
Going Home. Another nice video by Steve Clark using the expressionist paintings of Norwegian artist …

This is VERY good. The stark aspect of much of the art lends itself well to the video. Good work and thank you! 👍

23. What would you want God to change in the New Year?

I like this, its sweet. The first two are typical ... ¨Change my brother.¨ ... ¨Change my sister.¨ I think we all want some one else changed. If I could get God to change anybody for the better this New Year I'm selfish enough to hope its me. ;-)

How protestant churches work. The Reverse Collection Plate

I would have to say that I don't forget nor do I belittle the concept of ¨seperated brethren.¨ There are true followers of Christ in most if not all denominations. That they don't realize they are seperated from Holy Mother Church at this point is only reason for me to pray all the harder for them, and try harder to set a good Catholic example for them, so that we may all be as one just as Jesus …More
I would have to say that I don't forget nor do I belittle the concept of ¨seperated brethren.¨ There are true followers of Christ in most if not all denominations. That they don't realize they are seperated from Holy Mother Church at this point is only reason for me to pray all the harder for them, and try harder to set a good Catholic example for them, so that we may all be as one just as Jesus intended. I'm thankful for the good where ever I see it, regardless who it is that lets God use them to bring it about. 👍

Gloria TV News on the Feast of Blessed John of Vercelli

Right or wrong, bless the Swiss for standing up! 👍

Orthodox Christmas in Russia. The Russian Orthodox Church celebrated Christmas Eve at the Cathedral …

This is very well done and with beautiful imagery. 👍

¡Viva Cristo Rey! Reflection for 11/23/09 www.apostleshipofprayer.org

Everyone, in particular our Catholic youth, should know and love Blessed Pro. He is a hero of our faith.

Bishop Thomas Tobin on abortion. Chris Matthews questions Catholic Bishop Thomas Tobin on abortion,…

I understand that abortion is NOT against the law. But laws change. Before abortion was made legal it WAS illegal. It used to be criminal. It still is. And so are the laws that make it legal. Laws don't dictate morality, they only dictate legality. Legalities change. What was once considered murder still is. That will never change. The death of a child, born or unborn, doesn't change either. God …More
I understand that abortion is NOT against the law. But laws change. Before abortion was made legal it WAS illegal. It used to be criminal. It still is. And so are the laws that make it legal. Laws don't dictate morality, they only dictate legality. Legalities change. What was once considered murder still is. That will never change. The death of a child, born or unborn, doesn't change either. God forgive the nations and peoples who have made murder acceptable and grant them repentance.

George Weigel mocks the Social Kingship of Christ

My opinion ... Jesus outranks Obama and Oprah. The Pope outranks them both too. Does that make me unpatriotic? Or do I just have my priorities in line with God's agenda rather than man's? 😲 Perhaps the state has no business making theological calls. That sounds apt enough. But I think this call has already been made, and it wasn't the state that made it. 👌

gegen Abtreibung a) 10.10.2009 Brünn. Tschechische repulik. Teil 1

God bless all souls brave enough to take a stand. 😇

Gloria.TV Journalists Attacked by Pro Death Demonstrators

This is what happens when people stand up for the truth, even in a benign way. All the Gloria.tv reporter needed to do was be there. Her Catholic presence was enough to set off the attack. This is not right, certainly. It was criminal. But I think it was to be expected. The world hates us because we don't belong to it. God bless the reporter for her courage and Catholic witness. And God bless …More
This is what happens when people stand up for the truth, even in a benign way. All the Gloria.tv reporter needed to do was be there. Her Catholic presence was enough to set off the attack. This is not right, certainly. It was criminal. But I think it was to be expected. The world hates us because we don't belong to it. God bless the reporter for her courage and Catholic witness. And God bless Gloria.tv.

Our Lady of Guadalupe (as sung by Molly Chesna)

Very, VERY beautiful. I love it. :-)

Menschenfischer. Nach wahren Begebenheiten. Die Unfallszene im Film "Fishers of Men"

I hope everyone watches this.

Psalm 100 Charlie and Carmel, 2yr old twins, reciting Psalm 100

Wonderful. :-)

Orthodox Churches Open to Primacy of Rome

I was taught, by the very fine and good old priest who taught me catechism years ago, to respect the Orthodox Church. I love this video. 👍

Interview with Archbishop Wuerl on gay "marriage" proposition

God bless the Archbishop for his courage and his stand.

End Time preaching by Catholic priest

I wish that everyone who calls themselves Christian could see this. A calm telling of the truth about Jesus coming back is so mush more meaningful than the over emotional call that proves itself uncertain.

Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria

Thanks to Gloria.tv news. Its always well done and informative. 👍

What Jesus Did For You. A awesome illustration showing exactly what Jesus Did... for You

This is very well done and very good. Bravo!