Become a Proxy of God in this World

Scanning the NewAdent Catholic encyclopedia on 'parables', the parable of the 10 virgins seems as Father Nay preached and also about taking care to be prepared for an unexpected final judgement. Others may (and do indeed) attempt to diminish the oil supply/perseverance and joy in the vigil-keeping for the coming of the Lord. May we all be humble and dwell consistently in the grace of God, stay on …More
Scanning the NewAdent Catholic encyclopedia on 'parables', the parable of the 10 virgins seems as Father Nay preached and also about taking care to be prepared for an unexpected final judgement. Others may (and do indeed) attempt to diminish the oil supply/perseverance and joy in the vigil-keeping for the coming of the Lord. May we all be humble and dwell consistently in the grace of God, stay on fire with the Holy Spirit, and firmly grafted onto the Body of Christ. Thanks be to God the Father for Jesus and the Holy Spirit and Our Lady and all the Holy Angels and Saints interceding on our behalf. Peace.

Worry about Your Souls! Father Reto Nay 28th of June 2011 Sedrun, Switzerland

+Peace! Was just pondering the issue of the immortal soul and how many live as if they don't have a soul or don't spend time preparing their souls. The body can be such a great distraction. I haven't much philosphical knowledge, but knew the Greeks and Hebrew scholars grappled with it. Googled 'the immortal soul'. The Greek refers to it as 'the vital breath' yet we understand it as incorporeal - …More
+Peace! Was just pondering the issue of the immortal soul and how many live as if they don't have a soul or don't spend time preparing their souls. The body can be such a great distraction. I haven't much philosphical knowledge, but knew the Greeks and Hebrew scholars grappled with it. Googled 'the immortal soul'. The Greek refers to it as 'the vital breath' yet we understand it as incorporeal - not based in physical reality but transcends time and space. Blessed be God.

No Father - No Truth. Father Reto Nay 7th of June 2011 Sedrun, Switzerland

+Praise God, praise God, praise God for His brilliance. Reducing the universe to nothing without the Father and therefore there being no truth struck me like a smackdown of a Jewish Nobel Winner in Physics who claimed in a tedtalk in 2007 there is truth and beauty in physics and God is not necessary to explain the accidents or holes in the fundamental theories....hope he accepts the grace to repent …More
+Praise God, praise God, praise God for His brilliance. Reducing the universe to nothing without the Father and therefore there being no truth struck me like a smackdown of a Jewish Nobel Winner in Physics who claimed in a tedtalk in 2007 there is truth and beauty in physics and God is not necessary to explain the accidents or holes in the fundamental theories....hope he accepts the grace to repent and his great knowledge isn't a millstone for eternity. Thanks be to God for your preaching Fr. Nay!

If Somebody does not Remain in Christ, He will be Thrown into Fire

I'm reminded of St. Joan: "If I am not in the grace of God, I pray the Lord to put me there. If I am in the grace of God, I pray the Lord to keep me there." Always good to preach on the 4 last things. Any Christian who knows how to beg for mercy and show it to others surely has a good shot at making it to purgatory. One Xaverian said be sure to repent of all mortal sins but don't worry if you've …More
I'm reminded of St. Joan: "If I am not in the grace of God, I pray the Lord to put me there. If I am in the grace of God, I pray the Lord to keep me there." Always good to preach on the 4 last things. Any Christian who knows how to beg for mercy and show it to others surely has a good shot at making it to purgatory. One Xaverian said be sure to repent of all mortal sins but don't worry if you've got thousands of years in purgatory! I thank God that Our Lady, the Holy Angels, and the saints are interceding. At least the sufferings endured for the glory of God are efficacious in eternity and God provides all graces necessary. Life seems to pass much more quickly when it's spent redeeming the time by praising God.

