Diocesan Priest on the Rotten "Fruits" of Vatican II: "For sixty years conservative Catholics have been insisting that the Council was fundamentally good and all the bad fruit that has arisen since then …More
Diocesan Priest on the Rotten "Fruits" of Vatican II: "For sixty years conservative Catholics have been insisting that the Council was fundamentally good and all the bad fruit that has arisen since then is incidental to Vatican II and not rooted in the Council itself. "Such a premise becomes more and more implausible as the bad fruit becomes more and more plentiful. Especially since it is the wicked shepherds themselves who claim that their fruit comes from the Council. It is preposterous to maintain that the ground under a good tree is covered with nothing but bad fruit and yet it must be a good tree. "For sixty years, wicked shepherds have been gathering the thorns and thistles of the Second Vatican Council and offering them to us as grapes and figs. Many Catholics have fed on these and now find them wanting and others have always recognized them for the bad fruit that they are. It’s time to cut down that bad tree! "Saint Boniface, you who felled the oak tree of pagans, pray that the …More

The Remnant Newspaper - Bad Fruit from a Bad Tree

These words brought to mind the sentiments expressed by a modernist rector of a diocesan seminary many years ago. He was lamenting the ever-increasing …
His Eminence Cardinal Zen has utterly destroyed, annihilated and obliterated the notorious idolatry and Pachamama defender "Catholic", Michael Lofton.

I am accused of not following the “Hermenentics of continuity” when criticizing the “Fiducia supplicans”!?

I must confess that I have often wasted my time following the program “Reason and Theology” of Michael …
EU cancels vote on ‘chat control’ bill after massive backlash over privacy concerns

EU's Mass Surveillance Faces Fierce Resistance

The European Union (EU) has managed to unite politicians, app makers, privacy advocates, and whistleblowers in opposition to the bloc’s proposed encryption …
San Diego diocese to file for bankruptcy June 17 🇺🇸

Catholic diocese will seek bankruptcy protection from hundreds of sex-abuse claims

The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego announced Thursday that it plans to return to U.S. bankruptcy court to help …
John A Cassani
I hope this isn’t in advance of McElroy being named Archbishop of Boston.

WHO director Tedros: ‘It's time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers' - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — The director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus …
it s time for these people to be charged
A taxpayer-funded London theater has sparked strong reactions from all political sides for seeking a CEO who is disabled, “criminal class,” “LGBTQ+,” or a member of a “global majority,” meaning non …More
A taxpayer-funded London theater has sparked strong reactions from all political sides for seeking a CEO who is disabled, “criminal class,” “LGBTQ+,” or a member of a “global majority,” meaning non-white.
Camden People’s Theatre in London posted a job advert for an “Artistic Director & Joint CEO,” encouraging applications from people “without formal education” who identify as:
D/deaf and/or disabled
Working-class, benefit class, criminal class and/or underclass
Global majority* and/or migrant

Vacancy: Artistic Director & Joint CEO | Camden People's Theatre

Camden People’s Theatre is seeking an Artistic Director and Joint CEO to co-lead the organisation into its fourth decade. One of the UK’s …
Michele Sasi
Caligula appointed a horse as senator
The National Park Service has denied the Knights of Columbus permission to celebrate a Memorial Day Mass at a national cemetery in Petersburg, Virginia—prompting a lawsuit.

Knights of Columbus council sues Biden administration over permit for Memorial Day Mass

The Knights of Columbus has asked a federal court to allow it to hold its annual Memorial Day Mass inside a national …
Father Karl A Claver
I hope the Knights take this insult and injustice to the Supreme Court. But then, most of them probably voted for Joe in the first place.

Biden's Navy secretary says he has 'no regrets' about firing 5,000+ unvaxxed sailors, Marines - LifeSite

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — The secretary of the U.S. Navy told senators that he has “no regrets …
Thanks to the masonic/communist education system he makes perfect sense
Everyday for Life Canada
What can we expect when Americans are governed by people who hate the nation and its people? Ditto for Canada.
2 more comments

Why are climate extremists suggesting that 'deniers' should be sent to jail? - LifeSite

(The Daily Sceptic) — Comedy environmentalist Jim Dale and Dale Vince have both suggested that climate “denial …

Australia passes digital ID bill, raising fears of government surveillance without accountability - …

(LifeSiteNews) — The Australian Parliament has passed the Digital ID Bill 2024 and Digital ID (…
"Up to a third" of illegal immigrants are registered to vote, according to new study: "Potentially high enough to overturn the will of the American people"

"Up to a third" of illegal immigrants are registered to vote, according to new study: "Potentially …

I know there were still those among us who were truly convinced that 2024 was going to be maybe, sort …
Freemasonic chickens are coming home to roost liberty equality fraternity .No fear of God leads to the cruel rule of Satan and his clan. American …More
Freemasonic chickens are coming home to roost liberty equality fraternity .No fear of God leads to the cruel rule of Satan and his clan. American foundational corner stone is recipe for hell on earth
Live Mike
Illegal immigrants are irrelevant. It is the vulnerable electronic ballot machines that are so easily tampered with by shadowy figures operating behind …More
Illegal immigrants are irrelevant. It is the vulnerable electronic ballot machines that are so easily tampered with by shadowy figures operating behind the curtain who will decide the next election. Haven't you figured that out yet after the fraud which took place in 2020 and 2022?
3 more comments
Maryland schools may force students to read LGBTQ books, federal appeals court rules

Maryland Parents Can’t Block School LGBTQ Lesson Attendance Rule

Montgomery County sought diverse instructional materialsReligious parents haven’t shown likelihood of winning challenge Maryland’s largest …
Live Mike
No prayer is allowed in schools but LGBT ideology indoctrination is allowed.
they should read the Bible instead
What do you think?

