Powerful quake hits Japan. AlJazeeraEnglish on Mar 10, 2011 An 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck Japan's northeastern coast around 0546 GMT on Friday. It caused a four-metre tsunami in the port city of …More
Powerful quake hits Japan.
AlJazeeraEnglish on Mar 10, 2011 An 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck Japan's northeastern coast around 0546 GMT on Friday.
It caused a four-metre tsunami in the port city of Kamishi and its tremors shook buildings in the capital Tokyo, over 300 kilometres away.
Now Taiwan has issued a tsunami warning.
Japón: Solidaridad con damnificados tras terremoto y tsunami
ROMA, 11 Mar. 11 / 10:48 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias)
El canciller de la Diócesis de Niigata (Japón), P. Koichi Otaki, señaló que el terremoto y tsunami que golpearon el país este viernes, "nos recuerda la precariedad de la vida. La solidaridad y la asistencia a las víctimas sin duda será nuestro compromiso por la Cuaresma".
El sacerdote …More
Japón: Solidaridad con damnificados tras terremoto y tsunami
ROMA, 11 Mar. 11 / 10:48 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias)

El canciller de la Diócesis de Niigata (Japón), P. Koichi Otaki, señaló que el terremoto y tsunami que golpearon el país este viernes, "nos recuerda la precariedad de la vida. La solidaridad y la asistencia a las víctimas sin duda será nuestro compromiso por la Cuaresma".
El sacerdote informó a la agencia Fides que el presidente de Caritas Japón, Mons. Isao Kikuchi, "asegura que como comunidad católica japonesa, aunque muy pequeña, no dejaremos de realizar nuestro compromiso y nuestra solidaridad con las víctimas".
Desde Bangkok (Tailandia), el director de Caritas Asia, P. Bonnie Mendes, indicó a Fides que están "en contacto constante con Caritas Japón que está monitoreando la situación, los daños y las víctimas (...). Estamos esperando conocer mejor la situación de los desplazados y sus necesidades para planificar una intervención de emergencia".
Por su parte, el Nuncio Apostólico en Japón, Mons. Alberto Bottari de Castello, dijo a Radio Vaticana que situaciones como estas hacen "comprender realmente cuál es la dimensión del hombre ante la naturaleza".
Según las últimas informaciones, el terremoto de 8,9 grados y el tsunami dejaron 288 muertos y 349 desaparecidos, sobretodo en la ciudad de Sendai (Miyagi), que es la más afectada. Sin embargo, se teme que estas cifras puedan aumentar.
to charge me with contempt of court,unaware ,I,who being dragged before judge the first time did notopen mpouth on my own behalf,as I decide to follow Jesus' example to expose the corruption of the justice system,this time ,before even the judge called the accusers,called on Christ to sent The Holy Spirit and let Him run my mouth to the point I would not be thrown out of Courtroom and when I not …More
to charge me with contempt of court,unaware ,I,who being dragged before judge the first time did notopen mpouth on my own behalf,as I decide to follow Jesus' example to expose the corruption of the justice system,this time ,before even the judge called the accusers,called on Christ to sent The Holy Spirit and let Him run my mouth to the point I would not be thrown out of Courtroom and when I not being asked,went up to witness stand,disrupted the court proceedings,called out to the judge,The Holy Spirit flew like a river,the Judge,ABVierrieg was so overhelmed,he kept asking the clerk,if he had ever witnessed anything like it happening in the courtroom,if he ever witnessed anything like that in his entire life,telling him that history is unfolding right before their very own eyes,history is made here today,unable to stop the flow of the Holy Spirit myself,with the Judge smilling,joyfully asking me,if he is allowed to speak in his own courtroom,assuming laid back position as if preparing to watch engaging TV Show he let me act as my own attorney,begged me to check the evidence,mocking the whole lawyers office running back and forth like rats on a sinking ship,telling the clerk to "write faithfully every single word,that comes out of her mouth- i want you to witness this,you can never possibly learn anything like that in any law school -but I want you to write it down,word by word,do not loose any of it".Oh ,if we would only follow the Living Word of God,conveying God's Truth and laws to us!
In der Barmherzigkeitstunde sollten wir für Japan beten... 🙏
" Can't you see the signs of times?" " The coastline awaits instructions of the Lord" .Sunday,two weeks after ( or was it before? -I remember thinking afterwards that two weeks span) Tony Blair resigned I had to work 10-7 pm. Saturday after work I walked to attend the 5 pm eve Mass,yet Sunday I was desiring to go to church so much,that I kept asking management to be allowed not to take lunch at 2 …More
