SSPX sides with Rome.

SSPX Supports Vatican Charge that Archbishop Viganò is “Schismatic”

SSPX Supports Vatican Charge that Archbishop Viganò is “Schismatic” David Martin | The Daily Knight On June 24, the Society of St. …
Sean Johnson
“I am writing this to serve as a lesson for everyone. The day that the SSPX abandons the spirit and rules of its Founder, it will be lost.”
-Warning of Fr. Ludovic-Marie Barrielle
Econe, 1982
Sean Johnson
“For that which used to be my spiritual homeland now lies in ruins. For a whole decade it has been busily destroying itself, in part openly, in part secretly. It has become ashamed of its origins, it has disowned its founder, it has betrayed its secret entrances to the enemy so that he can invade and occupy the fortress.”
-Resignation letter of Fr. Arnold Trauner, SSPX
June 25, 2013
Where is Fr Trauner?
Sean Johnson
CMRI in southern Minnesota
Sean Johnson
2 more comments from Sean Johnson
Sean Johnson
True Mass
This does not jive with most SSPX priests. Could this cause a split within? Truth serum can be tough medicine.
All Saints
Blow it out your shorts, @Sean Johnson .
Sean Johnson
SSPX are traitors to their founder, and to Tradition.
Carol H
So speaks the ex-SSPX seminarian who idolized Bishop Williamson...
Naomi Arai
Not all in the SSPX agree with that. Most people I know side with Vigano. There’s something afoot…
Faith In The Ruins
"Toe the line, and you'll get your bishop."
Naomi Arai
That's what I'm afraid of...Pretty messed up that they hung him out to dry for that.
@All Saints I am hoping this is not true.
All Saints