Head Covering - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why have Catholic women traditionally worn hats in church? Are bareheaded women forbidden to enter Catholic churches? The Apostle Paul explains that …

Proof for God - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Catholics believe that the universe is the creation, and the exclusive dominion, of an infinitely powerful Spirit Being, called God, because the evidence …

God the Son - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Catholics believe that Jesus was God the Son, incarnate in human flesh, firstly because God’s physical manifestation on earth, plus all the circumstances …

Baptism by Total Immersion - The Catholic Church has the Answer

The Bible says that after Christ was baptized He “came out of the water” (Matt. 3:16), indicating that He was baptized by total immersion …

Infant Baptism - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why does the Catholic Church baptize infants, who have no understanding of what is taking place? The Catholic Church baptizes infants because Christ …

Mass Stipend - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why must Catholics pay money for a Mass that is offered up for deceased relatives and friends when the Bible states that the gift of God is not to be …

Confession - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why do Catholics confess their sins to priests? What makes them think that priests can absolve them of the guilt of their sins? Why don’t they confess …

Fasting from Meat - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why do Catholics practice fasting and abstinence from meat on certain days? Does not St. Paul call abstaining from meats a “doctrine of devils”? …

Holy Trinity - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Catholics believe there is one God consisting of three distinct and equal divine Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – because on numerous occasions …

Consecrated Bread and Wine - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why are Catholic lay people usually given Holy Communion only under the one form of bread? By not giving the consecrated bread and wine, …

Sacraments - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why do Catholics believe in seven sacraments, while Protestants believe in only two? Exactly what is a sacrament, and what does it do for a person? Catholics …

Good Works - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why do Catholics believe that good works are necessary for salvation! Does not Paul say in Romans 3:28 that faith alone justifies! Catholics believe that …

Bible Reading - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why does the Catholic Church discourage Bible reading when, according to the Apostle, “All scripture, inspired of God, is profitable to teach…[and] to …

Holy Communion - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why do Catholics believe their Holy Communion is the actual Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ? Why don’t they believe as Protestants do that Christ is …

Priestly Marriage - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why don’t Catholic priests marry? The Bible says that a bishop should be “blameless, the husband of one wife” (1 Tim. 3:2), which certainly …

Tradition - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why does the Catholic Church base some of her doctrines on tradition instead of basing them all on the Bible? Did Christ not tell the Pharisees that in …

Papal Infallibility - The Catholic Church has the Answer

The doctrine of Papal Infallibility does not mean the Pope is always right in all his personal teachings. Catholics are quite aware that, despite …

Protestant Reformation - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Catholics refuse to concede such a thing out of faith in Jesus Christ. Christ solemnly pledged that the gates of Hell would never prevail …

The Mass - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why do Catholics believe that Christ is sacrificed in each and every Mass, when Scripture plainly states that He was sacrificed on Calvary once and for all?

First Pope - The Catholic Church has the Answer

True, the word “Pope” doesn’t appear in the Bible – but then neither do the words “Trinity,” “Incarnation,” “Ascension” and “Bible” appear in the …