This is the pagan culture - before the Europeans came.

Mass child sacrifice site in Peru may be largest in history

Archaeologists in northern Peru say they have found evidence of what could be the world’s largest single case of child sacrifice. The pre-…
I don't think that it is the largest in history. It was not the Europeans who put an end to child sacrifice but Catholics who lived in Europe. The European neopagans sacrifice babies by the thousands every day to the gods of self convenience, money, lust.... Some are sacrificed to the false god of utility when a "judge" and/or "doctors" decide theirs lives are futile and their false god must be …More
I don't think that it is the largest in history. It was not the Europeans who put an end to child sacrifice but Catholics who lived in Europe. The European neopagans sacrifice babies by the thousands every day to the gods of self convenience, money, lust.... Some are sacrificed to the false god of utility when a "judge" and/or "doctors" decide theirs lives are futile and their false god must be appeased. Hard to find the body parts though as they are frequently burnt in incinerators and thrown into dumpsters. At least the Peruvian pagans had the baseline decency to bury the poor children! Lord have mercy on us.