" Can't you see the signs of times?" " The coastline awaits instructions of the Lord" .Sunday,two weeks after ( or was it before? -I remember thinking afterwards that two weeks span) Tony Blair resigned I had to work 10-7 pm. Saturday after work I walked to attend the 5 pm eve Mass,yet Sunday I was desiring to go to church so much,that I kept asking management to be allowed not to take lunch at 2 pm as scheudled,but at 5:15 pm instead to be able to attend the eve Mass and then make up afterwards.My requests were refused repeatedly,due to high volume of customers.At 6 pm I was on the register in the Garden Center,taking advantage of " quiet before the storm" before the new wave of customers hit,I prayed Angelus in my heart.A couple I knew as long time customers from my years working as Pharmacy Technician came up- looking behind them at the immaculate blue of the skies ,black clouds appearing suddenly,pulling together,forming map of Europe,then in similiar way outlining unmistakably,precisely map of Asia,Central and South America.I called out: Look! The map of the whole world! As I always had told my atheist husband,it is not the "all-knowing" meteorologist that rules the weather,but as it is written in the scriptures God's Angels are in charge of it ( talking from my own experience of praying away ice storm one Saturday just because I was moved with pity so it would not ruin my humble Vietnamese neighbors wedding;praying away vicious black cloud in 1998,that flipped itself over and run backwards,unleashing it's fury in Rockville,Md tearing apart Abortion Clinic- can you see the signs of times!,damaging trees,electricity poles;praying away lightning storm,having that inner knowing that nothing will happen till I get home safely -I missed the last bus ,heavy rain begun to fall, black,burdened by lightning clouds like a doomsday wall coming from the west,about to explode any moment,yet I knew inmy heart,if I would seek shelter,going back to the shopping center,I will be chased by thunder,yet if I trust Christ against reason and walk home facing the storm,I will get home safe - pay attention: that attitude should also characterize how we are to conduct ourselves as Christians! - and carrying heavy cast iron plant stand I walked home ,stopping on my 45 min way,to pick up lushes mullberries to prove to my unbelieving husband that they grow not only in Afghanistan ,that took me another 45 minutes as I could not resist to gather that ripe for harvest fruit threatened by destruction and when I reached my neighborhood,I spent another 20 minutes,talking to the neighbor living at the end townhouse,who was shocked by the fact that I walked in this kind of weather,in disbelief assuming that somebody had to drop me off as it was 2 hours past the last bus and,when I told her that she,being few steps away has nothing to fear ,for nothing will happen,not even one drop will fall till I reach my door-the French who divorcee living in sin ,scared to death herself,having witnessed the powers of nature suspended by two hours,later spread the rumors that I must be a witch and set in motion,being the vice president of our Home Owners Association,the vicious harassement,persecution,me being dragged to court,charged with frivolous law-suit,meant to destroy my life savings paying fines for having statue of Virgin Mary by my door,that they called trash and debris on the front steps,having my basic human rights denied by judge,looking uncanny like the judge Judy on tv,refusing to allow me to testify on my own behalf and present evidence;being charged repeatedly with contempt of court by the HOA lying to the court,presenting two piles of falsified evidence
BREAKING NEWS: A massive earthquake struck northeastern Japan on Friday afternoon, generating massive tsunami along broad areas of the Pacific coast. Numerous deaths have been reported. Many people are missing. Japan's Meteorological Agency says the quake struck at 2:46 PM Friday local time off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture. The quake's estimated magnitude has been …More
BREAKING NEWS: A massive earthquake struck northeastern Japan on Friday afternoon, generating massive tsunami along broad areas of the Pacific coast. Numerous deaths have been reported. Many people are missing. Japan's Meteorological Agency says the quake struck at 2:46 PM Friday local time off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture. The quake's estimated magnitude has been upgraded to 8.8 -- the strongest on record to ever hit Japan. Tsunami warnings have been issued for most countries around the Pacific rim.

