
If you're in the middle of a debate, this is how you defeat an atheist in 2 m..

Well from his argument you can infer that God does not exist in the known dimension and therefore that there exists a dimension(the known one) in which the omnipresent God does not exist which is a dumbo mistake. Fail.

Conservative US-Bishop Sides With German Bishops

Consider the sentence :"I'd much rather shoot someone than butcher them with a chainsaw" It does not necessary follow from the sentence that one would carry out or support either acts. By placing them together as a comparative he draws a parallel between the two which indicates his underlying position. In short I don't think the headline is a fair and true reflection of what he said.

Mass child sacrifice site in Peru may be largest in history

I don't think that it is the largest in history. It was not the Europeans who put an end to child sacrifice but Catholics who lived in Europe. The European neopagans sacrifice babies by the thousands every day to the gods of self convenience, money, lust.... Some are sacrificed to the false god of utility when a "judge" and/or "doctors" decide theirs lives are futile and their false god must be …More
I don't think that it is the largest in history. It was not the Europeans who put an end to child sacrifice but Catholics who lived in Europe. The European neopagans sacrifice babies by the thousands every day to the gods of self convenience, money, lust.... Some are sacrificed to the false god of utility when a "judge" and/or "doctors" decide theirs lives are futile and their false god must be appeased. Hard to find the body parts though as they are frequently burnt in incinerators and thrown into dumpsters. At least the Peruvian pagans had the baseline decency to bury the poor children! Lord have mercy on us.

Modernist never are clear. Pius X (on Francis?)

Cardinal Siri's take on the contemporary theological movements of his time:
“the words flee, they continually slide, full of implications,
implications with different resonances each time, in a way which does
not allow any principle, notion or concept of fundamental, stable
meaning to remain….One finds himself as if before a sort of ontologic
allergy to every notion, word and feeling which evoke …More
Cardinal Siri's take on the contemporary theological movements of his time:

“the words flee, they continually slide, full of implications,
implications with different resonances each time, in a way which does
not allow any principle, notion or concept of fundamental, stable
meaning to remain….One finds himself as if before a sort of ontologic
allergy to every notion, word and feeling which evoke an eternal

This is a murmuration. Praise the Creator

How wonderful

Asperges Me Domine - Traditional Latin Mass Hymns

It's not right to be taking the sacred music and text of our rite and using it in a new agey sounding pastiche. It is not backdrop music that you are free to "remix". In fact you are not allowed to use sacred music outside of the context in which it is designated. It is music set aside, with its own particular place, for the worship on God. So, no taking sacred things outside their contexts please!

Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, in 9th-Century Gregorian Chant

You should not profane the sacred musical form like this. It is offensive and disrespectful of holy things.

Vatican Christmas and Gay Mafia

Too well built to be poor. Reminds me of the demon under St Michael's sword. Nauseating perversion. Please God some good
Italian men will remove this porn.

Eastern Orthodoxy & Roman Catholicism are not the same. Here are 5 difference..

Ehmm but does he look like a man who fasts half the time? What about the toleration of serial polygamy?

God's Doorkeeper: St. Andre of Montreal Trailer

hmmm . It would be nice to have better commentary. Up to :38 it was fine, after that it became very strange. Will look him up as I have not heard of him before though.

Germans Now Promote Communion for Lutherans

Non mittendus canibus

St. John XXIII enjoying a smoke. Pope Francis outlaws cigarette sales in Vatican

No more fags in the Vatican I hear 👏

When and by whom the different protestant sects were founded

Lisi its the mode of the visual that I find weak. The visual presents a fracturing of the early church into two - one stable eastern orthodox fraction and one unstable Roman Catholic fraction. The Roman Catholic Fraction then spawns multiple schisms while disappearing itself from the time line. The truth is the first protestants were the eastern Orthodox and there were many fractures in her. The …More
Lisi its the mode of the visual that I find weak. The visual presents a fracturing of the early church into two - one stable eastern orthodox fraction and one unstable Roman Catholic fraction. The Roman Catholic Fraction then spawns multiple schisms while disappearing itself from the time line. The truth is the first protestants were the eastern Orthodox and there were many fractures in her. The Roman Catholic Church had remained throughout the time line unchanged and unbroken with no links to heretics whatsoever. Protestant sects do not develop from Catholicism. They develop from a rejection of Catholcism.

When and by whom the different protestant sects were founded

Well it is a poor visual.

Ireland's Tragic Abandonment of Catholic Teaching - Voice of the Family

The citizens assembly is not representative of the citizens of Ireland. I do not think it is right to spread the idea that their official position is some how representative of the citizens of this country.

The situation of the one who is not the Messiah

Dear Father Reto,
I'm dying of thirst please can we have more English preaching videos.
God bless and hope you are well.
Mrs L O'Brien

Pack into yourself the Goodness of God

Thanks Fr Reto. This really helps. Would love you to do more English postings. They are really insightful. Praise be to Jesus Christ.
Mrs Lucy O'Brien

First O Antiphon - O Sapientia. Advent 2012 Father Reto Nay Gloria Retreat in preparation for Christmas …

Thanks so much Father. This is really helpful. Great preaching thanks be to God.

The Methods of God versus The Methods of this World

Dear Father,
Can you please post your sermons in English more regularly. They are so very good but too few. Please if it is not too much trouble.
Thank you and God bless the good work