
Vatican's "New Humanism

The Vatican calls for a collaboration to make our interconnectedness a source of blessing for the planet. The 25th annual message to Buddhists says that the October 15 Global Education Pact for a “new …More
The Vatican calls for a collaboration to make our interconnectedness a source of blessing for the planet. The 25th annual message to Buddhists says that the October 15 Global Education Pact for a “new humanism” will help to guarantee “universal solidarity.”
Buddhists and Christians:
Constructing a Culture of Compassion and Fraternity

Dear Buddhists Friends,
1. On behalf of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, we extend our heartfelt greetings and good wishes to you and to all Buddhist communities around the world as you celebrate the feast of Vesakh/Hanamatsuri. For the last twenty-four years, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue has sent greetings to you on this happy occasion. Since this year marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of this traditional message, we would like to renew our bond of friendship and collaboration with the various traditions you represent.
2. This year, we would like to reflect with you on the theme “Buddhists and Christians: Constructing …More
Honestly, if they were heretics, they would be better. Luther, Calvin and other heresiarchs at least believed in God. It is doubtful that Francis is even a bad Christian.
Sir Percy
Heretic montsers control the Church