reagan Humor - Watch to the End :)

Reagan knew all too well that the socialists were gaining in power and numbers.
Hay Zeus

Gloria.TV News on the 20th of August 2013

Yes, why are we not hearing pope Francis condemning these horrific persecutions and church burnings...enough with the Ramadan "well wishes", while Christians are being killed!
Hay Zeus

School Children Taught 'Gay'-Lessions

Hay Zeus

Coercing Homosexual Consensus

Good article...only the "Satanists" could control and spread sodomy homosexuality, as we Know God created woman for man=Pro-Create=Natural.
Hay Zeus

Gloria.TV News on the 19th of August 2013

What a pagan world we live in. No one does anything for the persecuted Christians. Pray for them.
Hay Zeus

Radical Traditionalism? Check out the latest from Remnant TV's "The Remnant Forum": Michael Matt and …

I won't use the word "ministers" in describing the lay people who distribute communion...I'll always refer to them as "lay distributors". The Only ministers are the priests.
Hay Zeus

Fr. Frank Remembering Judge William P. Clark, Jr

May he RIP.
Hay Zeus

"Countefeit Marriage"

A "naugahyde" marriage..lol Look what the devil has done...from sodomy being a felony to it now being made "normal" in children's schools. Sick!
Hay Zeus

Gay ‘married’ couple denied Communion in Rhode Island parish

These homos expect the Church to change just for them, but they'll find a church where the priest doesn't have the b$lls to kick these donut punchers out.
Hay Zeus

Boy Prays to Obama

I think Obama may be the precursor to the anti-Christ.
Hay Zeus

The Story of St Maximilian Kolbe

thanks for this
Hay Zeus

Gloria.TV News on the 14th of August 2013

Hope the "opinion" of the renowned theologian and liturgist is correct...better yet, lets see Francis offer the traditional Latin Mass.
Hay Zeus

Bebé disfruta a fondo bendiciendo la mesa

Ha! :))
Hay Zeus

Gloria.TV News on the 12th of August 2013

Very good Holy Cannoli! The last paragraph sums it all up!!
Hay Zeus

Muslims and Risk Assessment (Ann Coulter)

"Pigs be on them". :)) I recently saw where some ammo company is making pork-filled ammo. For real!
Hay Zeus

Gloria.TV News on the 9th of August

thanks for the news!
Hay Zeus

Planned Parenthood of Virginia Beach Flies Homo Flag

Disgusting! Where's the homos .... They must be proud of it.
Hay Zeus

Gloria.TV News on the 8th of August

Thanks for the news!
Hay Zeus

Bishop attempts to ordain polar bear in Canada

dianucha2011... 😜 😜 😜