Quote of the day - Saint Ambrose. St. Ambrose, Sermon against Auxentius: "But why speak of the Apostle, when the Lord Himself cries through the prophet: "Hearken unto Me, My people, you who know …More
Quote of the day - Saint Ambrose.
St. Ambrose, Sermon against Auxentius: "But why speak of the Apostle, when the Lord Himself cries through the prophet: "Hearken unto Me, My people, you who know judgement, in whose heart is My law." [Isaiah 51:7] God says: "Hearken unto Me, My people, you that know judgement." ... "Hearken unto Me, My people," says the Lord. He says not, "Hearken, you Gentiles," nor does He say, "Hearken, you Jews." For they who had been the people of the Lord have now become the people of error, and they who were the people of error have begun to be the people of God; for they have believed in Christ. That people then judges in whose heart is the divine, not the human law, the law not written in ink, but in the spirit of the living God; [2 Corinthians 3:3] not set down on paper, but stamped upon the heart."
Quote of the day - Pope Benedict IX. Pope Benedict IX, bull canonizing St. Simeon the Recluse, 1041 A.D.: “The ineffable authority of the Divine majesty always doing the ineffable, just as it is extolled …More
Quote of the day - Pope Benedict IX.
Pope Benedict IX, bull canonizing St. Simeon the Recluse, 1041 A.D.: “The ineffable authority of the Divine majesty always doing the ineffable, just as it is extolled wonderful in His saints, and so it is showed in their works, giving them virtue and fortitude to heal all manner of sickness and disease.” [Latin: Divinae majestatis inenarrabilis auctoritas semper inenarrabilia faciens, sicut in sanctis suis mirabilis praedicatur, ita et operibus declaratur, dans eis virtutem et fortitudinem curare omnem languorem et omnem infirmitatem.]”
Quote of the day - Pope Eugene IV. “Not long ago, we learned from our brother Ferdinand, bishop at Rubicon and representative of the faithful who are residents of the Canary Islands, and from messengers …More
Quote of the day - Pope Eugene IV.
“Not long ago, we learned from our brother Ferdinand, bishop at Rubicon and representative of the faithful who are residents of the Canary Islands, and from messengers sent by them to the Apostolic See, and from other trustworthy informers, the following facts: in the said islands—some called Lanzarote—and other nearby islands, the inhabitants, imitating the natural law alone, and not having known previously any sect of apostates or heretics, have a short time since been led into the Orthodox Catholic Faith with the aid of God’s mercy. Nevertheless, with the passage of time, it has happened that in some of the said islands, because of a lack of suitable governors and defenders to direct those who live there to a proper observance of the Faith in things spiritual and temporal, and to protect valiantly their property and goods, some Christians (we speak of this with sorrow), with fictitious reasoning and seizing an opportunity, have approached said islands …More
Quote of the day - Saint Augustine. "But with you [heretics], where there is none of these things to attract or keep me, the promise of truth is the only thing that comes into play. Now if the truth …More
Quote of the day - Saint Augustine.
"But with you [heretics], where there is none of these things to attract or keep me, the promise of truth is the only thing that comes into play. Now if the truth is so clearly proved as to leave no possibility of doubt, it must be set before all the things that keep me in the Catholic Church; but if there is only a promise without any fulfillment, no one shall move me from the faith which binds my mind with ties so many and so strong to the Christian religion."
Quote of the day - St. Alphonsus. “The Saints by the thought that God was looking at them have bravely repelled all the assaults of their enemies… This thought also converted a wicked woman who dared …More
Quote of the day - St. Alphonsus.
“The Saints by the thought that God was looking at them have bravely repelled all the assaults of their enemies… This thought also converted a wicked woman who dared to tempt St. Ephrem; the Saint told her that if she wished to sin she must meet him in the middle of the city. But, said she, how is it possible to commit sin before so many persons? And how, replied the Saint, is it possible to sin in the presence of God, who sees us in every place? At these words she burst into tears, and falling prostrate on the ground asked pardon of the Saint, and besought him to point out to her the way of salvation.”
Quote of the day - Saint Thomas Aquinas. "Now just as presumption makes a man exceed what is proportionate to his power, by striving to do more than he can, so pusillanimity makes a man fall short of …More
Quote of the day - Saint Thomas Aquinas.
"Now just as presumption makes a man exceed what is proportionate to his power,
by striving to do more than he can, so pusillanimity makes a man fall short of what is proportionate to his power, by refusing to tend to that which is commensurate thereto. Wherefore as presumption is a sin, so is pusillanimity. Hence it is that the servant who buried in the earth the money he had received from his master, and did not trade with it through fainthearted fear, was punished by his master (Matthew 25; Luke 19)".
