Archbishop statement on The Mission of Divine Mercy - Archdiocese of San Antonio
English Catholic
@Fides Et Ratio Right Archbishop, wrong statement? Correct details here: A message from Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, M…
Patricia McKeever
The following comment from one of your posts above is priceless and really shows, with respect, that you don't know the first thing about being a Catholic and defending the revealed Faith:
Addressing @English Catholic you write:
"I increasingly get the feeling that I am talking to someone who suffers from a tremendous authority complex."
And this is because @English CatholicMore

The following comment from one of your posts above is priceless and really shows, with respect, that you don't know the first thing about being a Catholic and defending the revealed Faith:

Addressing @English Catholic you write:

"I increasingly get the feeling that I am talking to someone who suffers from a tremendous authority complex."

And this is because @English Catholic substantiates everything he says by quoting or citing authoritative sources! He also asks for YOUR thoughts on authoritative sources which he provides to clarify or disprove statements from you.

That is what we are supposed to do! We can't defend the Faith by saying that we think this, or we think that, or I believe this, or I believe that, and fail to offer evidence to support our positions. Imagine doing that if called to give evidence in a court of law: Your Honour, I think the defendant is guilty because well I don't like him or I think he is not guilty because I heard someone saying he is a good person - blah blah. Evidence? Well... er... don't be too strict! Be charitable!

It's a nonsense. One reason why I am drawn to respond in defence of @English Catholic is precisely because he DOES produce cast-iron proof of what he says. He offers the Church's documentation for various alleged apparitions, for example, and they are always authentic. I've copied and saved many of his comments on my computer for use as and when I need that information. He is a gem contributor to this blog. I can't believe you don't realise that. Talk about spiritual blindness.

Indeed, it is a mystery to me that so many Catholics are determined to cling to claims of apparitions which have been condemned by the Church - or are even doubtful - when, as Catholics, we should know that this attitude is a diabolical attack on the authority of Christ's Church: "He who hears you, hears me."

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Patricia McKeever
@Maria delos Angeles I am surprised at a couple of your comments here especially about @English Catholic - your judgements about him are uncharitable, to say the least. I recall you saying somewhere, perhaps on another thread, that you spent a short time in a Carmelite Monastery but you don't say which one; having a love of Carmel myself, I'd be interested to know where you entered. Just curious. …More
@Maria delos Angeles I am surprised at a couple of your comments here especially about @English Catholic - your judgements about him are uncharitable, to say the least. I recall you saying somewhere, perhaps on another thread, that you spent a short time in a Carmelite Monastery but you don't say which one; having a love of Carmel myself, I'd be interested to know where you entered. Just curious.

I'm also surprised that you seem to read some kind of approval into the MDM because your mother judges the priest to be "sincere". Well, they say Hitler was sincere (in his wish to created the perfect Aryan race) and there are plenty of other notable figures in history and contemporary society, who are surely "sincere" (in their misguided beliefs and behaviour - the whole trans movement springs to mind) but that doesn't change the fact that the priest running the MDM is a disobedient, rebellious cleric, who does NOT have the blessing of Heaven.
@Patricia McKeever "It will look to some as if you are acting outside of the bounds of My Church. What is My Church? My Mystical Body. And if I, the Head of this Body send you to tear off the uncleanness that has covered it; if I the Head send you to speak My Words, My thoughts, that what is yet sound may not lose hope, that what has become atrophied may be restored and strengthened, that what is …More
@Patricia McKeever "It will look to some as if you are acting outside of the bounds of My Church. What is My Church? My Mystical Body. And if I, the Head of this Body send you to tear off the uncleanness that has covered it; if I the Head send you to speak My Words, My thoughts, that what is yet sound may not lose hope, that what has become atrophied may be restored and strengthened, that what is growing like a cancer might be extirpated – can one say you are acting “outside” of this Body? NO. NO. NO. I Am sending you."

Words of God the Father. Think about that. He is ultimately the highest authority. (You can deny of course that it is God the Father who speaks, but you run the risk of opposing God's work if you fight it publicly.)
Patricia McKeever
That quote is from the MDM fraud. God does not, never would, exhort us to ignore the hierarchical authority which He established. Did He not say to Peter, YOU are Peter and upon this rock I will found My Church. He did not tell us to go it alone.More

