he Norwegian Government on Friday made clear that Russian fishing vessels are welcome to visit the three ports of Tromsø, Båtsfjord and Kirkenes. Simultaneously, stricter control measures are introduced.

Oslo prolongs Russia's permission to call on ports in Northern Norway

Oslo prolongs Russia's permission to call on ports in Northern Norway ADVERTISEMENT “It’s a fundamental interest for Norway to …
Fr K Robinson SSPX blesses Steve Bannon on his way to jail.
Steve Bannon receives a blessing in Latin before heading to jail.
True Mass
Political prisoners in America.
Researchers from the Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than 3 million excess deaths since 2020. Experts writing in the BMJ said the unprecedented …More
Researchers from the Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than 3 million excess deaths since 2020. Experts writing in the BMJ said the unprecedented figures ‘raised serious concerns’ and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms.

Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths

Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested. Researchers from The …
Indeed and now these western countries are changing how they count deaths over a period of time. 😡
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Vatican announces document on the papacy

Another Document: Does Pope Francis Feel Lonely?

Cardinal Koch (Ecumenism) and Cardinal Grech (Ex-Synod) will present a "study document" on the papacy next Thursday. It is entitled "The Bishop of Rome - Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Discussions …More
Cardinal Koch (Ecumenism) and Cardinal Grech (Ex-Synod) will present a "study document" on the papacy next Thursday.
It is entitled "The Bishop of Rome - Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Discussions and Responses to the Encyclical Ut unum sint". Francis' selective use of John Paul II's encyclicals is remarkable.
In Ut Unum Sint (1995), John Paul II invited leaders and theologians of schismatic and heretical communities to dialogue on how the papal office, exercised in a new way, could serve the cause of unity with schismatics and heretics.
Francis has approved the "study document". According to, a propaganda agency of the German bishops, it deals with papal primacy and [pseudo]synodality.
In line with John Paul II, the document proposes a "renewed form of the papal office that could also be recognised by the other churches". The Pope should meet regularly for consultation with other patriarchs and church leaders [all of them schismatic, heretical or both] on an 'equal footing'. …More
Liam Ronan
Boo hoo, Francis. Speaking of loneliness, I recall a song from the late 40s in the States the title o which was "I'm a Lonely Little Petunia in an Onion …More
Boo hoo, Francis. Speaking of loneliness, I recall a song from the late 40s in the States the title o which was "I'm a Lonely Little Petunia in an Onion Patch". A Dick "Two Ton" Baker song; I heard Arthur Godfrey sing it on the TV. I'm A Lonely Little Petunia (In An Onion Patch) - Arthur Godfrey and Sy Shaffer (1948)
South Korea suspended a buffer-creating military agreement with North Korea dating back to 2018 on Tuesday, a hawkish move that some observers say will only further inflame military tensions in response …More
South Korea suspended a buffer-creating military agreement with North Korea dating back to 2018 on Tuesday, a hawkish move that some observers say will only further inflame military tensions in response to North Korea’s launches of waste-filled balloons across the border

Seoul totally suspends buffer-creating military pact with Pyongyang, sending tensions into overdrive

