Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)
English Catholic
The YouTube link to Climate: The Movie, has been hijacked by the BBC for sponsored lengthy propaganda lectures, disguised as adverts, attempting to …More
The YouTube link to Climate: The Movie, has been hijacked by the BBC for sponsored lengthy propaganda lectures, disguised as adverts, attempting to undermine the movie. Is this what UK taxpayers pay their licence fee for? The version above has not been tampered with by the BBC. Sadly, the film contains a reference to evolution, but then as far as I am aware, the makers are not Catholic, otherwise it is very good.
Keep an eye on this organisation C40 Cities - A global network of mayors taking urgent climate action London Mayor Sadiq Khan is one of the Co-Chairs The C40 Co-Chairs - Leadership - C40 Cities and …More
Keep an eye on this organisation C40 Cities - A global network of mayors taking urgent climate action London Mayor Sadiq Khan is one of the Co-Chairs The C40 Co-Chairs - Leadership - C40 Cities and also on the Steering Committee: Steering Committee Archive - C40 Cities There is lots more information about C40 funders and partners on the site – many of the usual suspects - such as the Open Society Foundation (Soros) and the Clinton Foundation.

C40 Cities - A global network of mayors taking urgent climate action

C40 is a global network of mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis. Learn More…

Former News Producer: BBC Doubling Down on Fact Checking Operations Is ‘Chilling’

Critics claim a public broadcaster fact checking service is ‘prejudiced agenda’ and is ‘leading the charge against …
GOOD! Common sense triumphs (for once).

Shamima Begum loses bid to challenge removal of British citizenship

Shamima Begum has lost her initial bid to challenge the removal of her British citizenship at the Supreme Court. Last year, Ms Begum …
Vanquish or Die: The True Story of the Vendee Uprising (An Independent Film)

Vanquish or Die: The True Story of the Vendee Uprising (An Independent Film)

This film tells a story from the French Revolution. The Revolution was a godless New Order born from the Enlightenment, which …

Prevent Genocide 2030

Before delving into the history of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, it is noted that Tedros has been known to accuse those who unearth unflattering information about him as having a “…
The Wandering Recluse
It seems we have all the wrong people in all the right places.
From The Remnant: NFL Player Scolds Cardinal Dolan, Irish PM Resigns in Disgrace, Congressman Exposes WHO Treaty’s Pro-abort Agenda
So much for all this 'overpopulation' which is allegedly contributing to so-called 'climate change'.

Terrifying threat of 'underpopulation' laid bare in startling graphs

Three in four countries face the threat of 'underpopulation' by 2050 because of the world's plummeting birth rates, shock research …
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis has not accepted an invitation to travel to Moscow in June to meet with Vladimir Putin, the director of the Holy See press office said. A report on the website of …More
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis has not accepted an invitation to travel to Moscow in June to meet with Vladimir Putin, the director of the Holy See press office said.
A report on the website of Intelligence Online, a French journal, "does not correspond to the truth," Matteo Bruni told reporters March 20.

