Another Reminder, Another Bad Omen, In a Chronology of Bad Omens - Doves Released At Vatican Attacked By Crow and Seagull

Cruel. It's well known that that's the fate of doves released at celebrations.
The Wandering Recluse
Rather prophetic I'd say.


It seems that the time for antipope Francis is coming to an end: Buenos Aires: lightning on the halo and keys of St. Peter. Bergoglio at the end of the road❓ December 26, 2023 Andrea Cionci Well, from …More
It seems that the time for antipope Francis is coming to an end:
Buenos Aires: lightning on the halo and keys of St. Peter. Bergoglio at the end of the road❓
December 26, 2023 Andrea Cionci
Well, from a faith perspective, how should we interpret the lightning bolt that struck the statue of St. Peter on December 17th?
Statue of Saint Peter, Buenos Aires

On Sunday December 17, 2023, lightning literally pulverized the key and halo of the statue of Saint Peter, located on the facade of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas , north of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Buenos Aires: fulmine incenerisce aureola e chiavi di San Pietro nel compleanno di Bergoglio?Skip to content The news was reported by the Telegram channel "The Pope's Pearls" : it seemed to be fake, given that no news could be found on the web, but the event has just been confirmed by the Reverend Father Justo Lofeudo , a priest …More

Bad Omens AND The Negative Significations Surrounding Bergoglio - The Icon of Christ the Redeemer Falls Down During Vatican Easter Mass

What picture in a chronological pattern of synchronous, significatory 'happenings' Signification; meaning; import; sense. the act or fact of signifying; indication. This time it is Christ the Redeemer …More
What picture in a chronological pattern of synchronous, significatory 'happenings'
Signification; meaning; import; sense. the act or fact of signifying; indication.
This time it is Christ the Redeemer of the ancient icon that ended up on the ground. On Easter Day of all days. What significance could this possibly have?


But the plan failed miserably and everything came to light. It is not prudent to go against the Vicar of Christ. When you are in quicksand you don't have to worry, because the more you move, the deeper …More
But the plan failed miserably and everything came to light. It is not prudent to go against the Vicar of Christ.
When you are in quicksand you don't have to worry, because the more you move, the deeper you go.
Bergoglio in crisi tenta di screditare i cardinali
March 31, 2024
When you are in quicksand you don't have to worry, because the more you move, the deeper you go. Bergoglio should know this and instead, in these very days, in which it has blatantly emerged that he HAS NOT CELEBRATED MASS SINCE APRIL 2022 , HERE he has made a new misstep in an attempt to regain some points. We have seen HERE that, like John Paul II in his illness, he could easily celebrate sitting, so the excuse of kneeling - it is appropriate to say - does not stand.
Ergo, Bergoglio EITHER DOES NOT WANT TO, OR CANNOT celebrate Mass, because perhaps they have forbidden it to him. Perhaps there were some cardinals who, in accordance with art. 3 of the Universi Dominici Gregis, have the duty-power to enforce …More

“The Roots of Evil from Malthus to Bergoglio”: What Role Did The Abusive Election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio Play In The "Final Phase" of The New World …

Armando Savini "Without Bergoglio 's political action, the globalist projects of Davos would not have had the success they have had and, unfortunately, continue to have. Pandemic policies, [ ed. …More
Armando Savini
"Without Bergoglio
's political action, the globalist projects of Davos would not have had the success they have had and, unfortunately, continue to have. Pandemic policies, [ ed. leading to the starvation of millions in the'third world' and 17 million conservatively estimated via the COVID'Vaccine/Bio Weapon] sustainable development, Agenda 2030 and green policies would not have had an easy life with Benedict XVI."
April 3, 2024 Andrea Cionci
What role did the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio play in the “final phase” of the New World Order? We talk about it with Armando Savini
”Le Radici Del Male da Malthus a Bergoglio”, intervista a Armando Savini

”Le Radici Del Male da Malthus a Bergoglio”, intervista a Armando Savini
Financial crises, deflationary policies, economic crises, pandemics, humanitarian crises, inflation, skyrocketing interest rates ... What is the common thread that links all these scenarios? Are these independent events or directed by a single control …More
Maria delos Angeles
With friends like that.., who needs the False Prophet of the AntiChrist? 😲 😲 😲 😲
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Bergoglio's Revenge on Gänswein is Full of Inaccuracies. The defensive strategy of Bergoglio, Now Discovered to be Anti-pope , is Proving To Be Increasingly …

Bergoglio's Revenge on Gänswein is Full of Inaccuracies. The defensive strategy of Bergoglio, Now Discovered to be Anti-pope , is Proving To Be Increasingly Clumsy In Recent Days. In his book Bergoglio …More
Bergoglio's Revenge on Gänswein is Full of Inaccuracies. The defensive strategy of Bergoglio, Now Discovered to be Anti-pope , is Proving To Be Increasingly Clumsy In Recent Days.
In his book Bergoglio returns to the relations with his predecessor, against Ratzinger's secretary who had denied the "legend" of the harmony between the two Popes. He also says his opinion about the 2005 conclave, but it doesn't add up.
ECCLESIA 03_04_2024
La vendetta di Francesco su Gänswein è piena di imprecisioni
La vendetta di Francesco su Gänswein è piena di imprecisioni

While calling for peace for the world, Francis opens new war fronts in the Church. He did so with the statements given to the Spanish journalist Javier Martinez-Brocal in the interview book El sucesor . In the previews released in these hours, the Pope gave his opinion on the relationship with Benedict XVI without sparing harsh criticism of Monsignor Georg Gänswein.
The fault of Ratzinger's most trusted private secretary is to have …More
John A Cassani
Despite his girth, Bergoglio is a very, very small man.

A Desperate Swan Song for the Gnostic Antipope, who now risks big. These Are The The Last Days of the JUDAS POPE

Its too late now. Everything is clear: anyone who has retained a minimum of lucidity realizes that these days Bergoglio is pumping up the mainstream with this narrative. But it's too late now. The …More
Its too late now.
Everything is clear: anyone who has retained a minimum of lucidity realizes that these days Bergoglio is pumping up the mainstream with this narrative. But it's too late now.
The defensive strategy of Bergoglio, now discovered to be anti-pope , is proving to be increasingly clumsy in recent days. With the carefully detailed previews from his new book El Sucesor , Tg1 Vatican correspondent Ignazio Ingrao admitted yesterday, from the Bailiff, that " Pope Francis is trying to clear away the exploitation" regarding his illegitimacy". HERE
Let's say that he is not the best person to credibly deny these rumors. In fact, even La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana has detected all the contradictory inaccuracies of Bergoglio's reconstruction HERE .
“Io sono impedito”: perché Bergoglio scredita Gänswein
“Io sono impedito”: perché Bergoglio scredita Gänswein

The defensive strategy of Bergoglio, now discovered to be anti-pope , is proving to be increasingly clumsy in recent days. …More