Donald Trump calls for an investigation into Joe Biden’s doctors before Vance says Democrats staged a coup against Biden. Trump: “I think somebody has to look at it. Look, you had people that lied to …More
Donald Trump calls for an investigation into Joe Biden’s doctors before Vance says Democrats staged a coup against Biden. Trump: “I think somebody has to look at it. Look, you had people that lied to the American public… you ought to take a look at his doctors because his doctors keep giving him this wonderful report.” Vance: “I think it is [a coup]. I mean, look, there's a constitutional process, the 25th Amendment. If Joe Biden can't run for president, he can't serve as president.”
VP: "I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit."
Here is what the presumptive presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, Kamala Harris, has to say about “greatness.” Please don’t skip the video.
Wow. She's like deeper than the ocean in her intellectual ability.
Maria delos Angeles
Roger Stone just said they are trying to get Kamala and the Clintons , not natural allies to ally, in order to get Hitler-y on the ticket.
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Kamala Harris embodies everything that's wrong with DEI. The next four months will be wild!
I find it hard to believe that someone can be this stupid but I must face the fact that some people are.
DEI is their god.
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In case you’ve forgotten, here’s Joe Biden casually implying that Barack Obama is gay. From June of 2007.
And perhaps that ‘Michelle’ is, in fact, ‘Big Mike’??
Donald Trump on Kamala Harris: “I call her Laffin’ Kamala. You ever watch her laugh? She’s crazy. You can tell a lot by a laugh… She’s nuts”
Marine Le Pen: “Not only has nothing changed, but everything is almost worse. Ursula von der Leyen has been given powers that the French people did not grant her.” It’s time for Frexit!
Maria delos Angeles
God help us if Hitlery gets in - "re-education" camps all the way, baby
Watch the three Secret Service women in this video. They look like they are all playing a game of “What the hell are we supposed to do?”
Their only and I mean only reason for their being SS is that they are women. Very unqualified at that.
Young, short,, untrained, and inexperienced. Only one tall man with his arm up over Trump's head. The head of the secret Service, the Biden buddy, should …More
Young, short,, untrained, and inexperienced. Only one tall man with his arm up over Trump's head. The head of the secret Service, the Biden buddy, should be fired and prosecuted.
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"You didn’t need a microscope to see it. The guy was on the roof not that far away with a rifle for a long time.” "I've seen people fired for less. And it just looks bad." Bill Maher is NOT buying the …More
"You didn’t need a microscope to see it. The guy was on the roof not that far away with a rifle for a long time.” "I've seen people fired for less. And it just looks bad."
Bill Maher is NOT buying the official narrative about the Trump assassination plot
He watched porn...

Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks' last online search was for porn

Detonation device found near Trump shooter's body 0 seconds of 1 minute, 52 secondsVolume 0% Press shift question mark to access a …
Christians who love Vance and who know something about “spiritual warfare” will be concerned that the senator who was later baptized in a Catholic Church was blessed by a Hindu pundit, and had the …More
Christians who love Vance and who know something about “spiritual warfare” will be concerned that the senator who was later baptized in a Catholic Church was blessed by a Hindu pundit, and had the names of Hindu deities chanted over him when he married Usha in a Hindu wedding ceremony.
I'm no cannon lawyer, nor do I play one on TV, but a marriage between two pagans is considered valid, and the conversion and baptism, after marriage, …More
I'm no cannon lawyer, nor do I play one on TV, but a marriage between two pagans is considered valid, and the conversion and baptism, after marriage, of one of them does not invalidate the marriage.
Alejandrina Reyes
Now he is Catholic . Not his wife . So that is a valid marriage? I ask someone with cannon law experience .
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Ohio priest apologizes for destroying hard drive containing possible child porn

CNA Staff, Jul 18, 2024 / 14:15 pm A priest in Ohio has issued an apology to parishioners after a media report revealed …
Trump, for the first and only time, gives somber retelling of assassination attempt on his life: "I had God on my side. I'm not supposed to be here tonight." Your thoughts on that?
We can pray that he becomes Catholic and stops supporting wholeheartedly sodomy , which sends many to hell and the abortion pill, which literally causes …More
We can pray that he becomes Catholic and stops supporting wholeheartedly sodomy , which sends many to hell and the abortion pill, which literally causes the death of the baby and its remains to be flushed down the toilet. Trump is not the saviour that many think he is.
Billy F
If you embrace Sodom and the murder of innocent babies, He will abandon you!
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The fourth day of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where Donald Trump accepted the party's nomination for the United States presidency, started with a prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
Live Mike
Joe forgot Lloyd Austin’s name and refers to him as “the black man.”
All Saints
You mean he isn’t Black?
Joe Biden was spotted about to kiss another woman he appeared to have thought was his wife until Jill Biden stopped him.
Ann Smith
They just continue embarrassing this country.
Why did Trump put a porn actress on the convention stage?
Being "conservative" does not absolve one from personal mortal sins.
IMHO no matter if Trump wins or not, our country is past the tipping point. I think that God will soon strike the world in a very serious way.
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Dr. Ben Carson Brings Down the House with Epic Trump Tribute “I saw President Trump, a dear friend, escape death by mere inches. And my thoughts immediately turned to the book of Isaiah that says, ‘No …More
Dr. Ben Carson Brings Down the House with Epic Trump Tribute “I saw President Trump, a dear friend, escape death by mere inches. And my thoughts immediately turned to the book of Isaiah that says, ‘No weapon formed against you shall prosper.’” • “First, they tried to ruin his reputation, and he's more popular now than ever. • “And then they tried to bankrupt him. And he's got more money now than he had before.” • “And then they tried to put him in prison, and he's freer and has made other people free with him.” • “And then last weekend, they tried to kill him. And there he is over there, alive and well.”
Have you seen this one? 🥳 😂 😂
Elpidius . shares this
Ann Smith
No women should have that job.
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