Please Continue Praying

BREAKING NEWS: Japan declares 'nuclear emergency' after problems at power plant - NHK

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BREAKING NEWS: A massive earthquake struck northeastern Japan on Friday afternoon, generating massive tsunami along broad areas of the Pacific coast. Numerous deaths have been reported. Many people are missing. Japan's Meteorological Agency says the quake struck at 2:46 PM Friday local time off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture. The quake's estimated magnitude has been …More
BREAKING NEWS: A massive earthquake struck northeastern Japan on Friday afternoon, generating massive tsunami along broad areas of the Pacific coast. Numerous deaths have been reported. Many people are missing. Japan's Meteorological Agency says the quake struck at 2:46 PM Friday local time off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture. The quake's estimated magnitude has been upgraded to 8.8 -- the strongest on record to ever hit Japan. Tsunami warnings have been issued for most countries around the Pacific rim.

Please Continue Praying

BREAKING NEWS: Japan declares 'nuclear emergency' after problems at power plant - NHK

For more info:
Son los dolores del parto que dijo Jesús , solo le pido a Dios que venga pronto .
Son los dolores del parto que dijo Jesús , solo le pido a Dios que venga pronto .

habe ich eben mitbekommen,furchtbar--- 🙏
Fabriken explodieren, Häuser stürzen ein, Wassermassen reißen Menschen mit. Das schwerste Erdbeben in der Geschichte Japans und ein Tsunami richten Zerstörung an. Das Ausmaß ist unabsehbar, es gibt viele Tote. Weltweit bereiten sich Länder jetzt auf einen Tsunami vor. Diesen Artikel weiter lesen
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Fabriken explodieren, Häuser stürzen ein, Wassermassen reißen Menschen mit. Das schwerste Erdbeben in der Geschichte Japans und ein Tsunami richten Zerstörung an. Das Ausmaß ist unabsehbar, es gibt viele Tote. Weltweit bereiten sich Länder jetzt auf einen Tsunami vor. Diesen Artikel weiter lesen
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Mega-Erdbeben und Tsunami in Japan - Verwüstung und Tod Bild vergrößern
Schweres Erdbeben mit Tsunami-Welle in Japan Bild vergrößern
Erdbeben in Japan richtet Verwüstungen an (Bild: AP). Bild vergrößern
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Fürchterliche Verwüstungen, zahlreiche Tote und Verletzte: Das schlimmste Erdbeben in der Geschichte des Landes hat Japan erschüttert und einen verheerenden Tsunami ausgelöst. Der Erdstoß vom Freitag hatte die Stärke 8,9. Es gab zahlreichen Tote. Auch ein Atomreaktor geriet in Brand. Der japanische Regierungschef Naoto Kan hat nach dem verheerenden Erdbeben Atomalarm ausgerufen. Nachbeben hielten die Menschen in Atem. Weltweit wurden nach Medienberichten in 20 Staaten Tsunamiwarnungen ausgelöst. Die Flutwelle sollte in den kommenden Stunden die Westküste der USA treffen. Auch die Pazifikküste Südamerikas und Russlands sind bedroht.
Verfolgen Sie die aktuellsten Entwicklungen in Japan hier
Das Epizentrum des Bebens gegen 14.45 Uhr Ortszeit (06.45 Uhr MEZ) lag 130 Kilometer östlich der Stadt Sendai und knapp 400 Kilometer nordöstlich der Hauptstadt Tokio. Experten vergleichen die Katastrophe auch mit dem schweren Tsunami in Südostasien von 2004.
Mindestens 32 Tote - bislang keine Hinweise auf deutsche Opfer
Nach ersten Polizeiangaben kamen mindestens 32 Menschen ums Leben, befürchtet werden allerdings wesentlich mehr Tote. Mindestens 30 weitere Menschen würden noch vermisst, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur Kyodo. In der Hauptstadt Tokio kamen laut dem Fernsehsender NHK zwei Menschen ums Leben, 45 wurden verletzt. Hinweise auf Opfer aus Deutschland gab es bisher nicht.
Brand in japanischer Atomanlage nach verheerendem Beben