Judgment against Austrian Pro-Lifers

Peace! Good news when peaceful pro-life protesters are being subject to persecution. Sounds to me that the judge is not pro-life, hence the costly verdict despite the evidence for those keeping a regular peaceful protest. Possibly grounds for a counter-suit for harassment and violation of civil rights to peacefully protest an grievous injustice (unborn death penalty). Stalking has a broad definition -More
Peace! Good news when peaceful pro-life protesters are being subject to persecution. Sounds to me that the judge is not pro-life, hence the costly verdict despite the evidence for those keeping a regular peaceful protest. Possibly grounds for a counter-suit for harassment and violation of civil rights to peacefully protest an grievous injustice (unborn death penalty). Stalking has a broad definition - commonly used to refer to unwanted, obsessive attention by individuals (and sometimes groups of people) to others. In our country, we're required to stay at a goodly distance to lessen any feeling of being threatened by those entering clinics and they're at liberty to approach for information or not.

Pentecost Homily dispirited world Spirit filled Church

Thanks be to God for your preaching. There are real reasons to have a bleak outlook per a CIA report on geopolitics. Best not to put one's hope alone in this world alone. Keep the faith!

Vienna Western Mass 2011 Is Cancelled

+Actually probably better to offer the sacrament of confession outdoors on Saturday as a witness. I've seen it done on a secular college campus. Hope the portion of the faithful who I presume were the primary audience can now get to another Holy Mass on Sunday.

God Gives Us Many Possibilities to Love Him or Not to Love Him. You have to decide

+Thanks be to God for your preaching, Fr. Nay. So true. When trying to keep God at the center, the world will try to pull you off-center. Secular science would have you doubt having a soul or a Creator so it's an ongoing and fierce battle with those who think faith and science are mutually exclusive. Pascal's wager doesn't seem to convince even the dying as you mentioned. Really shook me to hear …More
+Thanks be to God for your preaching, Fr. Nay. So true. When trying to keep God at the center, the world will try to pull you off-center. Secular science would have you doubt having a soul or a Creator so it's an ongoing and fierce battle with those who think faith and science are mutually exclusive. Pascal's wager doesn't seem to convince even the dying as you mentioned. Really shook me to hear another preacher say if we get hardened to our sins and turn from God, we become like the demons who were created good in the beginning. Also appreciate the encouragement that God doesn't want slaves. Love is to be the primary motivation for seeking union with God. Peace.

Błogosławiona jest nasza nicość, poniważ może ona być wypełniona Duchem Swiętym

+Thanking God again for your sharing the recollections with us. Helps to know to cherish that desolation feeling. Sounds like monastic wisdom. Quite a challenge to be both clever yet more simple. I have to remember God's wisdom surpasses all human wisdom - especially as the sheer volume of knowledge can be distracting from obedience. The simpler the better. Thank God for scholars who can distill …More
+Thanking God again for your sharing the recollections with us. Helps to know to cherish that desolation feeling. Sounds like monastic wisdom. Quite a challenge to be both clever yet more simple. I have to remember God's wisdom surpasses all human wisdom - especially as the sheer volume of knowledge can be distracting from obedience. The simpler the better. Thank God for scholars who can distill the wisdom of God for us. May God reward you.

Two Things that do not Really Belong Together

+Thanks be to God, Fr. Nay. Words that pierced the darkness and the emptyness of the world. Can only move through the desert of some days hoping for an oasis of grace.

The law was given that grace might be sought; and grace was given, that the law might be fulfilled

+Thanks be to God for your homilies. Got the point. It is frustrating. Not sure I'm doing impossible things but certainly things I never imagined I could do. Peace!

Eight Beatitudes – The Only Way to Happiness

May God reward you! Explains how the last 10yrs have pretty much progressed since my conversion. You love God, do good, and get persecuted for it but you're at peace with God.

Co to znaczy być Chrześcijaninem?

Praise God. Thank you for posting this homily. Spirit-filled and converting to live and think like an apostle. The temptation to react to evil is truly difficult. Law of the jungle guides the world. Didn't mention the wolves in sheeps clothing in the Church being real too. It's often a lonely human journey but filled with the greatest love of God for consolation. Peace!

Renounce The Wait in Your Soul. Father Reto Nay 18th of February 2011 Sedrun, Switzerland

Thanks be to God for your homilies. I try to dig down around the roots of pride, anger, envy, greed, gluttony, sloth, and lust when I confess but it's hard not to rationalize or mitigate sin when it's really about a lack of love for God. The attachments to the world seem like invisible chains but I trust the Lord will set me free to serve Him.

