The Catholic Answers

Is it not the main function of your Church to support the ruling classes, and to keep the poor in …

No. The main function of the Catholic Church in relation to all classes of society has ever been to …

Do the souls of Protestants go to purgatory?

All souls, whether of Protestants or of Catholics, or of any other religion, will go to purgatory if they are not good enough for heaven at the moment of …

The laws of nature regulate all and I worship only at her altars.

Laws don’t float round without a lawgiver. If nature has laws they have been imposed by a lawgiver. All legislation supposes a legislator …

Christ said, “Fear not, little flock.”

The Church was a little flock at the time Christ spoke, for it was in the seedling stage. But even the vast grown tree can be called a little flock. The Catholic …

Ingersoll says that it is monstrous that future happiness should depend upon belief.

Is that so! Then even if you prove to demonstration that God has said a thing, you need not believe it! You may call …

Must we believe the account of the fall of man?

Yes. And facts confirm it. I shall deal with this topic later. Radio Replies Volume 1 by Rev. Dr. Leslie Rumble MSC and Rev. Charles Mortimer Carty Boost …

Is there any fundamental difference between Jesus and Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and other great …

There are many and vast differences. Socrates and others taught the uncertain philosophical conclusions …

Have not downright absurdities been tagged on to the teachings of Jesus?

They have—but not by the Catholic Church. And remember that greater absurdities still have been put forward by pretended human …

So you expect to get redemption on the nod! You are fortunate.

I am. And not a soul will be saved who does not owe it to the death of Christ on the cross, and who will not admit that this was a purely …
The Catholic Answers gives you answers to all your Catholic related questions.

The Catholic Answers

Catholic Answers 101 seeks to put a stop to the unfortunate “sheep-stealing” of innocent, unsuspecting Catholics by the many wolves in sheep’s clothing out there. The Death Cookie …

Details of Confession - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Do Catholics confess all the sordid details of their sins to the priest? No, Catholics are instructed NOT to confess the sordid details of their …

Catholics worship Mary? - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why do Catholics worship Mary as though she were a goddess, when it is clear in Scripture that she was not a supernatural being? Catholics DO …

Inquisitions - The Catholic Church has the Answer

A careful, objective investigation of Catholic history will disclose these facts: The so-called worldly popes of the Middle Ages – three in number – …

Advantages of Confession - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Granting that priests do have the power to forgive sins in the name of God, what advantage does confessing one’s sins to a priest have over …

Mary and the Saints - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why do Catholics pray to Mary and the saints when Sacred Scripture states that there is one Mediator between God and man – Christ Jesus? (1 Tim …

Birth Control - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why is the Catholic Church opposed to birth control? Where in the Bible is birth control condemned as being contrary to the Will of God? The Catholic …

Priests as Fathers - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why do Catholics call their priests "Father" despite the fact that Christ said: "Call no man on earth your father; for one is your Father, who is …

Divorce - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why does the Catholic Church make no exceptions when it comes to divorce? Does not the Bible say that Christ permitted divorce in case of fornication? (Matthew …

One True Church - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Catholics believe that theirs is the one true Church of Jesus Christ, firstly, because theirs is the only Christian Church that goes back in history …

Latin Mass - The Catholic Church has the Answer

Why is Latin the language of the Church? How can the congregation understand the Mass whenever it is said in Latin? The Catholic Church began in the days …