Auch die Angst vor einem Atomunfall geht um: Der japanische Regierungschef Naoto Kan hat nach dem verheerenden Erdbeben Atomalarm ausgerufen. Es seien aber keine radioaktiven Lecks in oder in der Nähe von Atomkraftwerken festgestellt worden. Der Regierungschef habe den atomaren Notfall deswegen ausgerufen, damit die Behörden leicht Notfallmaßnahmen ergreifen können, sagte Regierungssprecher Yukio Edano. Anwohner von Atomkraftwerken müssten aber keine besonderen Maßnahmen ergreifen. In einem Turbinengebäude des Atomkraftwerks Onagawa in der Provinz Miyagi brach ein Feuer aus, meldete die Nachrichtenagentur Kyodo.
Das Fernsehen zeigte Bilder furchtbarer Verwüstungen in dem asiatischen Land. Japan ist die drittgrößten Volkswirtschaft der Welt, weshalb das Beben auch Auswirkungen auf die Aktienmärkte hatte. Erdbeben sind in dem Land keine Seltenheit, ein solch schweres Beben gab es nach Einschätzung von Erdbebenforschern aber bisher noch nicht.
Verkehr lahmgelegt
In weiten Teilen des Landes wurde der Flug- und Zugverkehr eingestellt. Aus der Provinz Iwate waren bei dem Sender NHK Straßenzüge mit eingestürzten Häusern zu sehen. An der Küste trieben Flutwellen Trümmer und zerstörte Häuser vor sich her. In Tokio, 400 Kilometer südwestlich des Epizentrums gelegen, brachen an zahlreichen Stellen im Stadtzentrum Brände aus. In der Hauptstadt waren die Telefonnetze stundenlang überlastet, Menschen konnten ihre Angehörigen nicht erreichen. Auf den Straßen bildeten sich Kilometer lange Staus, an den Bahnhöfen strandeten massenweise Pendler. Viele Bürger trugen Helme aus Angst vor herabstürzenden Gegenständen. Für mehr als vier Millionen Haushalte brach die Stromversorgung zusammen, wie die Versorgungsgesellschaft mitteilte. Mehrere Flughafen in der Region wurden geschlossen und evakuiert. Auch die U-Bahn von Tokio wurde eingestellt.
Die gewaltige Flutwelle - mancherorts bis zu zehn Meter hoch - überspülte die Ostküste der Hauptinsel Honshu. Boote wurden gegen die Küste geschleudert und Autos ins Meer gespült. Zahllose Bewohner der Küstenregionen und betroffenen Städte wurden verletzt und flüchteten vor dem Tsunami.
«Wir erwarten, dass viele Menschen getötet worden sind», sagte der Seismologe Kevin McCue von der Central Queensland University im australischen Canberra, wie die chinesische Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua berichtete.
Warnungen für Indonesien, Philippinen und Russland
Auch auf Indonesien, den Philippinen und an der russischen Pazifikküste wurden Tsunami-Warnungen ausgerufen. In zahlreichen anderen Pazifik-Ländern rüsten sich die Menschen für die Tsunamiwelle und brachten sich in Sicherheit: Auf der US-Pazifikinsel Hawaii wurde eine Tsunami-Warnung ausgelöst. Dort könnte eine Flutwelle frühestens um 02.59 Uhr Ortszeit (13.59 Uhr MEZ) eintreffen, wie der US-Fernsehsender Khon TV berichtete.
Erdbeben in Japan: Zu den Bildern
Die Behörden an der Westküste der USA warnten die Bewohner vor einer Flutwelle, die in etwa sechs Stunden eintreffen könnte. In Neah Bay im US-Staat Washington wird die Welle um 7.18 Uhr Ortszeit (16.18 Uhr MEZ) erwartet. Allerdings sei die erste Welle nicht unbedingt die stärkste, erklärte das Tsunami-Warnzentrum für die Westküste und Alaska.
Örtliche Rettungsdienste zusammengebrochen
Der Tsunami schwappte auch in die Stadt Natori in der nordostjapanischen Präfektur Tochigi. In Autos und Häusern seien Menschen weggeschwemmt worden, berichtete der Sender NHK. Die örtlichen Behörden seien nicht in der Lage, den Menschen zur Hilfe zu kommen. Die Katastrophe sei so schlimm, dass selbst örtliche Rettungsdienste zusammengebrochen seien.
Zehn Meter hohe Flutwelle
Eine zehn Meter hohe Flutwelle traf die Küste rund um die Hafenstadt Sendai, wie Kyodo meldete. Der Hafen von Sendai wurde ebenso überflutet wie Fischerdörfer der Umgebung. In Aufnahmen aus Hubschraubern war zu sehen, wie die Flutwelle Schiffe, Lastwagen, Autos und Trümmer vor sich her in die Stadt Sendai schob. Flüsse traten durch das einströmende Meerwasser über die Ufer. Die Behörden riefen die Küstenbewohner auf, sich in höher gelegene Gebiete oder in obere Stockwerke zu begeben. Es drohten weitere Tsunamis. Auch könne es weitere starke Nachbeben geben.
