Just Stop Oil climate LARPers spray Stonehenge with orange paint.
Billy F
What mooks!!!
All Saints
Well, if that doesn’t cause cannibalism amongst the Pagan world ai don’t know what would.
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Biden fell asleep while Andrea Bocelli sang Nessun Dorma (which means none shall sleep) at the G7. 😂
Ze źródeł sprawdzonych wiemy, że biedny Biden będzie wycofany z wyborów i go ktoś zastąpi, ale nie vice prezydentowa Kamala Harris. Ta idzie do …More
Ze źródeł sprawdzonych wiemy, że biedny Biden będzie wycofany z wyborów i go ktoś zastąpi, ale nie vice prezydentowa Kamala Harris. Ta idzie do Californii na Gubernatora.
Researchers from the Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than 3 million excess deaths since 2020. Experts writing in the BMJ said the unprecedented …More
Researchers from the Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than 3 million excess deaths since 2020. Experts writing in the BMJ said the unprecedented figures ‘raised serious concerns’ and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms.

Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths

Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested. Researchers from The …
Indeed and now these western countries are changing how they count deaths over a period of time. 😡
Do you consider this child abuse?
Maria Lylyander
Yes, I view it as child abuse. On all fairness though, the child of Angelina and Bradd Pitt dresses feminine now. She was a tomboy and allowed to dress …More
Yes, I view it as child abuse. On all fairness though, the child of Angelina and Bradd Pitt dresses feminine now. She was a tomboy and allowed to dress as such. That I feel is okay.
All Saints
Their victim children might die of AIDS, drugs, murder or commit suicide. Those who survive that will come after their evil parents for turning them …More
Their victim children might die of AIDS, drugs, murder or commit suicide. Those who survive that will come after their evil parents for turning them into the freaks they are.
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Former President Barack Obama has to help guide a confused President Biden off stage as he appears to freeze at an L.A. fundraiser. The incident happened at Peacock Theater in L.A. where Biden raised …More
Former President Barack Obama has to help guide a confused President Biden off stage as he appears to freeze at an L.A. fundraiser. The incident happened at Peacock Theater in L.A. where Biden raised $28 million
Vincent Capuano
A visual image of the third Obama term.
Billy F
The Puppet and the Shadow!
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Just believe both...
The Wandering Recluse
@Liam Ronan That's the best!! 😂
Liam Ronan
@DefendTruth But the cannibals ate Scranton.
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Farage destroys the BBC again.
English Catholic
The BBC does a pretty good job of destroying its own credibility. All we need to do now is stop funding it: Action - Defund The BBC
Nigel is based!
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San Diego diocese to file for bankruptcy June 17 🇺🇸

Catholic diocese will seek bankruptcy protection from hundreds of sex-abuse claims

The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego announced Thursday that it plans to return to U.S. bankruptcy court to help …
John A Cassani
I hope this isn’t in advance of McElroy being named Archbishop of Boston.
Meloni reject a French kiss by Sunak? LMAO … Sunak needs to take the “no no” training course
Sunak is such an embarrasment. He'll be off to the US with his reactivated green card when he's booted out at the UK election on 4th July.
I believe that Jesus is the author, the creator, the omega, our Lord and Saviour- I believe that John William Harbaugh, the head coach of the Baltimore Ravens, a devout Catholic and a daily Mass goer
How is it possible this man is still President and still the nominee for 4 more years?
Miracle of science this man and thanks to the democratic party this their best candidate.yes we can has whole new meaning
But, Joe claims he's rockin ready to take Trump out behind the wood shed.
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The National "Catholic" Reporter - which was told by its bishops over the last 50 years NOT to use the word "Catholic" in its name - unironically complains about faithful Catholic organizations calling …More
The National "Catholic" Reporter - which was told by its bishops over the last 50 years NOT to use the word "Catholic" in its name - unironically complains about faithful Catholic organizations calling themselves Catholic.
THE LARGEST SACRED HEART FLAG IN THE WORLD! June - Most Sacred Heart of Jesus FlagMore
June - Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Flag
DefendTruth shares from
Vatican announces document on the papacy

Another Document: Does Pope Francis Feel Lonely?

Cardinal Koch (Ecumenism) and Cardinal Grech (Ex-Synod) will present a "study document" on the papacy next Thursday. It is entitled "The Bishop of Rome - Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Discussions …More
Cardinal Koch (Ecumenism) and Cardinal Grech (Ex-Synod) will present a "study document" on the papacy next Thursday.
It is entitled "The Bishop of Rome - Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Discussions and Responses to the Encyclical Ut unum sint". Francis' selective use of John Paul II's encyclicals is remarkable.
In Ut Unum Sint (1995), John Paul II invited leaders and theologians of schismatic and heretical communities to dialogue on how the papal office, exercised in a new way, could serve the cause of unity with schismatics and heretics.
Francis has approved the "study document". According to, a propaganda agency of the German bishops, it deals with papal primacy and [pseudo]synodality.
In line with John Paul II, the document proposes a "renewed form of the papal office that could also be recognised by the other churches". The Pope should meet regularly for consultation with other patriarchs and church leaders [all of them schismatic, heretical or both] on an 'equal footing'. …More
Liam Ronan
Boo hoo, Francis. Speaking of loneliness, I recall a song from the late 40s in the States the title o which was "I'm a Lonely Little Petunia in an Onion …More
Boo hoo, Francis. Speaking of loneliness, I recall a song from the late 40s in the States the title o which was "I'm a Lonely Little Petunia in an Onion Patch". A Dick "Two Ton" Baker song; I heard Arthur Godfrey sing it on the TV. I'm A Lonely Little Petunia (In An Onion Patch) - Arthur Godfrey and Sy Shaffer (1948)
"It's past time for our profession to end harm being done and instead provide care for children rooted in science and medical ethics." Dr. Erika LeBaron
Rooted in Christ should be the number one priority.
"England, Finland, Denmark, Sweden are reversing their GAT positions and advocating for the more successful standard of care: psychiatric evaluation and treatment." Dr. Karl Benzio
"Transition affirmation is not proven to be safe or effective long term. It does not reduce suicides. It does not repair mental health issues or trauma." Dr. Andre Van Mol of ACPeds
The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥 🔥 🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids. They ask for these groups …More
The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥 🔥 🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids. They ask for these groups to "IMMEDIATELY stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex." The full statement ⬇️ "Therefore, given the recent research and the revelations of the harmful approach advocated by WPATH and its followers in the United States, we, the undersigned, call upon the medical professional organizations of the United States, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Endocrine Society, the Pediatric Endocrine Society, American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry to follow the science and their European professional colleagues and immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation, …More
De Profundis
The American College of Pediatricians just blasted all the major medical associations big time for backing this gender transitioning trend among kids 👦 👧
"We are speaking in a loud, unified voice. Enough."
Donald Trump says he thinks he knows who controls Biden. This is how he describes them: “You’re fighting off very evil forces, and they’re very smart forces. There are people [who] control Biden. …More
Donald Trump says he thinks he knows who controls Biden. This is how he describes them: “You’re fighting off very evil forces, and they’re very smart forces. There are people [who] control Biden. Totally true. I think I know who they are largely, but there are people that control. They’re very smart, very energetic. Possibly, they’re real believers [in] their sick ideology.”
Whom to trust. Especially in June.