Quote of the day - Saint Gregory Nazianzen. "Possess your souls in tears, and stay His wrath by amending your way of life. Sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly, [Joel 2:15] as blessed Joel with us …More
Quote of the day - Saint Gregory Nazianzen.
"Possess your souls in tears, and stay His wrath by amending your way of life. Sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly, [Joel 2:15] as blessed Joel with us charges you: gather the elders, and the babes that suck the breasts, whose tender age wins our pity, and is specially worthy of the loving-kindness of God. I know also what he enjoins both upon me, the minister of God, and upon you, who have been thought worthy of the same honour, that we should enter His house in sackcloth and lament night and day between the porch and the altar, in piteous array, and with more piteous voices, crying aloud without ceasing on behalf of ourselves and the people, sparing nothing, either toil or word, which may propitiate God: saying "Spare, O Lord, Your people, and give not Your heritage to reproach," [Joel 2:17] and the rest of the prayer; surpassing the people in our sense of the affliction as much as in our rank, instructing them in our own persons in …More
Quote of the day - Pope Saint Leo. "Accordingly, dearly-beloved, that we may be able to overcome all our enemies, let us seek Divine aid by the observance of the heavenly bidding, knowing that we cannot …More
Quote of the day - Pope Saint Leo.
"Accordingly, dearly-beloved, that we may be able to overcome all our enemies, let us seek Divine aid by the observance of the heavenly bidding, knowing that we cannot otherwise prevail against our adversaries, unless we prevail against our own selves. For we have many encounters with our own selves: the flesh desires one thing against the spirit, and the spirit another thing against the flesh. And in this disagreement, if the desires of the body be stronger, the mind will disgracefully lose its proper dignity, and it will be most disastrous for that to serve which ought to have ruled. But if the mind, being subject to its Ruler, and delighting in gifts from above, shall have trampled under foot the allurements of earthly pleasure, and shall not have allowed sin to reign in its mortal body, reason will maintain a well-ordered supremacy, and its strongholds no strategy of spiritual wickednesses will cast down: because man has then only true peace and …More
Quote of the day - Saint Ignatius of Antioch. "Every one that teaches anything beyond what is commanded, though he be [deemed] worthy of credit, though he be in the habit of fasting, though he live in …More
Quote of the day - Saint Ignatius of Antioch.
"Every one that teaches anything beyond what is commanded, though he be [deemed] worthy of credit, though he be in the habit of fasting, though he live in continence, though he work miracles, though he have the gift of prophecy, let him be in your sight as a wolf in sheep's clothing, Matthew 7:15 labouring for the destruction of the sheep. If any one denies the cross, and is ashamed of the passion, let him be to you as the adversary himself. "Though he gives all his goods to feed the poor [...] though he remove mountains, though he give his body to be burned," 1 Corinthians 13:2 let him be regarded by you as abominable. If any one makes light of the law or the prophets, which Christ fulfilled at His coming, let him be to you as antichrist. If any one says that the Lord is a mere man, he is a Jew, a murderer of Christ."
Quote of the day - St. Jerome. "You may smile, perhaps, and deride this as on a level with the wild fancies of weak women. If so, I am not ashamed of having a faith like that of those who were the …More
Quote of the day - St. Jerome.
"You may smile, perhaps, and deride this as on a level with the wild fancies of weak women. If so, I am not ashamed of having a faith like that of those who were the first to see the risen Lord; who were sent to the Apostles; who, in the person of the mother of our Lord and Savior, were commended to the holy Apostles.
Belch out your shame, if you will, with men of the world. I will fast with women—or with religious men whose looks witness to their chastity, and who, with cheeks pale from prolonged abstinence, show forth the chastity of Christ."
–St. Jerome, Against Vigilantius, 12
Quote of the day - St. Robert Bellarmine. The Art of Dying Well.More
Quote of the day - St. Robert Bellarmine.
The Art of Dying Well.
Quote of the day - Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus. "We have to consider that deeds meet only for darkness may be within the man, while through the outer members he may produce words that seem to be of the …More
Quote of the day - Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus.
"We have to consider that deeds meet only for darkness may be within the man, while through the outer members he may produce words that seem to be of the light: for there are those who are in reality wolves, though they may be covered with sheep's clothing. Such are they who wash only the outside of the cup and platter, and do not understand that, unless the inside of these things is cleansed, the outside itself cannot be made pure. Wherefore, in manifest confutation of such persons, the Saviour says: "If the light that is in you be darkness, how great is that darkness!" That is to say, if the love which seems to you to be light is really a work meet for darkness, by reason of some hypocrisy concealed in you, what must be your patent transgressions!"On Matthew 6:22-23 (St. Gregory Thaumaturgus)
These words says it all .