Der Leiter des Goethe-Instituts in Tokio, Raimund Wördemann, sagte der Nachrichtenagentur dpa etwa eine Stunde nach dem ersten Erdstoß während eines Nachbebens: «Wir müssen hier erst einmal die Ruhe bewahren.» Es gebe im Gebäude keinen absoluten sicheren Raum. «Es gibt nur eben die Aussage, das Gebäude selbst sei besonders sicher, so dass wir hier mit Helm auf dem Kopf und teilweise unter den Tischen kauernd im Moment noch ausharren.»
Krisensitzung der japanischen Regierung
Das Kabinett kam unter Leitung von Ministerpräsident Naoto Kan zu einer Krisensitzung zusammen. Das Verteidigungsministerium schickte acht Kampfflugzeugen los; Luftaufnahmen sollen einen ersten Überblick zu den Schäden ermöglichen. Kan sprach von «enormen Schäden».
Die Regierung richtete ein Krisenzentrum unter Führung von Kan ein. 900 Einsatzkräfte der Polizei wurden in den Nordosten von Honshu geschickt. Es werde alles getan, um die Schäden zu begrenzen, sagte der Ministerpräsident. Er sagte zunächst, es gebe bislang keine Probleme mit den japanischen Atomreaktoren. Fünf Reaktoren wurden automatisch abgeschaltet.…/twl-mega-erdbeb…
Oui, Yvonne-Aimée--Prions pour eux et pour nous, aussi 🙏
Prions pour eux !
Al menos 20 países en alerta de tsunami por terremoto de 8.9 en Japón La amplia lista incluye a Rusia e Indonesia y los países de América como Guatemala y Costa Rica. La lista del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional incluye a Japón, Rusia, Filipinas, Indonesia, Papua Nueva Guinea, Australia, Fiji, Nueva Zelanda, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panamá, Honduras, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia …More
Al menos 20 países en alerta de tsunami por terremoto de 8.9 en Japón La amplia lista incluye a Rusia e Indonesia y los países de América como Guatemala y Costa Rica. La lista del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional incluye a Japón, Rusia, Filipinas, Indonesia, Papua Nueva Guinea, Australia, Fiji, Nueva Zelanda, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panamá, Honduras, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Perú y los Estados Unidos.…/al-menos-20-pai…
Terribles séisme et tsunami au Japon Un séisme d'une intensité record a provoqué des vagues géantes qui ont submergé le pays.
7 more comments from Irapuato
Terremoto no Japão foi o mais intenso das últimas décadas…/0,,OI4984787-EI…More
Terremoto no Japão foi o mais intenso das últimas décadas…/0,,OI4984787-EI…
Terremoto in Giappone: feriti, crolli e panico. Tsunami di 10 metri
Ven 11 Mar - 08.18
TM News Spa
Allarme Tsunami anche in altre regioni affacciate sul Pacifico. Guarda tutti i video. Articoli correlati
Giappone: allarme tsunami sulla costa del Pacifico del Nord America
Giappone: Frattini esprime vicinanza al popolo giapponese
Giappone: Bilancio Vittime Terremoto Sale a 32
Altre notizie correlate …More
Terremoto in Giappone: feriti, crolli e panico. Tsunami di 10 metri
Ven 11 Mar - 08.18
TM News Spa
Allarme Tsunami anche in altre regioni affacciate sul Pacifico. Guarda tutti i video. Articoli correlati
Giappone: allarme tsunami sulla costa del Pacifico del Nord America
Giappone: Frattini esprime vicinanza al popolo giapponese
Giappone: Bilancio Vittime Terremoto Sale a 32
Altre notizie correlate: Tsunami
Forum: Tsunami
Il momento della scossa - In queste immagini il momento della violenta scossa di terremoto, 8.9 gradi Richter, che ha colpito il Giappone venerdì 11 marzo 2011. L'epicentro è stato individuato a circa 373 Km da Tokyo, al largo della costa nord-orientale del Paese. La scossa ha provocato uno tsunami che si è abbattuto sul litorale della città di Sendai, a nord della Capitale.*…/twl-terremoto-i…
Japan earthquake experience shared on YouTube as citizen journalists upload their videos - watch incredible footage
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Go Camping for 95p! Vouchers collectable in the Daily and Sunday Mirror until 11th August . Click here for more information
Japan earthquake experience shared on YouTube as citizen journalists upload their videos - watch incredible footage