Pięć kazań z Ewangelii wg św. Mateusza

+Praise God! For me this was the perfect homily, like getting baptized again. May God reward you. I have confessed weekly for about 9yrs as that was advised as the best way to draw closer to Jesus and it's true...it's one humbling failure after another and you realize how much you need the grace to do what God asks as it generally seems impossible and the virtues are all difficult when tested by …More
+Praise God! For me this was the perfect homily, like getting baptized again. May God reward you. I have confessed weekly for about 9yrs as that was advised as the best way to draw closer to Jesus and it's true...it's one humbling failure after another and you realize how much you need the grace to do what God asks as it generally seems impossible and the virtues are all difficult when tested by those who target you with hatred for simply being at peace with God or associated with an imperfect Church or sincerely practicing the faith. Lord have mercy. We're all works in progress but joyfully in the Holy Spirit's hands. Peace!

Playing the piano. The more miserable, the better. Fr Reto Nay 14th of June 2008 Sedrun, Tujetsch, …

Blessed be God. Thank you again, Father. Seems hard to grasp the glory of the Lord. I tend to think nothing on earth compares. All I can think of is it will be the uncreated Light and a lightness of being because we can join fully into the eternal Love that is possible without any fear of sin. Memorable phrases "become powerful victims of God's mercy, grace and blessings" and God's mercy fills the …More
Blessed be God. Thank you again, Father. Seems hard to grasp the glory of the Lord. I tend to think nothing on earth compares. All I can think of is it will be the uncreated Light and a lightness of being because we can join fully into the eternal Love that is possible without any fear of sin. Memorable phrases "become powerful victims of God's mercy, grace and blessings" and God's mercy fills the chasm between us and Him. I think of how hard it is to relate to people because of differences in knowledge yet the Lord who knows all things will reconcile all who are being saved. Our awesome God bridges all gaps :-).

True Mercy. Father Reto Nay 25th of July 2010 Balti, Moldova

Thanking God for you, Fr. Nay. I just started laughing as you described it exactly as it happens...and even among those who think it only natural to fleece the sheep to the point of drawing blood, figuratively-speaking of course. No such blessing to be a martyr yet but have run for more Divine Mercy and stoking up for the next time the Lord wants it to be poured out. May God reward you.

The Little Ones. Father Reto Nay 25th of February 2011 Sedrun, Switzerland

Thanks be to God for your preaching Fr. Nay. Again, I've never heard this Scripture preached this way and it makes beautiful spiritual sense. I rejoice any time I get to share Jesus with others but I'm still afraid to bring Him up when I sense I'm among folks who get uncomfortable just seeing my San Damiano cross or a smiling face...Mystifies me. I figure the Spirit may be smiting them and maybe …More
Thanks be to God for your preaching Fr. Nay. Again, I've never heard this Scripture preached this way and it makes beautiful spiritual sense. I rejoice any time I get to share Jesus with others but I'm still afraid to bring Him up when I sense I'm among folks who get uncomfortable just seeing my San Damiano cross or a smiling face...Mystifies me. I figure the Spirit may be smiting them and maybe they're angry with God, etc. I know we're supposed to consider anger a part of human nature but I'm at a loss so rely on the Spirit to do the needed healing to make way for receptivity to Jesus by someone else if I don't get the opportunity.

Do not Eat Raw Potatoes. Don Reto Nay 11th of August 2010 Balti, Moldova

This is the 2nd time I've listened and truly brings a great blessing of conversion for me to persevere and put first things first. Each moment given us is precious and may glorify the Lord. His Light also burns brightest in the darkness..not to be afraid. May God reward you! May the Lord grant us all to serve Him with good zeal.

You have two solution. But should convince yourself to use the second one. Father Reto Nay 5th of July …

Blessed be God! That was awe-inspiring. I haven't heard the saints or angels - though might have heard an angel one Christmas...takes a bit of work to find churches that are silent and left open for prayer in the States...Pretty sure I'm hearing from the Holy Trinity though and it is incredible balm to a wounded soul to know God is waiting and listening and loving us all. May God reward you!