
Jewish president Zelensky is still persecuting "Orthodox" Christians in Ukraine, forcing them to change …

Silly. The NKVD '43 Moscow schismatics are dealt with by legal process while Putin shells those same churches.

Fernández About Mass and His Fear of Catholics

Big lie stuff. Fernandez is really bothered by the Mass of Ages banning even the ad orientem New Order.

New Archbishop: "Homosexual" and “Kirchnerist”

A Friend of Francid, so to speak.

Guilty of faith: Lukashenka regime continues to persecute Catholic priests

That commie larper and ally of the botoxed paedo putler is a persecutor.

Russia claims avian flu pathogens with 40% lethality rate in humans being cooked up at US-run biolab …

Nonsense that was used to justify the failing moskal genocide. Low grade commie propaganda. Little putrid cannot protect his borders and capital. His vaxxed mercs (putrid insists on that) are dog food.

Scandal Abbot Suspends Monk - for Preaching "Valid Catholic Doctrine"

A lot of abbots are what they once called aunt fancies so they generally agree with gender ideology and similar fag stuff.

False Democracy - The American Conservative

Contra to what that the Russian propagandist posing an American says in that blog post linked, Ukraine dissolved certain parties with treasonable links to the despot Putin. Nothing more. Every political party in Russia in parliament are KGB puppets and minons.

Saturday's Men’s Rosary Crusade in Sydney with hundreds of men and sons. Ave Maria 🙏 🔥 💪🏻

A great new movement seen worldwide.

Video: Ukraine bestätigt den Einsatz tschetschenischer Kämpfer der islamistisch-dschihadistischen "…

The Assad clan have a blood stained record. These were in a faction forced out of Idlib and now Ukraine is the main theatre to fight the occupier of their homeland Russia and its gimp little Kadyrov. Whatever takes down the KGB midget Putin and keeps Ukraine safe.

Vatican's Secretariat Of State Flatly REFUSED Pope’s Request

Roncalli appeared Catholic but was a friend to enemies like socialists and freemasons.

Abortion Madness: England Plans to Outlaw Crossing Oneself

The joke is that Britain supposedly has a Conservative government (tho Thatcher was always pro abort) and the same planned in Ireland.

The cannibal vs. the Satanist: Toxic politics is poisoning Brazil

The Brazilian bishops have been Commie wretches for 50 years.

German Carthusian Killed in Korea


Is Nancy Pelosi a ‘Beard’? Does this Explain Her Unceasingly Angry Disposition? – Allah's Willing …

Possibly tho Nancy probably turned him gay.

In COVID hearing Pfizer director admits that the covid vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission …

Pfizer and co are frauds. Big pharma are evil.

Irish Seminarians. Pray for the Church in decline

The basic reason is most Irush seminarians have to risk the pink palace of Maynooth where the staff are often sex predators. Dublin sends seminarians to Rome even after the nephew of the quondam Pres of Maynooth Micheál Ledwith became Abp of Dublin. They go to the Irish college in Rome, so at least their few young priests don't have PTSD.

Toward Spring Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsLensakguya

The China Accord saw George of Agentina sell Chinese Catholics to the Communists for a proverbial 40 pieces of silver. The reason was probably to say for saunas and drugs. A lot of money was squandered buying flats in a gay area of London.