Survey: Catholics back contraception mandate at higher rates

Survey: Catholics back contraception mandate at higher rates Catholic organizations might be battling the Obama administration over a new mandate on groups with religious affiliations to cover …More
Survey: Catholics back contraception mandate at higher rates
Catholic organizations might be battling the Obama administration over a new mandate on groups with religious affiliations to cover contraception in their health insurance plans, but a poll released Tuesday indicates that ordinary Catholics support the law at a higher rate than the general public.
When asked by Public Policy Polling (PPP) if employers should be required to provide workers with health-care plans covering contraception at no cost, 58 percent of Catholic respondents agreed, compared with 55 percent of all respondents.
And when the question was narrowed to whether colleges and hospitals with religious affiliations should be included in the requirement, Catholics continued to express more support than the general public.
Fifty-two percent of Catholics said they should be held to the mandate, compared with 49 percent overall.
While evangelical groups have been largely quiet on the matter, it was white evangelicals …More
I would like to know how the above figures were arrived at. No one asked me. No Catholic I know is pro this HHS mandate. Everyone I've talked to, Catholic and/or Protestant, is against the whole thing. This sounds like a liberal media attempt to herd people into the direction they want us to go. Disinformation. Tell a lie in a believable way and folks begin to accept it as fact and take it for …More
I would like to know how the above figures were arrived at. No one asked me. No Catholic I know is pro this HHS mandate. Everyone I've talked to, Catholic and/or Protestant, is against the whole thing. This sounds like a liberal media attempt to herd people into the direction they want us to go. Disinformation. Tell a lie in a believable way and folks begin to accept it as fact and take it for granted. We're being attacked on more fronts than just health care. We're being manipulated by the media as well. I don't believe it. I'll put my faith in God, His Church, the Bishops and God's people before I'll trust a liberal pollster's attempt at manipulation so we'll give up and give in.
This is really sad! This is a perfect example of the state in which the church is in. Don't you Catholics know that abortion is a Mortal sin and completely against Christ and His church! 🤦