Cancer Surgeon Drops Ivermectin Bombshell

Discover more from 2nd Smartest Guy in the World Cancer Surgeon Drops Ivermectin Bombshell Can ivermectin treat cancer? Watch Dr. Kathleen Ruddy explain what …
Slovakia's Prime Minister, Robert Fico, Has Been Shot

Slovakia prime minister Robert Fico shot and injured

The incident occurred after a Slovakian government meeting at a location outside Bratislava, the news agency TASR reported on Wednesday. Reports on …
Camil Horall
After taking office as Prime Minister, Robert Fico also canceled the LBGT law, female-to-male surgeries and vice versa... he stopped the promotion and …More
After taking office as Prime Minister, Robert Fico also canceled the LBGT law, female-to-male surgeries and vice versa... he stopped the promotion and influence of LBGT in the state and in education... He canceled or completely limited the activities of non-governmental organizations financed by Soros and stopped them from evil, pernicious influence... He does not recognize the laws of the European Union, which would be placed above his own national and state laws... He banned the export of all weapons for war to Ukraine in order to end the war... He is in favor of cooperation and good relations with Russia and Ukraine and he is against the extermination of both Slavic nations by the US management... In Slovakia, he has the support of the nation... but he is hated by the liberal forces, controlled and financed by the West and Soros. He is also against migrants who are imported to Europe. He wants to preserve the Christian and the national foundations of Europe. He claims to belong to …More
Camil Horall
Robert Fico is a 4-time prime minister-prime minister of the Slovak Republic. He is a left-wing politician... He has similar political views to Hungarian …More
Robert Fico is a 4-time prime minister-prime minister of the Slovak Republic. He is a left-wing politician... He has similar political views to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. He banned the state supply of weapons to Ukraine so that the war would end there first. He strongly opposed the influence of Soros in politics and significantly limited non-governmental organizations funded by Soros...He is in favor of maintaining participation in the European Union...but he strongly demands the preservation of his own state sovereignty and international laws. LBGT and all unnatural laws... It is for the preservation of the traditional family and Christian values, which are also guaranteed in the Constitution - the main law of the state, because Slovakia is built on the Christian tradition of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius... The liberal anti-Christian forces even threatened him with physical liquidation...which came true...Fico stopped all laws that would allow LBGT to dominate the …More
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Texas attorney general files injunction against Catholic agency for migrants

Texas says Catholic group at U.S. border should be shut down

CNA Staff, May 9, 2024 / 10:44 am Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Wednesday filed an injunction against a Catholic nonprofit group in …
Father Karl A Claver
This so-called CATHOLIC group is doing more harm, and NO good. Catholics are quitting the Church because they get no attention from the bishops, whose …More
This so-called CATHOLIC group is doing more harm, and NO good. Catholics are quitting the Church because they get no attention from the bishops, whose ONLY concern is ILLEGAL ALIENS.
Father Roger Landry, a Catholic chaplain at Columbia University, said on Thursday that the protests making national headlines at the New York City school are being organized in part by “explicitly …More
Father Roger Landry, a Catholic chaplain at Columbia University, said on Thursday that the protests making national headlines at the New York City school are being organized in part by “explicitly communist” outside forces.

Columbia’s chaplain: Protests were pushed by ‘communist’ outsiders

Washington, D.C. Newsroom, May 3, 2024 / 17:05 pm Father Roger Landry, a Catholic chaplain at Columbia University, said on Thursday that …
Needs to be banned altogether.

Georgia becomes latest US state to require age verification for online pornography - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Georgia has become the 15th state in America to enact legislation that protects children …
Heather Idoni, a defendant in the Washington DC FACE Act trials, said that she received prolonged solitary confinement for sharing food with fellow prisoners.

EXCLUSIVE: Jailed pro-lifer says she was kept in solitary confinement for 22 days with lights on 24/…

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) – A jailed pro-life prisoner has been paraded in court in full shackles …
chris griffin
As badly as she is being treated she will be rewarded to a much greater degree in Heaven. She is one of the unknown greats.
Among all Catholics who attend Mass monthly or more often, 61% identify with the Republican Party or lean Republican. This includes a majority (67%) of both white Catholics and Hispanic Catholics (52%)

Pew Research: Biden in Trouble With Catholic Voters

Pew Research: Biden in Trouble With Catholic Voters Pew’s survey found that only 35% of Catholics hold a favorable view of Biden while 64% have an …
Father Karl A Claver
It's about time.
Big Tech demonstrated in one move that it could basically destroy an entire company if it wanted to. Parler’s raison d’etre changed in that moment because it was not just about free speech; it was …More
Big Tech demonstrated in one move that it could basically destroy an entire company if it wanted to. Parler’s raison d’etre changed in that moment because it was not just about free speech; it was also about saying we want to be free of big tech.

INTERVIEW: George Farmer on his Catholic Faith and being married to a US media star - Catholic Herald

I met George Farmer, entrepreneur, former CEO of “I have prayed on it, and I am going to do it,” he …