Read more:…/japan-earthquak…
Go Camping for 95p! Vouchers collectable in the Daily and Sunday Mirror until 11th August . Click here for more information
An earthquake in Japan has triggered tsunami warnings across the Pacific. The Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii widened its original alert to include Hawaii and the rest of the Pacific Ocean following the mega-shock measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale which struck off Japan's north-east coast today, and saw a 13ft tsunami hit the country. Tsunami strikes after Japan earthquake - video Tsunami sirens …More
An earthquake in Japan has triggered tsunami warnings across the Pacific. The Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii widened its original alert to include Hawaii and the rest of the Pacific Ocean following the mega-shock measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale which struck off Japan's north-east coast today, and saw a 13ft tsunami hit the country. Tsunami strikes after Japan earthquake - video Tsunami sirens were sounded and coastal areas were being evacuated in Hawaii, where the first waves were expected to hit at around 1pm UK time today. Officials in the Philippines have ordered the evacuation of coastal communities along the country's eastern coast in expectation of a tsunami. Philippine Volcanology and Seismology Institute director Renato Solidum said the first 3ft (1m) high waves are expected to hit the northernmost Batanes islands by 5pm (09.00 GMT) today. Read more:…/tsunami-alert-i… Go Camping for 95p! Vouchers collectable in the Daily and Sunday Mirror until 11th August . Click here for more information
El terremoto de Japón alcanzó una magnitud de 8,8 según el USGS 11 de marzo de 2011, 01:53 AM
Redacción Internacional, 11 mar (EFE).- El terremoto que sacudió hoy la costa noreste de Japón alcanzó una magnitud de 8,8 grados en la escala de Richter, según el Instituto Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), aunque las autoridades japonesas la cifraron en 7,9.
El potente seísmo, que hizo temblar los …More
El terremoto de Japón alcanzó una magnitud de 8,8 según el USGS 11 de marzo de 2011, 01:53 AM