The flags of North and South Korea fly along the respective sides of the border on June 2, 2024. (Kim …
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June 3, 2024: Catholic Media Realities
Giving a talk on May 30, Candace Owens opened up about her recent conversion to Catholicism for the first time, explaining that it was her delving into history that first opened her eyes to the truth …More
Giving a talk on May 30, Candace Owens opened up about her recent conversion to Catholicism for the first time, explaining that it was her delving into history that first opened her eyes to the truth of the faith.
CANDACE OWENS Shares Conversion Story to Catholicism for 1st Time! Candace Owens tells her conversion story of coming into the Catholic Church for the first time during our Welcome Home Candace Owens …More
CANDACE OWENS Shares Conversion Story to Catholicism for 1st Time!
Candace Owens tells her conversion story of coming into the Catholic Church for the first time during our Welcome Home Candace Owens Event in Phoenix, AZ on May 30th, 2024.
The Lombardy govt has again refused sponsorship of Milan's Pride bacchanal. The reason: "There are no conditions to support a demonstration that has proven divisive, provocative, and discriminatory …More
The Lombardy govt has again refused sponsorship of Milan's Pride bacchanal. The reason: "There are no conditions to support a demonstration that has proven divisive, provocative, and discriminatory against the life-generating nucleus formed by a woman and a man."
Die Regierung der Lombardei hat erneut die Unterstützung des Mailänder Pride-Marsch abgelehnt. Die Begründung: „Es gibt keine Bedingungen, um eine Demonstration zu unterstützen, die sich als spaltend …More
Die Regierung der Lombardei hat erneut die Unterstützung des Mailänder Pride-Marsch abgelehnt. Die Begründung: „Es gibt keine Bedingungen, um eine Demonstration zu unterstützen, die sich als spaltend, provokativ und diskriminierend gegenüber dem lebensschaffenden Kern aus Frau und Mann erwiesen hat.“
DefendTruth shares from Luca Diste
Cardinal Pizzaballa has visited Catholics at Holy Family Parish.
S.E.R. il Sig. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Patriarca latino di Gerusalemme, è entrato a Gaza e ha raggiunto la parrocchia della Sacra Famiglia per una visita pastorale. Testo e foto da pagina facebook di …More
S.E.R. il Sig. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Patriarca latino di Gerusalemme, è entrato a Gaza e ha raggiunto la parrocchia della Sacra Famiglia per una visita pastorale.
Testo e foto da pagina facebook di SilereNonPossum
A member of the pro-indepdendence Kanak group says the unrest in New Caledonia is a "revolt", as the death toll rises to five, with a gendarme being accidently shot. Pro-independence Kanaks were on the …More
A member of the pro-indepdendence Kanak group says the unrest in New Caledonia is a "revolt", as the death toll rises to five, with a gendarme being accidently shot.
Pro-independence Kanaks were on the streets in the capital Nouméa on Friday morning, continuing their protests against French constitutional amendments which started on Monday.
On Wednesday, the French National Assembly voted 351 in favour (mostly right-wing parties) and 153 against (mostly left-wing parties) the proposed constitutional amendments that would open the electoral roll and allow those who have been residing in New Caledonia for an uninterrupted ten years to vote in local elections.
A member of the indigenous group, who did not want to be named, told RNZ Pacific during a march that they would continue to rebel.
"We are calling for revolt, a revolution. It's a revolution here, using Tiktok," he said.
"We are calling for calm and will try to maintain the situation with blockades."

'It's a revolution here, using Tiktok' - Pro-independence activist on New Caledonia unrest

A large plume of black smoke in New Caledonia during civil unrest. Photo: Twitter / @ncla1ere A member of the …
martin fischer
At the entrance to the "sensitive" district of Montravel, activists are manning a roadblock. Here's an activist who "shares the struggle but not the …More
At the entrance to the "sensitive" district of Montravel, activists are manning a roadblock. Here's an activist who "shares the struggle but not the rioters' methods".
Along with Kaméré and Vallée-du-Tir, this is one of the three "most sensitive" areas in Nouméa. At Montravel, at the northern roundabout on the way to the Le Froid factory, a handful of demonstrators are manning the roadblock towards this district.
One of them, Jean, is happy to answer questions from the press, and says it loud and clear: "Here, we also need to be talked about. We're not like the rioters and we're not armed. We've just got trinkets."
For this activist, his action is rather comparable to that of the yellow waistcoats in France. "We have the same struggle but we don't endorse the method of the rioters who burnt all those shops to get their message across," insists this father of one. Among the people who have mobilised, there aren't just violent people, as people are led to believe. We're young dads. We want …More
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The mayor of Warsaw has banned the display of religious symbols such as crosses from city hall, making it the first city in Poland to do so. He has also informed officials that they must respect the …More
The mayor of Warsaw has banned the display of religious symbols such as crosses from city hall, making it the first city in Poland to do so. He has also informed officials that they must respect the rights of same-sex couples and people’s preferred pronouns

