
98% of Catholic women use contraception a ‘damned lie’:

This is not about who does or doesn't contracept. Its about religious FREEDOM. The media talks alot about "liberal" Catholics and "conservative" Catholics. Its not about that either. Thats a "divide and conquer" technique and lots of folks seem to have fallen for it. They have us looking at each other rather than looking at the problem. Its about being CATHOLIC, or whatever else a person might be,…More
This is not about who does or doesn't contracept. Its about religious FREEDOM. The media talks alot about "liberal" Catholics and "conservative" Catholics. Its not about that either. Thats a "divide and conquer" technique and lots of folks seem to have fallen for it. They have us looking at each other rather than looking at the problem. Its about being CATHOLIC, or whatever else a person might be, and having religious freedom thats not confined to the church builduing but is allowable in the public sector as well. Its about FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE and being true to our religious beliefs. In polls like the above "they" poll x number of people and multiply the result to get a figure that "they" then present as real. All they need to do is pick what "they" know to be an area thats known for its lack of faith and ... There you have it. You can make any poll say anything that any group wants. But its STILL about FREEOM. And "they" are trying to take it away.

Survey: Catholics back contraception mandate at higher rates

I would like to know how the above figures were arrived at. No one asked me. No Catholic I know is pro this HHS mandate. Everyone I've talked to, Catholic and/or Protestant, is against the whole thing. This sounds like a liberal media attempt to herd people into the direction they want us to go. Disinformation. Tell a lie in a believable way and folks begin to accept it as fact and take it for …More
I would like to know how the above figures were arrived at. No one asked me. No Catholic I know is pro this HHS mandate. Everyone I've talked to, Catholic and/or Protestant, is against the whole thing. This sounds like a liberal media attempt to herd people into the direction they want us to go. Disinformation. Tell a lie in a believable way and folks begin to accept it as fact and take it for granted. We're being attacked on more fronts than just health care. We're being manipulated by the media as well. I don't believe it. I'll put my faith in God, His Church, the Bishops and God's people before I'll trust a liberal pollster's attempt at manipulation so we'll give up and give in.

Mother Angelica: How To Avoid Purgatory

The truth is always simple. ;-) Simplicity ought never be confused with ease. Everyone ought to watch this, its a real blessing. 👏 👏 👏

The Church that goes to the people

Cool. 👍

Its All About Disposition. The Mass is capeable of Infinate Grace, the Grace of Our Divine LORD upon …

And he said to him, ¨Arise, go thy way, for thy faith has saved thee.¨ Luke 17, 19. According to our faith it will be done unto us. Lord, please increase our faith. 👍 Keep it up, Father. 😇

In Spite of Darkness. A Spiritual Encounter with Auschwitz

God bless all peoples who suffer for simply being. And God bless those who, like His Holiness Pope Pius XII, care enough to help. And may God bless those who cause the suffering with true and honest contrition for their sins. *** ¨Yet not for these only do I pray, but for those also who through their word are to believe in me, that all may be one ... ¨ The Holy Gospel according to John, 17, 20.

Those WHo Have A Problem With Mother Angelica, Really HAve A Problem With Catholicism

True. People with problems concerning the faith (which faith is composed not only of teachings but also of course includes lay members and magisterium and folks like Mother Angelica), and this is just my own personal experience and opinion, almost always attack personalities and never really address ideas or issues. its sad that people seem not to be able to deal rationally with one another. But I …More
True. People with problems concerning the faith (which faith is composed not only of teachings but also of course includes lay members and magisterium and folks like Mother Angelica), and this is just my own personal experience and opinion, almost always attack personalities and never really address ideas or issues. its sad that people seem not to be able to deal rationally with one another. But I suppose it is to be expected ... We are after all IN the world, but not OFF the world. I think thats what makes some others mad. Honest Catholics step on their toes just by walking in the One True Faith. Keep it up Padre. 👍

