
Biden is clearly out of it

Anyone who denies this is extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing to watch at this point isn't being honest. And I don't understand how Democrats and their pundits believe they can convince Americans it's not happening.

Rradical Protestant broadcastet his interaction with an unassuming Catholic named Dave. Despite just …

“Is the Novus Ordo Mass a protestant service?”

From Tragedy to Farce: Francis Meets Anti-Christian Clowns

These people, with the possible exception of Rock, all hate Christians, hate the Pope, and hate their own country.

The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥 🔥 🔥 statement calling out all the major …

"We are speaking in a loud, unified voice. Enough."

Viganò posts link to Michael Vorris to argue against Sodomy...

@English Catholic I couldn't agree more. Thanks for this comment.

Viganò posts link to Michael Vorris to argue against Sodomy...

Voris breaks his Twitter silence by lecturing theologically. Homo-narcissist....

SPAIN: Killer Serving 30 Years In Prison For The Brutal Murder Of His Female Neighbor Is Transferred …

Males who self-identify as women no longer need to take hormones, have surgery, or even change their appearance in order to receive the benefits of the law.

Bishop Provokes with Transvestite-"Hermit"

The news that Matson is in fact a woman has come as a surprise to many of her acquaintances, since her voice and appearance are that of a man, and she has not often disclosed the fact that she is a biological female.

A Szentlélek karizmái


They’re literally showing you

Open to interpretation. Is it "red like blood", "red like hell", "red like..."?

They’re literally showing you

Same thought. Or: Looks like a lot of "blood"

Iran Can Beat Israel Destroying the IDF | Scott Ritter

Is he paid by Iran? Or Russia?

Australian police: "Police will be the source of truth, and not social media and misinformation."

This is the kind of statement I'd expect from a George Orwell novel, or North Korea.

Belgian Police Attempts to Shut Down Conservative Conference

The Brussels mayor in question who shut down the NatCon conference also denies the Armenian genocide and was expelled from the Socialist Party for inviting far right politicians from Turkey to Brussels. Is this all a coincidence?