That quote is from the MDM fraud. God does not, never would, exhort us to ignore the hierarchical authority which He established. Did He not say to Peter, YOU are Peter and upon this rock I will found My Church. He did not tell us to go it alone.
@Patricia McKeever Didn't Mary say in an approved apparition that "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of Antichrist” (La Salette, 1846).
Indeed, the quote is from the message God gave to the Missionofdivinemercy. Totally credible!
@Patricia McKeever Do you really think that God would bless homosexual unions (as "Peter" says)?
Patricia McKeever
@petrus100452 - I pay no attention to any apparition claims except Fatima and Our Lady of Good Success, but Fatima is the key event for our times. Other claims are often dubious if not downright phoney such as the MDM and Medjugorje hoaxes.
Patricia McKeever
@petrus100452 - of course God won't bless sinful unions. So, we have a bad pope. Not the first. His immediate predecessors were no saints either (and I mean that literally! Fast track canonisations will be dealt with in due course) but we can't set ourselves up against the Church hierarchy to decide to sack any pope, no matter how bad. Faith is something to be exercised, and at no time more than at …More
@petrus100452 - of course God won't bless sinful unions. So, we have a bad pope. Not the first. His immediate predecessors were no saints either (and I mean that literally! Fast track canonisations will be dealt with in due course) but we can't set ourselves up against the Church hierarchy to decide to sack any pope, no matter how bad. Faith is something to be exercised, and at no time more than at a time of grave crisis. You didn't see St Paul telling the first pontiff that he was sacked because "he was to blame"... No. You saw St Paul resisting his false teaching and telling him so to his face. That's what we must do. And pray for Francis' repentance - nobody should want him to spend eternity in Hell, which is what he is risking right now with his shocking anti-Catholic words and behaviour. Pray for him, write to him, rebuke him, whatever - just don't try to replace or sack him. You don't have that authority or responsibility.
@Patricia McKeever you're right. I do not have the authority or responsibility (nor the power) to replace or sack Francis. That is ultimately a matter for God. But I do have a responsibility to follow my conscience when I know that the Pope (and many of the bishops appointed by him) are such lost shepherds. And by the way, both Medjugorje as Missionofdivinemercy are very credible, but you are free …More
@Patricia McKeever you're right. I do not have the authority or responsibility (nor the power) to replace or sack Francis. That is ultimately a matter for God. But I do have a responsibility to follow my conscience when I know that the Pope (and many of the bishops appointed by him) are such lost shepherds. And by the way, both Medjugorje as Missionofdivinemercy are very credible, but you are free to ignore them. And secondly, I believe that John Paul II was a great saint and I hope that he will get the name "The Great" in the future.
Patricia McKeever
@petrus100452 - your conscience is not a teacher - it cannot direct you to think or act contrary to the Faith. If your "conscience" is telling you that the pope is not the pope, then your conscience is wrong. End of. It is malformed, no doubt due to your determination to follow fake "seers" or - in the case of the MDM baloney, take listeners.
It is integral to the Faith to accept the hierarchical …More
@petrus100452 - your conscience is not a teacher - it cannot direct you to think or act contrary to the Faith. If your "conscience" is telling you that the pope is not the pope, then your conscience is wrong. End of. It is malformed, no doubt due to your determination to follow fake "seers" or - in the case of the MDM baloney, take listeners.

It is integral to the Faith to accept the hierarchical structure of the Church which was established, designed if you will, by Christ Himself. You should thank God for the grace to recognise that the crisis in the Church is a crisis in the priesthood, by definition, and thus be aware of the need to take care when listening to sermons, reading etc. making sure you do not to go astray. Having itchy ears, as St Paul puts it, going after signs and wonders, apparitions, etc. is a sure sign of LACK of Faith. If you must look for apparitions, stick with those approved by the Church, such as Lourdes, Good Success and Fatima.
@Patricia McKeever "Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all" St Paul to the Thessalonians (1 Thess. 5, 19).
And for the rest: God is our Judge. Let us wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit because when He comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment (John 16,18). Let us end pointless discussion and pray for …More
@Patricia McKeever "Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all" St Paul to the Thessalonians (1 Thess. 5, 19).

And for the rest: God is our Judge. Let us wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit because when He comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment (John 16,18). Let us end pointless discussion and pray for one another. Peace be with you.
Patricia McKeever
@petrus100452 The discussion is only pointless because you are determined to ignore the authority of Christ's Church; you make your faith and obedience dependent on whether the pope is to your liking or not. As St Augustine says, that means you don't have faith, just opinions. Your Catholicism would not have survived in medieval times when we had - sadly - more than one bad pope.
English Catholic
@Patricia McKeever Actually, I wasn't going to answer @Maria delos Angeles as I have blocked her, but reading her lies above, riding off the back of the criticism made against me by SonoftheChurch (which has now been deleted), I feel I have to respond, especially as I have been accused of calumny. Do not have anything to do with this woman. She makes very orthodox comments at times, in order to …More
@Patricia McKeever Actually, I wasn't going to answer @Maria delos Angeles as I have blocked her, but reading her lies above, riding off the back of the criticism made against me by SonoftheChurch (which has now been deleted), I feel I have to respond, especially as I have been accused of calumny. Do not have anything to do with this woman. She makes very orthodox comments at times, in order to deceive the unwary. She appeals to those who have a penchant for 'heavenly messages', either approved, unapproved or condemned. BUT, she also claims to have other spiritual experiences, and underneath I will give some of her actual quotes from GTV. A while ago, I took original screenshots of the whole thread, so if she tries to alter/delete anything, I will publish them, and she will be condemned by her own actions:

Bob Marley: One Love's new trailer

"Bob Marley: One Love's new trailer. Am sharing this, because I believe he is in Heaven, and (probably) was assassinated." (He died of cancer).

"Right, @English Catholic, if God can reach a sinner like me, do you suppose he can reach Rastafri Bob? If he is in heaven now, he is in the communion of saints, so is catholic..."

"@English Catholic Do you know some people have contact with / are able to see the souls that have passed on? I think God does it to reveal things about the operations of His Providence and Mercy, clearly that is not you though."

"I do believe women pay more attention to the preternatural and the supernatural than men do, our minds work differently. I heard a Sister, Anne of Yaweh OCD say so. I have personally had countless experiences of souls that have passed on. Bob (Marley) is in a Better Place."

"I had two other female friends or associates from the Church who had similar experiences of seeing things in 'the Beyond'. To me this just happens and they spontaneously tell me, not "giving a revelation", just sharing among friends - 2 or more. I can discern evil spirits and can tell if a person is possessed or oppressed by demons. I have not taken any mind altering substances or psychoactive drugs any time recently."

If anyone who has any sense of what is remotely Catholic, accepts this garbage above, which is more in line with necromancy than Catholicism, then God help them and have mercy on them. In future, @Maria delos Angeles can accuse me of calumny, pride, lack of charity, etc, etc until her heart is content. I don't care. She is condemned by her own writings.
Patricia McKeever
@English Catholic - thank you for that information: Sister Anne of Yaweh is enough to show that poor @Maria delos Angeles is on the totally wrong track.