Quote of the day - Pope St. Pius X. Pope St. Pius X, Haerent Animo, August 4, 1908: “We have nothing to say which you have not already heard, no doctrine to propound that is new to anyone; but we treat …More
Quote of the day - Pope St. Pius X.
Pope St. Pius X, Haerent Animo, August 4, 1908: “We have nothing to say which you have not already heard, no doctrine to propound that is new to anyone; but we treat of matters which it is necessary for everyone to bear in mind, and God inspires us with the hope that our message will not fail to bear abundant fruit. Our earnest appeal to you is this: Be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new man, who according to God is created in justice and sanctity of truth;[Ephes. 4: 23-24] that will be the most excellent and most acceptable gift which you could offer to us on this fiftieth anniversary of our ordination. For our own part, when we review before God with a contrite heart and in a spirit of humility[Dan. 3:39] the years passed in the priesthood, we will feel that we are making reparation in some measure for the human frailties which we have cause to regret, by thus admonishing and exhorting you to walk worthily of God, in all things …More
St. Valentine's day message. St. Valentine's day - history.More
St. Valentine's day message.
St. Valentine's day - history.
Quote of the day - St. Lupus. Fr. Alban Butler relates: St. Lupus could not see this soul perish [a particular sinner], but wrote to St. Sidonius, then bishop of Clermont, a strong letter so prudently …More
Quote of the day - St. Lupus.
Fr. Alban Butler relates: St. Lupus could not see this soul perish [a particular sinner], but wrote to St. Sidonius, then bishop of Clermont, a strong letter so prudently tempered with sweetness, that Gallus by reading it was at once terrified and persuaded, and immediately set out to return to his wife. Upon which St. Sidonius cried out: “What is more wonderful than a single reprimand, which both affrights a sinner into compunction, and makes him love his censor!”
Quote of the day - Saint Gregory of Nyssa. “33. And even so we say that the true and perfect soul is the human soul, recognized by every operation; and anything else that shares in life we call animate …More
Quote of the day - Saint Gregory of Nyssa.
“33. And even so we say that the true and perfect soul is the human soul, recognized by every operation; and anything else that shares in life we call animate by a sort of customary misuse of language, because in these cases the soul does not exist in a perfect condition, but only certain parts of the operation of the soul, which in man also (according to Moses' mystical account of man's origin) we learn to have accrued when he made himself like this sensuous world. Thus Paul, advising those who were able to hear him to lay hold on perfection, indicates also the mode in which they may attain that object, telling them that they must put off the old man, and put on the man which is renewed after the image of Him that created him (Colossians 3:9-10). 34. Now may we all return to that Divine grace in which God at the first created man, when He said, Let us make man in our image and likeness; to Whom be glory and might for ever and ever. Amen.”
Quote of the day - Pope Innocent VIII. "It has recently come to our ears, not without great pain to us, that in some parts of upper Germany, [...] Mainz, Köln, Trier, Salzburg and Bremen, many persons …More
Quote of the day - Pope Innocent VIII.
"It has recently come to our ears, not without great pain to us, that in some parts of upper Germany, [...] Mainz, Köln, Trier, Salzburg and Bremen, many persons of both sexes, heedless of their own salvation and forsaking the Catholic faith, give themselves over to devils male and female, and by their incantations, charms, and conjurings, and by other abominable superstitions and sortileges, offences, crimes, and misdeeds, ruin and cause to perish the offspring of women, the foal of animals, the products of the earth, the grapes of vine, and the fruits of trees, as well as men and women, cattle and flocks and herds and animals of every kind, vineyards also and orchards, meadows, pastures, harvests, grains and other fruits of the earth; [...]"—Pope Innocent VIII (✝1492), Summis desiderantes (December 5, 1484)
Quote of the day - Saint Augustine. Quote of the day - Saint AugustineMore
Quote of the day - Saint Augustine.
Quote of the day - Saint Augustine
Quote of the day - Saint Cyril of Jerusalem. ond series, vol. 7 (1894), pp. 26-8. ): "But shun every diabolical operation, and believe not the apostate Serpent, whose transformation from a good nature …More
Quote of the day - Saint Cyril of Jerusalem.
ond series, vol. 7 (1894), pp. 26-8. ): "But shun every diabolical operation, and believe not the apostate Serpent, whose transformation from a good nature was of his own free choice: who can persuade the willing, but can compel no one. Also give heed neither to observations of the stars nor auguries, nor omens, nor to the fabulous divinations of the Greeks. Witchcraft, and enchantment, and the wicked practices of necromancy, admit not even to a hearing."
Quote of the day - Saint Pope St. Leo IX. on the gates of hellMore
Quote of the day - Saint Pope St. Leo IX.
on the gates of hell