Gloria.TV News on the 19th of August 2013 Father donates a kidney: 31-year-old Father Jonathan Goertz of St. Timothy Parish in Tappahannock, Richmond Diocese, wished to donate a kidney according to …More
Gloria.TV News on the 19th of August 2013
Father donates a kidney: 31-year-old Father Jonathan Goertz of St. Timothy Parish in Tappahannock, Richmond Diocese, wished to donate a kidney according to Catholic News Service. He was tested and introduced into the National Living Kidney Register. They found a match in his own parish: 60-year-old Bruce McComb. In 2002, he had received a kidney from his wife but his body later rejected it. The night before the surgery, Father Jonathan anointed Mr. McComb. "It's rare that the donor anoints the receiver," Bruce McComb said later.
No Christ: Located between France and Spain, the tiny principality of Andorra wanted to put one of its most celebrated artistic works, the Christ Pantocrator of the Romanic church of Sant Martí de la Cortinada, on its two Euro coin. But, the European Union and the European Central Bank ordered Christ removed from the coin. Now, simply a belltower will remain on the coin. The tiny nation that has a Bishop as one of its …More
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Destruction: Asia News published a list of Christian churches, schools, institutions and shops torched by the Muslim Brotherhood in the last three days.
I think it's possible to "look good" and also be religious. I believe the opposite is also true. The ugliest people I've ever seen are pro-abortion, atheistic, man-hating feminazis.
I think it's possible to "look good" and also be religious. I believe the opposite is also true. The ugliest people I've ever seen are pro-abortion, atheistic, man-hating feminazis.

Christian persecution continues growing and growing..while Muslim populations around the world continue to gain foothold. The Battle is beginning to brew...
Hay Zeus
What a pagan world we live in. No one does anything for the persecuted Christians. Pray for them.