Vatican says pope has not accepted invitation to go to Russia - Detroit Catholic

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis has not accepted an invitation to travel to Moscow in June to meet with Vladimir Putin …
Dubious apparition website 'Countdown to the Kingdom' (CTTK) is obviously getting edgy about recent criticisms regarding its work. But in trying to defend itself, it has unwittingly revealed that although it …More
Dubious apparition website 'Countdown to the Kingdom' (CTTK) is obviously getting edgy about recent criticisms regarding its work. But in trying to defend itself, it has unwittingly revealed that although it claims to accept the declarations of legitimate ecclesiastical authority - it appears not to, and goes on arguing the case for the authenticity of the alleged seers, which if CTTK were obeying Church teaching, it simply wouldn't do. One example (out of quite a few):
Bishop Marco Salvi of Civita Castellana, the diocese that includes Trevignano Romano, said that he had established a commission of experts in theology, canon law and psychology in April 2023 to investigate the claims of one Gisella Cardia (a.k.a. Maria Giuseppe Scarpulla) who was claiming to have apparitions of Our Lady, after a visit to Medjugorje. And on March 6th 2024, the diocese published its results, decreeing a “constat de non supernaturalitate,” verdict: (the non-supernaturality has been proven).
Yet since then …More
English Catholic
Screenshots taken 20th March 2024.
Medjugorje Complete: The Definitive Account of the Visions and Visionaries Paperback – by Donal Anthony Foley Medjugorje Complete: The Definitive Account of the Visions and Visionaries looks at the …More
Medjugorje Complete: The Definitive Account of the Visions and Visionaries Paperback – by Donal Anthony Foley
Medjugorje Complete: The Definitive Account of the Visions and Visionaries looks at the alleged visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Medjugorje, their origins, and their impact on the Catholic Church. It is an expanded, revised, and updated version of two previous works, Understanding Medjugorje and Medjugorje Revisited, published in 2006 and 2011 respectively.
Medjugorje Complete focuses on the transcripts of the original tapes of the visionaries made in June 1981. It also looks at the credibility of the visions and the visionaries, demonstrating serious problems in accepting Medjugorje as genuine. It also examines the role of theologians and the Hercegovina Franciscans in promoting Medjugorje, and its tangled historical and religious background, as well as its links with the Charismatic Renewal. In sum, it examines all the relevant evidence about Medjugorje, and concludes that …More
Medjugorje: The First Twenty-One Years (1981-2002): A Source-Based Contribution to the Definitive History,by Michael Davies (Author), Foreword by Peter Kwasniewski. This book-the definitive version of …More
Medjugorje: The First Twenty-One Years (1981-2002): A Source-Based Contribution to the Definitive History,by Michael Davies (Author), Foreword by Peter Kwasniewski.
This book-the definitive version of Michael Davies's study of the Medjugorje phenomenon, a revision of which he was preparing right up to his death in 2004 - is a valuable contribution to the growing literature on the subject. Although it covers only the period from 1981 to 2002, Medjugorje: The First Twenty-One Years brings together and offers incisive observations on material that other treatments summarize rapidly or even omit altogether. It must be remembered that Michael's Croatian wife, Maria, was in a unique position to assist Michael with access to an abundance of information in her native language that would have been, and often still is, a closed book to researchers from other countries. In its provision of original sources and with its judicious observations, Medjugorje: The First Twenty-One Years adds richness to …More
Prayer for the Canonisation of Rafael, Cardinal Merry del Val Most Holy Redeemer and Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst vouchsafe to endow Thy servant Cardinal Merry del Val with choicest gifts so that from …More
Prayer for the Canonisation of Rafael, Cardinal Merry del Val
Most Holy Redeemer and Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst vouchsafe to endow Thy servant Cardinal Merry del Val with choicest gifts so that from the height of his dignity should shine the priestly virtues of charity, of zeal for the salvation of souls and of Christian mortification, we beseech Thee, if it be in conformity with Thy Holy Will that Thou wouldst glorify Him on earth by granting through his intercession the favour that we fervently implore of Thy most Sacred Heart, to Thy glory and to the glory of the Mother of Sorrows whom he so tenderly loved and honoured on earth. Amen.
English Catholic
The Cause of Cardinal Merry del Val's canonization was introduced on 26 February 1953, under the pontificate of Pope Pius XII. He therefore has the …More
The Cause of Cardinal Merry del Val's canonization was introduced on 26 February 1953, under the pontificate of Pope Pius XII. He therefore has the honorific title, Servant of God.
English Catholic
Litany of Humility by Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val (Secretary of State to Pope Saint Pius X): Litany of Humility | EWTN
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Archbishop statement on The Mission of Divine Mercy - Archdiocese of San Antonio + official documents of the revocation of Fr Foster's public ministry.
English Catholic
Revocation of Fr Foster's public ministry - official documents
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Part Three: What lies behind every deception? How can we tell what comes from hell? The "DW" gives a case study.
MISSION OF DIVINE MERCY 'LOCUTIONS': A message from Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, MSpS, concerning the publication of the alleged prophetic messages from the Mission of Divine Mercy, San Antonio.
3 pages
English Catholic
The Archbishop's statement is also available on the diocesan website: Archbishop statement on The Mission of Divine Mercy - Archdiocese of San Antonio
3 more comments
From The Remnant: Ireland Fights Back, Canada Outlaws Free Speech, Orthodox Church Terminates Dialogue with Pope

