Cid Campeador. Cid CampeadorMore
Cid Campeador.
Cid Campeador
"Archbishop Lefebvre held a sedevacantist position." Mgr. Lefebvre drew up for the attention of Catholics a balance of the council's work which was clearly positive, basing it largely on the discourse …More
"Archbishop Lefebvre held a sedevacantist position."
Mgr. Lefebvre drew up for the attention of Catholics a balance of the council's work which was clearly positive, basing it largely on the discourse given by Paul VI at the closure of the second session. As well as being a bad analysis of the facts, we must undoubtedly see in this an expression of great confidence in the pope: "We are living at a time when the supernatural, when the action of the Holy Spirit is visible, tangible. Question the observers at the council they have no terms expressive enough to congratulate us and to envy our having a Bishop to whom has been given supreme power over the Church, a Bishop to turn towards when doubt or darkness crushes us and in whom we are assured of having the Light." [April 20, 1976 International Catholic Associations]
He never ceased from dodging the question which every faithful Catholic was asking: Is Paul VI the pope? He avoided it by putting forward a solution which opposed Tradition …More
Quote of the day - Pope St. Hormisdas. “[Our] first safety is to guard the rule of the right faith and to deviate in no wise from the ordinances of the Fathers; because we cannot pass over the statement …More
Quote of the day - Pope St. Hormisdas.
“[Our] first safety is to guard the rule of the right faith and to deviate in no wise from the ordinances of the Fathers; because we cannot pass over the statement of our Lord Jesus Christ who said: "Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church" . . . [Matt. 16:18]. These [words] which were spoken, are proved by the effects of the deeds, because in the Apostolic See the Catholic religion has always been preserved without stain. Desiring not to be separated from this hope and faith and following the ordinances of the Fathers, we anathematize all heresies...”
Quote of the day - St. Augustine. On the nature of evil.More
Quote of the day - St. Augustine.
On the nature of evil.
Quote of the day - St. Athanasius. Quote of the day.More
Quote of the day - St. Athanasius.
Quote of the day.
Quote of the day - St. John Chrysostom. ✍️ "Let us, therefore, to-day, take up arms against inebriety, and expose the folly of a drunken and dissolute life. Let us oppose those who live in intemperance …More
Quote of the day - St. John Chrysostom.
✍️ "Let us, therefore, to-day, take up arms against inebriety, and expose the folly of a drunken and dissolute life. Let us oppose those who live in intemperance; not that we may shame them, but that we may put them beyond the reach of shame; not that we may blame them, but reform them; not that we may hold them up to contempt, but that we may turn them from all dishonourable exposure, and snatch them from the grasp of the tempter. For he who lives daily in excess of wine and luxury and gluttony is under the very tyranny of the devil. And oh that something better may result from our words! Should they, however, continue in the same course after our warning, we shall not on that account cease from giving right counsel. For the springs, even if no one drink of them, continue to flow; and fountains, though no one should use their water, still burst forth; and rivers, though no man profit by them, still run on. So then, also, it is right that the …More
Quote of the day - Pope Pius II. “The execrable and hitherto unheard of abuse has grown up in our day, that certain persons, imbued with the spirit of rebellion, and not from a desire to secure a better …More
Quote of the day - Pope Pius II.
“The execrable and hitherto unheard of abuse has grown up in our day, that certain persons, imbued with the spirit of rebellion, and not from a desire to secure a better judgment, but to escape the punishment of some offense which they have committed, presume to appeal to a future council from the Roman Pontiff, the vicar of Jesus Christ, to whom in the person of the blessed Peter was said: "Feed my sheep" [John 21:17], and, "Whatever thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven" [Matt. 16:19]. . . . Wishing therefore to expel this pestiferous poison far from the Church of Christ and to care for the salvation of the flock entrusted to us, and to remove every cause of offense from the fold of our Savior . . . we condemn all such appeals and disprove them as erroneous and detestable.”
Quote of the day - St. Vincent of Lerins. ✍️ Quote of the day.More
Quote of the day - St. Vincent of Lerins.
✍️ Quote of the day.
Quote of the day - St. Teresa de Avila. ✍️ Spiritual quotes.More
Quote of the day - St. Teresa de Avila.
✍️ Spiritual quotes.
Quote of the day - Pope St. Pius X. Inspiring spiritual quotes.More
Quote of the day - Pope St. Pius X.
Inspiring spiritual quotes.
Papst Franziskus liebt den Islam! Die Kirche kniet sich nieder um dem Propheten die Füße zu küssen?More
Papst Franziskus liebt den Islam!
Die Kirche kniet sich nieder um dem Propheten die Füße zu küssen?