Poland: Warsaw Goes Anti-Christian

The mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, whose mother was a police informer during the communist regime in Poland, has banned the display of "religious symbols" (= crosses) from the town hall. Since …More
The mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, whose mother was a police informer during the communist regime in Poland, has banned the display of "religious symbols" (= crosses) from the town hall. Since the fall of communism, Warsaw is the first city in Poland to do so.
Gazeta Wyborcza reported on 16 May that the discrimination against the cross is justified by the "fight against discrimination".
Trzaskowski is deputy leader of the 'Civic Platform' party, the main component of Poland's ruling coalition under Donald Tusk. Civil servants in Warsaw will not even be allowed to display religious symbols on their desks. All official events must not include any kind of prayer - a sign that the old communist times have returned.
At the same time, homosexual propaganda is imposed. City employees are required to treat a homosexual concubinage as if it were legal and to address transvestites as if they were real men or real women.
Louis IX
Hang up more than before. Push the issue. Do not comply.
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Springfield Bishop Thomas John Paprocki has called out President Joe Biden for making the Sign of the Cross at a pro-abortion event in Florida, saying that “to misuse this sacred gesture is to make …More
Springfield Bishop Thomas John Paprocki has called out President Joe Biden for making the Sign of the Cross at a pro-abortion event in Florida, saying that “to misuse this sacred gesture is to make mockery of our Catholic faith”
Biden mocks our Catholic Faith”, says Bishop Paprocki, presenting a clear case for formal excommunication.
chris griffin
@john333... Yes, Pelosi and about 100 more in Congress and about 10 Governers. They are already automatically excommunicated by Canon 1364.
Great to see the Bishop being loving Father But don't stop with BidenMore
Great to see the Bishop being loving Father
But don't stop with Biden
Turkey has converted yet another historic Greek church, the Chora Church, into a mosque According to the official website of Princeton University, the church was “described by Osterhaut as ‘second in …More
Turkey has converted yet another historic Greek church, the Chora Church, into a mosque According to the official website of Princeton University, the church was “described by Osterhaut as ‘second in renown only to Hagia Sophia among the Byzantine churches of Istanbul’. “The original structure was built by the Holy Theodus in 534 in the reign of Justinian. In the 11th and 12th century, it was rebuilt by the Comnenus family and dedicated to Christ (thus the name, Christ in Chora).” Ottoman Turks invaded Constantinople in 1453. They converted the Chora Church into a mosque in 1511. Following Turkey's founding, the mosque was converted into the “Kariye Museum and Museum Warehouse” in the 1940s. In 2020, Turkey's State Council decided to convert it back into a mosque. There is absolutely no shortage of mosques in Turkey. According to 2024 official data, the number of mosques in the country stands at 89,817. So why are authorities in Turkey constantly converting historic churches into mosques …More

Δεν έχουν τέλος οι τουρκικές προκλήσεις: Ως τζαμί θα λειτουργεί από σήμερα …

Δεν έχουν τέλος οι τουρκικές προκλήσεις: Ως τζαμί θα λειτουργεί από σήμερα …
martin fischer
Satanic Ritual Abuse within the Catholic Clergy? Kyle Clement, an Exorcist assistant for Fr. Chad Ripperger, exposes the dark secrets of the Satanic ritual abuses happening right now among Catholic …More
Satanic Ritual Abuse within the Catholic Clergy? Kyle Clement, an Exorcist assistant for Fr. Chad Ripperger, exposes the dark secrets of the Satanic ritual abuses happening right now among Catholic Cardinals, Bishops, and Priests. Kyle Clement discuss Black Masses, sexual grooming of virgins, and more. #catholic #vatican #Exorcism #satanic
They Should be called imposter clergy Aleister Crowley crew O.T.O have infiltrated all levels of society. Jimmy Saville was good friend with all the …More
They Should be called imposter clergy Aleister Crowley crew O.T.O have infiltrated all levels of society. Jimmy Saville was good friend with all the upper class even a pope 😭
Mocking the Catholic faith and the Church’s teaching on the sanctity of human life represents a new low in a presidency of moral lows.

