
Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

I don't see your point. A "late term" child is the same child it was early on.

Nick Sandmann Speaks Out On Viral Encounter With Nathan Phillips

The kid acted like an intelligent young man.

He gets so tickled. Joy

Little angel.

Modern Catholic Iconography and Catholic Art | Mary Jane Miller

There have not been too few images of women in icons. Why would you even express your opinion as a fact?

Pagan Celebration In Greek-Orthodox Cathedral

Is it surprising that a schismatic church allows paganism.

Argentinean Bishop Needs Cash For Jazz Mass

No mas, no mas.

‘No Gay Priests,’ Says Pope Francis

Francis would be more convincing if he put the breaks on Fr. Martin, SJ prancing around the world preaching the gospel of homosexuality.

First Gay Mass in St Ignatius, New York

Nothing better than a bunch of not-quite-right people in mortal sin praising the Lord.

Dutch Bishops: “The Time For Apologising Is Over”

The time has come to reject homosexual candidates for the priesthood--oh, and heretics too.

Francis: "Differences" With Protestants Are Not "Divisions"

Oh yes, there is a great divide between heretics and Catholics. The so-called pope is merely misinformed.

Francis Mouthpiece, "The Pope Draws Energy From Conflict"

Francis must be careful that he does not draw energy from Satan.

Pro-Gay Cardinal Farrell Displays His Gay-Connections at World Meeting of Families

Ray Dever's boy thinks he is a girl and Ray appears to not care. Dever is active in New Ways Ministry, an organization condemned by the church.

Pro-Gay World Meeting of Families - No Interest Among Catholics

The crowd is made up of all old people. Never say die.

Seminary under McCarrick rife with secrecy, fear, ex-priest recalls

It's never a good idea to link to the National [un]Catholic Reporter.

We will never, never FORGET !! We will never, never FORGET !! George Stinney Jr, of African descent,…

Oddly, nothing is said about whether the boy was guilty or not.