Ireland Fights Back, Canada Outlaws Free Speech, Orthodox Church Terminates Dialogue with Pope

Great news just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, the Irish people have totally rejected a Christophobic …
Certain commenters have been promoting on Gloria TV the false apparition website called 'Countdown to the Kingdom' (CTTK) and those who comment on it, such as Daniel O'Connor, Mark Mallett, Christine …More
Certain commenters have been promoting on Gloria TV the false apparition website called 'Countdown to the Kingdom' (CTTK) and those who comment on it, such as Daniel O'Connor, Mark Mallett, Christine Watkins and Peter Bannister. This video clearly shows the scandalous disobedience, divisiveness and misinformation emanating from CTTK and how much credence should be given to it, and its contributors, i.e. NONE.
English Catholic
Interestingly, this video was made by Divine Will Era Ministries (who promote Luisa Piccaretta's Divine Will devotion) but it was made well before the …More
Interestingly, this video was made by Divine Will Era Ministries (who promote Luisa Piccaretta's Divine Will devotion) but it was made well before the recent Vatican clampdown, suspending Luisa's Cause, refusing the Nihil Obstat, and finding "Theological, Christological, and Anthropological Difficulties" in her writings. Let's see if Divine Will Era Ministries practise what they preach now, and accept the DDF and DCS declarations, or like CTTK (which also promotes Luisa/Divine Will) take up a stance opposing legitimate ecclesiastical authority.

Lettre ouverte au directeur général de l'OMS ... Open letter to the Director General of WHO

To the World Health Organization H.E. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Office of the Director General Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva - Switzerland Subject: Open letter on violating a procedural obligation …More
To the
World Health Organization
H.E. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Office of the Director General
Avenue Appia 20
1211 Geneva - Switzerland
Open letter on violating a procedural obligation in the amendment process of the International Health Regulations (2005) by the WGIHR Salzburg, 6th of March 2024
Dear Dr. Tedros, our Agency devotes its work to institutional transparency and responsibility in global health and is highly concerned about the intention of the ‘Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations’ (WGIHR) to submit a draft resolution on the final package of the amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR) only at the very start of the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA). To be lawful, any procedures to amend the IHR have to be carried out in accordance with legal requirements set out in the IHR itself as the applicable lex specialis regime. The relevant Art. 55 para. 2 IHR reads as follows: “The text of any proposed amendment shall …More
English Catholic Please pick up on this - this is urgent
Bishop near Rome decrees alleged Medjugorje spin-off Marian apparitions ‘not supernatural’ (constat de non supernaturalitate) ' the non-supernaturality has been proven.' Madonna of Trevignano, definitive …More
Bishop near Rome decrees alleged Medjugorje spin-off Marian apparitions ‘not supernatural’ (constat de non supernaturalitate) ' the non-supernaturality has been proven.' Madonna of Trevignano, definitive verdict of the bishop on the apparitions: “Nothing supernatural” and Bishop near Rome decrees alleged Marian apparitions 'not supernatural' - Catholic Review

Bishop near Rome decrees alleged Marian apparitions 'not supernatural' - Catholic Review

Since 2016, Gisella Cardia has claimed to be seeing visions of the Virgin Mary in the central Italian town of …
English Catholic
@Kunst und die schönen Dinge Yes it does. Cardia started her fraud immediately after a visit to Medjugorje. She also uses a statue from Medjugorje (the …More
@Kunst und die schönen Dinge Yes it does. Cardia started her fraud immediately after a visit to Medjugorje. She also uses a statue from Medjugorje (the Tihaljina statue) for her performances.
Kunst und die schönen Dinge
It has nothing to do with Medjugorje, does it? But they are both false anyway.