Sir Percy

Francis' Surgery: Vatican Press Office Fiction And Reality

He is a monster
Sir Percy

Great Prince Philip, God Bless You! R.I.P

Prince Phillip was a psychopath, a pervert, and wish to be reincarnated as a virus to kill most of humanity because he was an ardent globalist, eugenicist, and satanist.
Sir Percy

Benedict XVI Prays In Latin For Hans Küng

Ratzinger was, is and will likely die an unrepentant revolutionary.…ulse/unrepentant-revolutionary-sir-percy-blakeney/ HIs final eternal home is likely to be the same as Küng's...
Sir Percy

Gänswein's Moment of Truth: "That's Not Possible"

Ratzinger was is and will likely die an unrepentant revolutionary in the worse sense of the word.…ulse/unrepentant-revolutionary-sir-percy-blakeney/ His final eternal home is likely to be the same as Küng's...
Sir Percy

"Simply Untrue": According to Cardinal Kasper, Küng Was "Rehabilitated"

May God have mercy on Küng's soul, but this unrepentant heresiarch is likely burning in Hell...
Sir Percy

Taylor Marshall and Tim Gordon Slander E. Michael Jones

It's true enough of course - these competing lay opinionators, the talking heads like Marshall, Skojec, Dude the Elder, Dimwit the Younger - none of them would exist if the Bishops were actually teaching Catholicism instead of homo-heresy Vatican II ecumaniacal semi-paganism.
Sir Percy

Catholic Leaders Respond to Administration’s Halt to Immigration with a Call for Unity in the Effort …

But, of course they are... they hate Truth
Sir Percy

Vatican's "New Humanism

Heretic montsers control the Church
Sir Percy

Now It’s Official: Even Francis Doesn’t Consider Himself a True Pope

Joseph Ratzinger is a revolutionary and a heretic.…
The Unrepentant RevolutionaryMore
Joseph Ratzinger is a revolutionary and a heretic.…

The Unrepentant Revolutionary