WATCH: ‘Devout Catholic’ Signs Himself with the Cross at a Pro-Abortion Event

Speaking at a pro-abortion rally in Florida on April 23, 2024, President Biden signed himself with the cross. How much longer …
What the bishops and the pope say about it?
Billy F
Perfectly possessed!!!
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Three quarters of Ukrainians support sending allied country's troops to Ukraine – survey

Three quarters of Ukrainians support sending allied country's troops to Ukraine – survey Almost three quarters …
DefendTruth shares from martin fischer
"Qatar is at the top of funding terrorism worldwide, even more than Iran," Dr. Udi Levi, former head of a Mossad unit dealing with economic warfare against terrorist organizations and countries that …More
"Qatar is at the top of funding terrorism worldwide, even more than Iran," Dr. Udi Levi, former head of a Mossad unit dealing with economic warfare against terrorist organizations and countries that sponsor terrorism, told Ynet Thursday.

Qatar funds more terrorism than Iran, former Mossad official says

Qatar has played a dual role since the start of the war in Gaza. On one hand, it is a well-known supporter and funder of Hamas, while on …
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Princess Gloria also said: It was Ludwig Erhardt, a Christian Democrat when Christian Democrats still had Christian principles at heart, who invented the so called Soziale Marktwirtschaft [social market …More
Princess Gloria also said:
It was Ludwig Erhardt, a Christian Democrat when Christian Democrats still had Christian principles at heart, who invented the so called Soziale Marktwirtschaft [social market economy] after the Second World War. A liberal social economy that made possible Germany’s rise to industrial power. It encouraged both entrepreneurs and workers, because fewer regulations made it possible to pay for social security and to be profitable at the same time. Less government, responsible entrepreneurship and responsible fair pay for workers.
We are a million miles away from this system today. We have more rules and regulations than ever before. These rules and regulations make it impossible for independent entrepreneurs even to get started let alone continue. It almost looks like the government does not want any free entrepreneurship in Europe. It seems as if they want to disperse all of our savings to whoever asks for it first, ideally to people who bring chaos and disorder. …More

Attacks on Brussels Conference "like Nazi Germany” - Cardinal Müller

Regime militias blocked access to the "National Conservatism" conference featuring Cardinal Gerhard Müller and Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban in Brussels on 16 April. Müller told Rod Dreher that …More
Regime militias blocked access to the "National Conservatism" conference featuring Cardinal Gerhard Müller and Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban in Brussels on 16 April.
Müller told Rod Dreher that "this is like Nazi Germany", adding that "they are like the SA".
Belgium's highest administrative court, the Conseil d'État, ruled that the closure order was wrong and that the conference could continue on the second day without further interference from the regime.
Among the speakers today was Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis of Regensburg. She said: "It used to be that popular culture presented a picture of the traditional family. Now it seems that only homosexuals want to get married."
And: "Why is self-destruction considered a 'human right' in the West? Should we not reproduce? What kind of ideology feeds this? It's nothing less than nihilism. Nihilists believe that man's only purpose on earth is his own self-destruction."
DefendTruth shares from De Profundis
In Dubai they have now had extreme levels of flooding. Even mainstream media outlets say that one of the reasons is cloud seeding. In other words, they are modifying the weather. Wasn't this called a …More
In Dubai they have now had extreme levels of flooding. Even mainstream media outlets say that one of the reasons is cloud seeding. In other words, they are modifying the weather. Wasn't this called a conspiracy theory?
Wetter in Dubai
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After the attack, the Bishop got to his feet, and placed his hand on the head of the assailant and began praying for him.

Australia: Bishop Attacked During Sermon

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel (Assyrian Church of the East affiliated to Canada) was reportedly stabbed with a pen while preaching at his church 'Christ The Good Shepard' in Wakeley, West Sydney. The attack …More
Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel (Assyrian Church of the East affiliated to Canada) was reportedly stabbed with a pen while preaching at his church 'Christ The Good Shepard' in Wakeley, West Sydney.
The attack was livestreamed (below). The clergyman was taken to hospital. The attacker was tackled by worshippers before police moved in and arrested him. He injured several worshippers.
Bishop Emmanuel rose to prominence during the Covid hysteria by criticising the harsh lockdown measures, which he branded 'mass slavery'. In this video he talks about his visit to Gaza.
Just last Saturday, six shoppers were stabbed to death in a Sydney shopping centre.
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