Redacción Internacional, 11 mar (EFE).- El terremoto que sacudió hoy la costa noreste de Japón alcanzó una magnitud de 8,8 grados en la escala de Richter, según el Instituto Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), aunque las autoridades japonesas la cifraron en 7,9.

El potente seísmo, que hizo temblar los edificios en Tokio, ha sido seguido de dos réplicas, ambas de 6,4 grados, informa el USGS en su página web.

El temblor principal se produjo a las 05.46 GMT, con epicentro a 130 kilómetros de Sendal, en las islas Honshu y con una profundidad de 24,4 kilómetros, en las misma zona donde se produjo otro terremoto de 7,3 grados que no causó víctimas.

Según las autoridades japonesas, el seísmo ha numerosos heridos y una alerta de tsunami, que el Centro del Pacífico ha extendido a Rusia y las islas Marianas.

La Policía de Miyagi, una de las provincias afectadas, informó de que hay "numerosos heridos" en la zona a causa del terremoto, según la agencia local Kyodo.

La televisión local NHK ha emitido imágenes que muestran columnas de humo saliendo de edificios en la isla de Odaiba, en la bahía de Tokio.

La Agencia Meteorológica de Japón ha emitido una alerta de riesgo alto de tsunami con olas de hasta seis metros en Miyagi y de hasta tres metros en Iwate, donde se ha instado a los habitantes que se encuentren cerca de la costa que se adentren en el interior a terrenos elevados.

La misma recomendación se ha hecho en las provincias de Fukushima, Ibaraki y Aomori, además de la costa de la provincia de Chiba, colindante con Tokio.

En la capital nipona el terremoto, uno de los más fuertes de los últimos años, disparó las alarmas de los edificios e hizo que la gente saliera asustada a las calles, al tiempo que dejó bloqueadas las líneas de los teléfonos móviles.

También paralizó los servicios del "Shinkansen", el tren bala japonés, en todo el país, según la compañía ferroviaria JR East.

Japón, situado en el llamado anillo de fuego del Pacífico, sufre frecuentes terremotos, que raramente causan víctimas debido a las estrictas normas de construcción vigentes en el país.