@Hayat! Ja genau. Das ist glaube ich die "Sure" 9:5 aus dem Teufelswisch den schon JoPaII geküßt hat. Lutherfranz geht einen Schritt weiter und küßt …More
Ja genau. Das ist glaube ich die "Sure" 9:5 aus dem Teufelswisch den schon JoPaII geküßt hat. Lutherfranz geht einen Schritt weiter und küßt die Füße dem Teufelsanhang.
„Mir wurde befohlen, dass ich die Menschen solange bekämpfe, bis sie bezeugen, dass kein Gott da ist außer Allah, und dass Muhammad der Gesandte Allahs …More
„Mir wurde befohlen, dass ich die Menschen solange bekämpfe, bis sie bezeugen, dass kein Gott da ist außer Allah, und dass Muhammad der Gesandte Allahs ist, und bis sie das Gebet verrichten und die Zakah entrichten. Wenn sie dies tun, so bewahren sie ihr Leben und ihre Güter vor mir, es sei denn, sie begehen eine nach dem Islam strafbare Handlung und ihre Rechenschaft ist (letzten Endes) bei Allah.“
Quelle: Mohammed Sahih Al-Bucharyy Nr. 25; Original in Wurmsprache
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Quote of the day - St. Vincent Ferrer. Prophecy on the Antichrist.More
Quote of the day - St. Vincent Ferrer.
Prophecy on the Antichrist.
Quote of the day- St. Vincent Ferrer. "Call frequently to mind the torments and pains of the damned, and those that are prepared for all sinners. This reflection will enable you to look upon the labors …More
Quote of the day- St. Vincent Ferrer.
"Call frequently to mind the torments and pains of the damned, and those that are prepared for all sinners. This reflection will enable you to look upon the labors, the penances, the humiliations, the poverty of this life – in a word, all that you can endure for God – as light indeed. The fear and danger of all falling into these torments will rouse you to greater efforts to avoid them, and to tend more and more to a more holy and perfect life."
French Freemason Connection To the United States. copied from the youtube channel russianvidsMore
French Freemason Connection To the United States.
copied from the youtube channel russianvids
Quote of the day - St. John Chrysostom. Quote of the day.More
Quote of the day - St. John Chrysostom.
Quote of the day.
Barack Obama praises Islam, mocks Christ. ✍️ as the title readsMore
Barack Obama praises Islam, mocks Christ.
✍️ as the title reads
Quote of the day - Pope St. Symmachus. Symmachus zealously defended the supporters of orthodoxy during the disorders of the Acacian schism. He defends, although without success, the opponents of the …More
Quote of the day - Pope St. Symmachus.
Symmachus zealously defended the supporters of orthodoxy during the disorders of the Acacian schism. He defends, although without success, the opponents of the "Henotikon" in a letter to Emperor Anastasius I (491-518). At a later date many of the persecuted oriental bishops addressed themselves to the pope to whom they sent a confession of faith. Shortly after 506 the emperor sent him a letter full of invectives, to which the pope sent a firm answer, maintaining forcibly the rights and liberty of the Church (Thiel, "Epist. rom. pont.", I, 700 sq.). In a letter of 8 October, 512, addressed to the bishops of Illyria, the pope warned the clergy of that province not to hold communion with heretics.
Quote of the day - St. Robert Bellarmine. Quote of the day.More
Quote of the day - St. Robert Bellarmine.
Quote of the day.
Quote of the day - St. Bernard. St. BernardMore
Quote of the day - St. Bernard.
St. Bernard
Quote of the day - St. Vincent Ferrer. Famous Dominican missionary, born at Valencia, 23 January, 1350; died at Vannes, Brittany, 5 April, 1419. He was descended from the younger of two brothers who …More
Quote of the day - St. Vincent Ferrer.
Famous Dominican missionary, born at Valencia, 23 January, 1350; died at Vannes, Brittany, 5 April, 1419. He was descended from the younger of two brothers who were knighted for their valour in the conquest of Valencia, 1238. In 1340 Vincent's father, William Ferrer, married Constantia Miguel, whose family had likewise been ennobled during the conquest of Valencia. Vincent was their fourth child. A brother, not unknown to history, was Boniface Ferrer, General of the Carthusians, who was employed by the antipope Benedict XIII in important diplomatic missions. Vincent was educated at Valencia, and completed his philosophy at the age of fourteen. In 1367 he entered the Dominican Order, and was sent to the house of studies at Barcelona the following year. In 1370 he taught philosophy at Lérida; one of his pupils there was Pierre Fouloup, later Grand Inquisitor of Aragon. In 1373 Vincent returned to the Dominican "Studium arabicum et hebraicum …More