The LIberal Faith Is Not Even Apostolic

🤗 😇 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👍

Those Who Have A Problem With Divine Mercy, Usually Believe God Owes Them Grace

Thank you Father. Happily I have no problem with Divine Mercy. I consider it preferable to what I deserve. 👌 Without Christ I am nothing. Without Christ's Mercy I have nothing. ( ¨Place your hope in God alone. If you notice something good in yourself, give credit to God, not to yourself, but be certain that the evil you commit is always your own and yours to acknowledge.¨ *Rule of St. Benedict …More
Thank you Father. Happily I have no problem with Divine Mercy. I consider it preferable to what I deserve. 👌 Without Christ I am nothing. Without Christ's Mercy I have nothing. ( ¨Place your hope in God alone. If you notice something good in yourself, give credit to God, not to yourself, but be certain that the evil you commit is always your own and yours to acknowledge.¨ *Rule of St. Benedict 4.41-43* ) 👍 😇

Start Off With Small Steps In Prayer

👏 👏 👏

Weihnachtsgruss. Mit dieser liebevoll gestalten Weihnachtskrippe in der Pfarrkirche Bendern -FL, …

Peace on earth, good will towards all. Merry Christ Mass! 😇

The Hickup In The Church I. What we are living in the Church today could merely be a hickup in the …

A very simple, very good telling of the truth about where we are. Thank you. 👍

Priesthood to be founded on the values of Jesus

Good message.

Protestantische Hochzeit.... Ein Bräutigam in den USA hat noch während der Trauung den Pfarrer …

And the divorce rate is what? 50%? I'm glad I'm Catholic.

Charlie Brown Christmas. With Truth, difficult things are easily explained. Linus explains what …

This is sweet. Its been so long that I've seen the show I'd forgotten. Truth is mostly simple and direct. 👌

Benedict XVI receives President of the Russian Federation

More good evidence of the conversion of Russia and the triumph off the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 👌 👍

Papst Leo XIII. im Jahr 1896 Das älteste Filmdokument im Vatikan

This is wonderful.

Bishops Consult Lesbian. A Vortex from www.realcatholictv.com Why are the bishops seeking advice from …

An opinion ... I got this same video in an e-mail yesterday. I was shocked. Not at the information, if it is honest information, but rather I was shocked at the ¨reporter¨. The 4th Commandment teaches respect for rightful autority. Jesus teaches that there are times when we are morally obligated to ¨ do as they say, but not as they do.¨ All of this is basic catechism. This repoter is being …More
An opinion ... I got this same video in an e-mail yesterday. I was shocked. Not at the information, if it is honest information, but rather I was shocked at the ¨reporter¨. The 4th Commandment teaches respect for rightful autority. Jesus teaches that there are times when we are morally obligated to ¨ do as they say, but not as they do.¨ All of this is basic catechism. This repoter is being disrespectful towards the magisterium. The question is asked, ¨Why are the bishops seeking advice from a lesbian?¨ I don't know. Did he ask the bishops? Did he take his problem with this, in the correct manner and in accordance with Church law, to the rightful authority before popping off on line? I think he would have mentioned it if he had. Maybe they ask her questions, not because they agree with her lesbian life style, but because she is capable in her role as an advisor on health care issues? And then he asks, ¨Is everyone there a Democrate, etc. ?¨ as though to infer that all Democrats are on the wrong side which lumps a rather large segment of the U.S. population together in what would be an obviously bigoted statement if it were applied to an ethnic minority. He is being judgemental, disrespectful, vulgar, not operating according to accepted Holy Mother Church guidlines (in that he didn't take his problem to the Bishops), and disobedient to the Magesterium (by not being subject to rightful authority as per the 4th Commandment and the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel). Note: It is the teaching of Holy Mother Church that we are to be obedient to rightful authority even when the authority is wrong. In such a case the mistake is the authorities and not ours, but disobedience on our part wouldn't be their mistake ... rather it would be ours. This reporter owes an apology to both the U.S. Bishops AND his audience. I canceled my subscription to his service as a result of this video.