Tras el terremoto de hace dos días, la Agencia Meteorológica nipona había advertido de que durante una semana podrían producirse réplicas, aunque había estimado la intensidad en 4 en la escala japonesa. EFE…/n-technology-te…
TOKYO – A powerful tsunami spawned by the largest earthquake in Japan's recorded history slammed the eastern coast Friday, sweeping away boats, cars, homes and people as widespread fires burned out of control. Authorities said at least 32 people were killed.
The magnitude 8.9 offshore quake was followed by at least 19 aftershocks, most of them of more than magnitude 6.0. Dozens of cities and villages …More
TOKYO – A powerful tsunami spawned by the largest earthquake in Japan's recorded history slammed the eastern coast Friday, sweeping away boats, cars, homes and people as widespread fires burned out of control. Authorities said at least 32 people were killed.
The magnitude 8.9 offshore quake was followed by at least 19 aftershocks, most of them of more than magnitude 6.0. Dozens of cities and villages along a 1,300-mile (2,100-kilometer) stretch of coastline were shaken by violent tremors that reached as far away as Tokyo, hundreds of miles (kilometers) from the epicenter.
A tsunami warning was issued for the entire Pacific, including areas as far away as South America, the entire U.S. West Coast, Canada and Alaska.
Japan's Fire and Disaster Management Agency said at least 32 people were killed. A utility company in northeastern Japan reported a fire in a turbine building of nuclear power plant.
"The earthquake has caused major damage in broad areas in northern Japan," Prime Minister Naoto Kan said at a news conference.
Even for a country used to earthquakes, this one was of horrific proportions. It unleashed a 23-foot (7-meter) tsunami that swept boats, cars, buildings and tons of debris miles inland.
Large fishing boats and other sea vessels rode high waves into the cities, slamming against overpasses. Upturned and partially submerged vehicles were seen bobbing in the water.
Waves of muddy waters swept over farmland near the city of Sendai, carrying buildings, some on fire, inland as cars attempted to drive away. Sendai airport, north of Tokyo, was inundated with cars, trucks, buses and thick mud deposited over its runways. Fires spread through a section of the city, public broadcaster NHK reported.
The tsunami roared over embankments, washing anything in its path inland before reversing directions and carrying the cars, homes and other debris out to sea. Flames shot from some of the houses, probably because of burst gas pipes.
"Our initial assessment indicates that there has already been enormous damage," Chief government spokesman Yukio Edano said. "We will make maximum relief effort based on that assessment."
He said the Defense Ministry was sending troops to the quake-hit region. A utility aircraft and several helicopters were on the way.
A large fire erupted at the Cosmo oil refinery in Ichihara city in Chiba prefecture near Tokyo and was burning out of control with 100-foot (30 meter) -high flames whipping into the sky.
In northeastern Japan's Miyagi prefecture, a fire broke out in a turbine building of a nuclear power plant. Smoke was observed coming out of the building, which is separate from the plant's reactor, and the cause is under investigation, said Tohoku Electric Power Co. the company said.
There have been no reports of radioactive leaks or injuries, the company said. Several nuclear plants elsewhere along the coast were also partially shut down, with no reports of leakage.
Also from Miyagi prefecture, NHK showed footage of a large ship being swept away and ramming directly into a breakwater in Kesennuma city.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the 2:46 p.m. quake was a magnitude 8.9, the biggest earthquake to hit Japan since officials began keeping records in the late 1800s.
A tsunami warning was extended to a number of Pacific, Southeast Asian and Latin American nations, including Japan, Russia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Chile. In the Philippines, authorities said they expect a 3-foot (1-meter) high tsunami.
The quake struck at a depth of six miles (10 kilometers), about 80 miles (125 kilometers) off the eastern coast, the agency said. The area is 240 miles (380 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo.
In downtown Tokyo, large buildings shook violently and workers poured into the street for safety. TV footage showed a large building on fire and bellowing smoke in the Odaiba district of Tokyo. The tremor bent the upper tip of the iconic Tokyo Tower, a 333-meter (1,093-foot) steel structure inspired by the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
In central Tokyo, trains were stopped and passengers walked along the tracks to platforms. NHK said more than 4 million buildings were without power in Tokyo and its suburbs.
Large numbers of people waited at Tokyo's Shinjuku station, the world's busiest train station, for service to resume so they could go home. TV announcers urged workers not to leave their offices to prevent injuries in case of more strong aftershocks.
Osamu Akiya, 46, was working in Tokyo at his office in a trading company when the quake hit.
It sent bookshelves and computers crashing to the floor, and cracks appeared in the walls.
"I've been through many earthquakes, but I've never felt anything like this," he said. "I don't know if we'll be able to get home tonight."
Footage on NHK from their Sendai office showed employees stumbling around and books and papers crashing from desks. It also showed a glass shelter at a bus stop in Tokyo completely smashed by the quake and a weeping woman nearby being comforted by another woman.
Several quakes had hit the same region in recent days, including a 7.3 magnitude one on Wednesday.
Hiroshi Sato, a disaster management official in northern Iwate prefecture, said officials were having trouble getting an overall picture of the carnage.
"We don't even know the extent of damage. Roads were badly damaged and cut off as tsunami washed away debris, cars and many other things," he said.
Tokyo's main airport was closed. A large section of the ceiling at the 1-year-old airport at Ibaraki, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo, fell to the floor with a powerful crash.
Dozens of fires were reported in northern prefectures of Fukushima, Sendai, Iwate and Ibaraki. Collapsed homes and landslides were also reported in Miyagi.
Japan's worst previous quake was in 1923 in Kanto, an 8.3-magnitude temblor that killed 143,000 people, according to USGS. A 7.2-magnitude quake in Kobe city in 1996 killed 6,400 people.
Japan lies on the "Ring of Fire" — an arc of earthquake and volcanic zones stretching around the Pacific where about 90 percent of the world's quakes occur, including the one that triggered the Dec. 26, 2004, Indian Ocean tsunami that killed an estimated 230,000 people in 12 nations. A magnitude-8.8 temblor that shook central Chile last February also generated a tsunami and killed 524 people.…/as_japan_earthq…